
Chapter 26 Ideas About Manufacturing Systems_1

In the afternoon, Qin Ming made another visit to the library. On his way there, his brain was racing. As a time traveler, if he had the capability, he naturally wanted to change the regrets in the Three-Body World. Otherwise, what was the point of traveling through time?

The first regret was Yang Dong's suicide, which would occur in four days. He wanted to save Yang Dong!

Regarding saving someone, Qin Ming had already thought of a reliable solution. Of course, he wouldn't go himself. After all, Yang Dong was not only Ye Wenjie's daughter but also a young and outstanding high-energy physicist, a prime subject of Sophon's attention.

Even with a method to save Yang Dong, he still had no perfect plan on how to be the person behind the scenes.

Upon entering the library, the parents who had brought their children to buy study guides in the morning had mostly gone home, leaving only these cyberpunk fans immersed in reading web novels.

Oh, web novels.

Suddenly, an idea flashed through Qin Ming's mind. There must be one thing in the web novels of his previous life: a Task System. Nine out of ten books mentioned a system, and many protagonists fulfilled tasks given by the system like puppets on strings.

Could he create several Task Systems like a web novel author to covertly manipulate the actions of real-world characters?

He suddenly felt it was a good idea, but there were many challenges with it. First was the form in which the System would exist; second, what kind of technological means would be needed to accomplish its basic functions.

In fact, there was another approach, which was to directly confront Sophon, try to trap or even destroy it, or sever its communication channels with the Trisolarans, but this was no easy task, and possibly even more difficult than creating a system.

In the Three-Body series, Sophon was akin to a bug; it could send information faster than light through quantum entanglement, draw Vacuum Zero-Point Energy from the Dirac Sea to accelerate to near-light speed, and even if shattered by high-energy particles in a large particle accelerator, it could regenerate in one-millionth of a second. Sophon was the pinnacle of Three-Body civilization's technology.

Even hundreds of years later, in the Era of Deterrence when technology had greatly advanced, humans had only just begun to have the capability to shield against Sophons. But it was just shielding—destroying them was still far off, highlighting the vast gap in technological power between the two sides.

With many questions in mind, Qin Ming started reading books in the library, hoping to find some inspiration for solutions.

Time unknowingly passed by two hours. In fact, compared to using Telekinesis, he still preferred reading books with his own eyes.

Qin Ming rubbed his tired eyes. He had a viable plan in mind for how to eliminate Sophons in the future.

The first was matter-antimatter annihilation!

At the moment of contact between a proton and an antiproton, they would turn into energy, neutrinos, and muons. He didn't believe that if a proton turned into energy, it could be restored.

The second was to target quantum communication and sever their communication channels.

The third was to build a proton-shielding room; since protons carry a positive charge, he thought the technology should be related to electromagnetic fields.

Until he had the technology to implement these three methods, he could only influence reality through the system.

As for the creation of the system, Qin Ming had his own ideas. He could use NZT to activate dormant neural cells in people, then utilize these activated cells to form a separate biological computer and program an artificial intelligence system with biotechnology.

Simply put, use a part of the human brain as the hardware for the system, with Qin Ming writing the system's software, and then create something akin to the golden finger system in web novels.

In this way, neither they nor the Trisolaran Sophons would be able to detect the system's existence, because the system was themselves!

Of course, these were still only preliminary ideas, and regarding the scientific technology needed to implement them, he had no clues yet.

The more Qin Ming thought about it, the more he realized his own insignificance. His knowledge was far from sufficient. In the world to come, he would need to light up his own technology tree, research how to cure his own cancer, create a human biological brain system, and so on.

This made him feel an urgency to immediately travel to the next world for research and learning.

The general direction was set; now, the task was to save Yang Dong.


At night, Qin Ming returned home. Passing by his neighbors downstairs, he heard their daily quarrel.

In the middle of the night, a couple from an unknown floor of the tube house were arguing, and three kittens were thrown from upstairs. Two of them landed hard on the ground with shrill cries and limped into the bushes.

One, however, was lucky enough to fall beside Qin Ming's window.

Qin Ming happened to get up to go to the bathroom at the time and saw the kitten out of the corner of his eye when he returned to bed.

It was a white cat, only a few months old, lying motionless beside the bed, apparently frightened or shocked.

He picked up the white cat and found it was a female. The little white cat meowed a few times as if protesting his actions.

"Poor little kitty, you must be hungry."

Talking to himself, Qin Ming set the cat down on the floor. Having bought a carton of lactose-free milk when he got back earlier, after heating the milk with the kettle, he placed the steaming milk in front of Little White.

Faced with the warm food, the hungry Little White relaxed its guard and began licking the milk with its tongue nonstop.

A kind-hearted young man encountering a pitiful kitten—the unfolding of events seemed so natural.

But in fact, this was all part of Qin Ming's plan.

White Cat Special Agent Plan, commence! Code name - 007!