
Thousand Change

Journey of an ordinary boy to extraordinary.

Personifi · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs


"Examinee number 1734 Xen."

"Physique - inferior."

"Mental Power - inferior"

"Aura sensing - inferior"

"Overall Qualifications - inferior."


After a long round of speech, the old man announcing the result looked at the group of children in front of him without any change in his expression. Taking a deep breath, he put his hands on the flat rectangular stone in front of him before announcing the result of others.

On an open field, a group of children was sitting on the ground cross-legged in five rows. Each row had twenty children.

In the middle of the third row was a boy with black hair and blue eyes. One look at him and one could guess his rich background. He was wearing silk clothes with a pendant around his waist upon which a boar was crafted.

Unlike many of the children here, his skin was fair and soft. One look at him and one could guess he never did any hard work in his life. Right now his face was ashen. After listening to his result and inferior qualifications, there was despair in his eyes.

No one laughed at his state. Right now everyone was nervous. Those who were qualified were crying tears of joy while those who were disqualified were crestfallen.

"Qualified people can follow me. Rest can go back."

The old man who looked to be in his 70's put the stone inside his long black robe and walked away from there. After a brief delay, some of the children stood up and followed him with great excitement.

Xen looked at the group that was following the old man. His sight was blurred because of tears. He could hear muffled groans and sobs from the remaining children. It took a great deal of strength for him to stand up and walk away from that place.

He didn't remember how he got back to his carriage.

"Don't worry fifth master, you are just sixteen, you can still try two more times. Maybe you can join the Sword sect at that time."

The middle-aged man was consoling the young boy in front of him. He said those words just to comfort him. In his heart, he knew that there was no way for the young master to ever walk on the path of cultivation.

Perhaps the young boy in front of him knew this too. That's why instead of making grand speeches about his comeback, he stayed silent. After nodding his head, he stood up, slowly walked away from there, and looked up at the sky.

Sword sect is the most prominent sect in the surrounding two thousand kilometers. Every year it will hold a test to bring qualified children into the sect. Out of two thousand children that take the test, only a few hundred are selected.

Due to his good family background, Xen was lucky enough to get the quota. But who would have thought that he had the most inferior qualifications?

Thinking about his brothers and sisters who were already in the sect, his heart was full of bitterness. Many of his friends were now admitted into the sect, while only he was going back home.

After walking inside the carriage, he glanced at the scene in front of him one last time. There were around twenty people from his house that took part in the test this time. Except for him, all of them were admitted.

On this pitch-black night, the only source of comfort was the bonfire in front of him and some servants who were sitting there talking among themselves.

The young boy closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He remained still for a long time before slowly opening his eyes. Slowly reaching into his robe, he took out a small bundled leaf. Gritting his teeth, he opened it carefully and swallowed the powder inside it. Putting the lead back in his robe, he finally let out a smile.

On this pitch-black night, along with the chirping of insects, his innocent smile was a scene that was full of beauty. But unfortunately, no one was able to see it.


"God damn it. How far is that place? We have been traveling since yesterday."

As soon as Xen opened his eyes, he started cursing. Right now his vision was still blurry. The constant shaking of the vehicle was enough to put anyone in a bad mood.

After rubbing his eyes, Xen took a yawn before talking to himself.

"What a weird dream man. Is that what we call lucid dreaming?"

Last night he had a dream that he was living in another world. His identity there was the fifth master of the Boar family. He took a test, but for some reason was rejected. In the end, he took the poison and ended his life.

"Hehe. Man, I should stop playing those cultivation games."

"And what's with this bus, why is it shaking so....."

Before he could complete his sentence, he was shocked by the scene in front of him. Instead of a bus, he was sitting in a carriage. The curtains of the carriage were closed, so he could not see the scenery outside. But looking at his body which was smaller than before, he was clear about one thing.

"Shit. Did I cross over?"

As a veteran reader and gamer, he was too familiar with this kind of plot. He was always envious of those characters, but when it happened to him, except panic there was nothing else.

"Shit, shit, shit. Calm down. Calm down."

After making sure that he was not dreaming, Xen started breathing heavily.

"God damn it."

After the initial panic, Xen took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. Right now he needs to observe before making any decision. The memories of this body were still playing in his mind like a movie.

While organizing this new memory, there were occasional bursts of exclamation from him. The new world was filled with extraordinary people and powers.


"Young master we are back."

A heavy voice pulled Xen out of his trance into reality. After jumping out of the carriage, the first thing that greeted his sight was a luxurious villa in front of him. The villa was built with stones and woods, giving others a feeling of great beauty.

Looking back, Xen was greeted by a stone wall around two meters high.

"You are back."

Before Xen could process his surroundings, a heavy sound echoed in his ears.


The cavern driver kneeled in front of the middle-aged man.

Looking at the middle-aged man in front of him, there was a great sense of familiarity in Xen's heart. He already knew the identity of the person in front of him.

"Is he the only one?"

The man looked at Xen for a moment before asking the question.

"Yes, master. Except for the fifth master, rest were admitted."

"Not bad. Much better than the previous year."

After nodding his head, the man looked at Xen for a moment before walking away from there.

"Oh boy."

Xen was slowly cursing in his heart. He still needs to process the entire memory. The only thing he knew about the person in front of him was that he was the father of this body.

"Screw everything."

Xen slowly walked towards the direction in his memory. After a few minutes, he reached in front of his room. There was a small wooden latch on the door in front of him. After unlocking it, Xen walked inside his room and locked the door.

Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar room in front of him, he sat on the bed and started organizing his memory.

Time passed in the blink of an eye. By the time he was done digesting the memories, it was already night. Slowly caressing his head, Xen felt a little headache. It was as if he just watched a long eight hours movie.

"Tch. Poor bastard."

The previous body owner was the fifth child of the master of this house. The master of this house had four wives. The first wife gave birth to a boy and a girl, the second gave birth to a girl, the third gave birth to a boy, and the fourth wife gave birth to him. Unfortunately, his mother died during childbirth.

Since childhood, the boy wanted to make his father proud. He would often work harder than others in the hope of his father's affection. But alas, no matter how hard he tried, his father never gave him a second glance.

This sword sect entrance was his last hope. He was sure that his father would be proud of him once he get selected. But alas! His hopes were destroyed the moment he was rejected.

Unable to face his father, he consumed poison and died. It was at that time, Xen arrived in his body.

"Well, I'll be damned. Why do you want your father to be proud of you? I mean the guy never cared about you. Tch, tch. "

Shaking his head Xen cursed the previous body owner.

"The others got selected because they had all the resources from childhood. This poor ghost."

Thinking about the poor conditions of this guy, suddenly Xen had an urge to go back to his previous world. Although he wasn't very rich, at least he had a decent job and a small room.

"Fifth master. It's time for dinner."

A voice suddenly stopped Xen's train of thoughts. Looking at the middle-aged woman in front of him, Xen nodded and signaled her to move forward.

Every family in this world has a custom where the members of the family would eat together. Thinking about the people he had to face now, Xen was suddenly nervous.

Soon they reached a small hall filled with a long table and several chairs. Many servants were putting the food on the table respectfully.

Looking at his 'father' along with his three 'mothers'. Xen gulped hard.

After taking a deep breath, he slowly walked towards them nervously.

"First mother, Second mother, Third mother. Father."

Looking at the four familiar yet unfamiliar faces in front of him, Xen sent a small greeting.


Except for a small nod, there wasn't any other reply. Sitting on the chair, there wasn't any discussion on the table. Unlike other lively days when his 'brothers' and 'sisters' are present, the atmosphere today was bleak.

After finishing the simple porridge that was placed in front of him, Xen was about to stand up and leave when his father suddenly started talking.


"Yes, father."

Although he didn't want to call this guy father, there wasn't any other choice in front of him.

"I received your test result today. I doubt you could ever walk on the path of cultivation."

There was a long silence in the hall. The servants that were working a moment ago all stood still in their place. They knew the fate of the fifth master was going to change from now on.

"Since you can not cultivate, it is better for you to start working for the house."

Xen was listening silently. Right now, the less he speaks, the less his chances of exposure would be.

"There is a small village of Solaris in the northern direction. From tomorrow on you will go and manage that place. The steward will explain the work to you."


Xen didn't say another word. Going away from this place was the best thing for him right now. But looking at the smirk of the three women in front of him along with the shocked expressions of the servants, there was a bad feeling in his heart.

"You can go now."

"Yes, father."

Walking away from there, Xen took a peek back only to discover them talking among themselves.

"Couldn't you have talked in front of me?"

After shaking his head, Xen walked inside his room. After a brief search, he placed two books in front of him. Although the language was different, he could understand every single word written there.

"Well, I guess this is one of the benefits."

Looking at the two books in front of him, there was a smile on his face.

"Regional Areas."

"Introduction to cultivation."