
This Time I Will Survive: Why is Everything Different?

From Mundane Office Worker to Relentless Survivor: Kai's Journey Begins Anew! [Disclaimer: Female Main Character If you do not like females being the main character this book is not for you. Also, if you only like the typical arrogant characters that never have any emotional development this is not for you.] Kai Richards led an ordinary life as a bank employee until an extraordinary phenomenon altered their destiny forever. The appearance of enigmatic towers brought about a ruthless transformation - Kai became an Awakened, a designation bestowed upon them by the government. In this new world, ordinary citizens like Kai were deemed dispensable. However, a fatal encounter with a formidable Rank B creature inside a lowly Rank D dungeon changed everything. In a twist of fate, Kai is granted a second chance, sent back three years into the past. Armed with a resolute determination to survive, they embark on an arduous quest to acquire every skill and knowledge necessary for a fresh lease on life. No longer a disposable pawn thrown into the perilous depths of the Tutorial Towers, Kai seeks to reclaim their agency and defy their predetermined fate. Join Kai on an exhilarating odyssey as they navigate the intricacies of this transformed reality, honing their survival prowess and uncovering the secrets that lie within the towering structures. Prepare for a gripping tale of redemption, self-discovery, and the unyielding pursuit of a brighter future against all odds. Thank you Snoring_Panda for the new cover! Discord Link: https://discord.gg/3AgVEvvrbK

DarkElven6 · Kỳ huyễn
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62 Chs

Clinic Checkup

After eating together we went our separate ways. It felt as though normalcy had returned to our lives by creating this routine. Like we all played this part to return back to a time where our lives were not constantly in danger.

I waved Mat and Callie off until their forms could no longer be made out amongst the crowd. My hand fell to my side almost limp. The smile I had kept on my face fell in the same swoop. The exhaustion I was hiding resurfaced, and the fear, too.

I turned away from the boisterous crowd and silently made my way into the white building on the street. The familiar waiting room did nothing to calm my nerves. Why would it? The only times I came here were when horrible injuries plagued me.

I stepped onto the scanner and held my breath while the green lights scoped out every inch of my body. The machine beeped and 'Low Priority' popped up on the indicator. I wasn't hurt this time, but it seemed like I could still visit the doctor despite that.