
This Game Is Sooo Real!

Light Chu, who accidentally ended up in a world of post-apocalyptic wastelands, unlocked the Sanctuary System, and was able to summon a bunch of mysterious creatures named "Gamer" from the parallel world. From that on, this whole world became weird... Why this game is so real!? Carrying bricks, running errands, collecting trashes, working as express couriers.....Normal companies can at the most force you to work 12x6 per week, but here you can feel the extra-buffed version of a 24x7 workload. K, stop bullshitting, the Mighty Governor is sending me to carry bricks. Governor has said, as long as we keep working hard and SASAGEYO, next month he can own another brand new power suit! At that time, he will lead us in pioneering the brand new map area, then we can collect much much more trashes on the vast world of wastelands! ......

Daoist530340 · Khoa huyễn
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63 Chs

Chapter 7: Punch the tree to get rich

Without rules, there can be no order.

Especially for gamers who are enthusiastic troublemakers, there should be no room for leniency.

[Sanctuary Residents Handbook, Version 1.0]

[1. The commands of the governor supersede everything; all residents of the sanctuary must obey unconditionally.]

[2. For residents who violate the rules, the governor reserves the right to use "forced hibernation" or "confinement" as a final measure. (Note: Forced hibernation is equivalent to force quitting, while confinement refers to banning login privileges.)]

[3. The governor has the final authority to interpret all of the above clauses.]

Being kicked out of the game for violating rules is a power not usually possessed by ordinary NPCs.

After reading the note following the second clause of the Sanctuary Residents Handbook, the gamers finally understood that this NPC was not just an NPC but also had some of the Game Master's powers, capable of "banning" individuals who were affecting the gaming experience of other gamers.

For now, there are only these three rules while the gamer population is small. If there is a need for additional rules in the future, Light Chu will consider releasing version 2.0 or even version 20.0.

For example, regulations for gamer-to-gamer interactions, rules for interactions with NPCs, and prohibited activities within the game, among others.

Before the Alpha Test, there will be a closed beta test, partly for this reason.

The space inside the sanctuary is not large, with about twenty rooms that appear to be quite numerous, but in reality, each room is very small, filled to the brim with four cultivation chambers.

The previous governor seemed to fear that Light Chu would slack off and eat for free here, so he cleaned out the entire B1 level, not leaving behind anything of value.

Light Chu didn't stay inside the sanctuary for too long. After explaining the rules, he took the four individuals and Qi and stepped onto the elevator that led to the outside world.

These four gamers in the closed beta were still obedient, giving Light Chu face, although their curiosity was a bit overwhelming.

From the moment their feet touched the ground, they were like astonished but in an extreme positive way, touching and examining everything along the way.

Every cell in their bodies was restless!

The elevator stopped.

As they looked at the sunlight streaming through the broken windows and shining on the floor in front of the elevator, the four players couldn't help but exclaim in awe at the sight they had never seen before.


"This light! This wall! This, this, this..."

"This is too awesome!"

"The sunlight passing through the cracks of the concrete ruins, illuminating the little grass sprouting from the floor, visible dust particles floating in the beam of light... Every frame is art, every second is the burning of resources!"

"Awesome! Our brother See is cultured!"

"Get lost, call me Brother Tomorrow!"

"Okay, Brother You."


A group of inexperienced guys...

Light Chu found it amusing, but he could also understand. He pretended not to hear anything and fulfilled his duty as an NPC, leading them to the outside of the infirmary.

Looking at the tools placed on the ground, Light Chu turned around to face them.

"As you can see, the nuclear war ended two hundred years ago."

"The place we are currently in is located in the northern suburbs of Springvale, far away from the nuclear bomb craters. Unless we encounter 'glowing rain' or visibly radioactive clouds, there is no need to worry about excessive gamma radiation."

"The sanctuary cannot protect us forever, and our civilization cannot hide beneath the ruins forever. Remember, we are the vanguard of returning to the surface, and behind us are thousands of people waiting for good news. There is no time to waste."

"The first thing we need to do now is to repair the sanatorium beneath our feet and establish an outpost on this wasteland."

"It will become the bridgehead for our return to the surface."

"I entrust you with a task: pick up the axes on the ground and go outside to chop some wood."

"Before winter comes, we need to stockpile enough fuel and repair the broken walls around us."

"Remember not to go too far and not to act recklessly when encountering mutants. Withdraw immediately."


Light Chu thought he would have to convince them with words, but to his surprise, these players were even more obedient than he had imagined. They promptly picked up the axes and went out to work.

Their actions were so swift, as if they couldn't wait for him to finish speaking, afraid of delaying their work.

"Master, are these guys really okay?" Qi, who was following beside him, expressed his concern. It felt to him that these clones were not quite normal in the head.

"That's why I asked you to come along," Light Chu looked up at the sanatorium behind him, paused for a moment, and continued, "You go to the north-facing window on the third floor and keep an eye on them. If they encounter any problems or go too far, alert me."

As for himself, he needed to check the rewards for completing the task first.

The waste paper basket beside Light Chu remained motionless.

After a while, Qi spoke up in a low voice.


"What's wrong?"

"Well, I can't move."

The moving waste paper basket circled around Chu Guang's legs, demonstrating its method of movement. It was at that moment that Chu Guang noticed that this little guy had always been gliding on four sets of casters.

"...Alright, I'll carry you up."

Light Chu sighed.

He squatted down and hoisted it onto his shoulder.


It was quite heavy.




A thick tree trunk slowly fell and crashed onto the ground, making a dull sound.

"I don't think this looks like a wasteland."

"What does it look like?"

"More like a forest... I mean, it's like 'The Forest.' I don't know if you guys have played it, where you chop trees and build houses."

"The ultimate multiplayer game, of course I've played it. Not only that, I even built my house in the sky. But building houses there is much simpler, just click with the mouse, unlike here... damn, this axe is quite heavy."

"Speaking of the game design, I actually find it quite realistic. I remember watching a documentary about the return to Chernobyl, untouched by humans for forty years. It evolved into a new ecosystem, with buildings overgrown with vines, and trees taller than houses... This game is set two hundred years after the wasteland, so it's not impossible. I even feel that the situation in the cities will be more exaggerated than here."

Looking at the mess behind them, White wiped his sweat and clicked his tongue.

"If this were in reality, we would be stuck here forever."

They were busy for two hours.

Although the efficiency was not high, they managed to fell around ten thick pine trees, and countless smaller ones. The remaining logs and branches looked like they had been gnawed by dogs.

However, no one knew how much was needed, and they couldn't decide if it was enough.

"Speaking of which, this game is incredibly realistic... Whether it's the sensation of the axe hitting the tree, the flying wood chips, or the sunlight streaming through the leaves, it reminds me of—"

"Alright, enough of that."

Interrupting Tomorrow's sentiments, Nighten, gripping the axe with his arm, looked at the scattered branches and autumn leaves on the ground, gasping for breath.

"If we can chop trees, building houses and farming shouldn't be a problem, right?"

The physical abilities in the game were much stronger than in reality.

In reality, Nighten was the type whose body had been drained by nine years of compulsory education, but in the wasteland, he could barely squeeze out a bit of bicep muscle.

Of course, the most impressive one was White.

Although his character didn't look great, with a face full of stubble, he rolled up his sleeves to reveal muscular arms that exuded strength.

"If we want to farm, I suggest we can set fire to the vegetation, turn the resulting ash into the soil, and when winter is over, we'll have fertile land in the coming spring... Of course, that's assuming this game is truly that realistic; otherwise, it would just be wasted effort."

"Come to think of it, I've always wondered why White looks like he's been working out, while I struggle even to lift an axe."

Hurricane panted heavily.

Among all the players, his character probably had the physical attributes closest to reality, but even after a short period of physical activity, he was already exhausted.

"Each character's attributes must differ... Although I don't know how they are determined." Tomorrow scratched the back of his head and pondered for a moment. "But I have a theory."

"What theory?"

All three gamers were interested in his discovery.

Having spent some time in the Shachuko Club, everyone knew that Tomorrow was a member of several single-player game strategy groups and had the largest collection of Steam games in the group.

There wasn't a genre he didn't play.

"You've probably noticed that we woke up from a silver-white canister. Considering the theme of this game, there are two possible settings. First, we were in cryostasis technology and slept from before the war until now. Second, we are all clones."

"Of course, personally, I think the latter setting would be more convenient, as it would easily explain the resurrection issue by simply using DNA stored in cultivation chambers to recreate a body."

As the gamers looked at each other, Tomorrow continued.

"I believe that later on, they might add attribute panels and level systems, and the differences in our physical abilities might be a foreshadowing of that!"

"I'm really looking forward to the development team creating a unique game mechanism, such as... combining DNA with a class system, differentiating strength-based players from agile players, and establishing different attribute growth curves. This would ensure freedom while enriching gameplay."

"It's a pity that the characters are randomized. It would be great if we could decide our initial attributes ourselves."

Speaking with a dry mouth, Tomorrow finally stopped.

"Enough nonsense. I'll chat with Light Bro when we go offline."

He remembered that Light Bro said he was the game planner. Talking directly to the planner about this issue would certainly be better than their aimless discussion.

At this moment, Nighten, who was gazing into the distance, suddenly spoke up.

"How big do you think this map is?"

"I don't know."

"What if I keep walking in one direction..."

Looking at the eager Nighten and Hurricane resting with the axe in his hand, Tomorrow hesitated and said, "Most likely, it's a barrier or a scripted death... But whichever it is, I suggest you not do it."

"Don't you remember? The Governor told us not to go too far from the sanatorium."

"Damn it, he's just an NPC. Why listen to him?"

"But he can make us log out and even revoke our beta testing privileges," Hurricane reminded.

Tomorrow also added a reminder from the side.

"Yes, and I speculate that with the intelligence level of this game's NPCs, there might be hidden settings like favorability. You might have noticed that its attitude towards each gamer is not exactly the same; there must be hidden algorithmic logic behind it."

"Alright, alright, I won't try it."

Upon hearing this, even the most impulsive Nighten became obedient.

There was no other way.

The impact of those words was too strong.

Any perceptive person could see the value hidden behind this game.

A fully immersive virtual reality...

Once this technology emerged, it would have a disruptive impact on the entire modern society's entertainment and even way of life!

Even if someone didn't like playing games, who would mind having an extra 12 to 8 hours in a day?

According to the words of that Light Bro in the group, the time spent in the game world was equivalent to sleeping in the real world.

In other words, even if they stayed here all night, it wouldn't affect their work the next day!

It was truly unimaginable that such a game, destined to make a global sensation, would have its beta testing conducted in such a "hasty" and even inconspicuous manner.

Didn't that company need to make money?

However, no matter what, since this opportunity had already fallen into their hands, no one was willing to give it up easily.

Just as Nighten gave up the impulse to explore the boundaries of the map and prepared to continue chopping trees obediently, a strong sense of impending danger suddenly enveloped his body.

His hands and feet turned cold.

Cold sweat trickled down his back.

He didn't know where that sense of danger came from, but he seemed to foresee his own tragic demise—

His legs went weak, and Nighten stumbled backward, but it was precisely this stumble that allowed him to dodge the black shadow descending from the sky.


Wood chips flew.

The tree trunk beside him bore three half-foot-wide claw marks!


A howl like a vengeful spirit!

The diving bird missed its strike, utilizing the recoil force from kicking the pine tree, it flapped its wings to regain altitude and disappeared into the treetops.

Looking at the falling black feathers, Nighten, sitting paralyzed on the ground, was dumbfounded, subconsciously touching his head.

What the hell?