
They don't deserve a hero.

All his life Alex Robinson was bulled. By his peer and the adults around him. Even his own parents look down on him. One day him and his class was summoned to another world by a king task to defeat the demon beast king and his massive army. Ofcourse this can't be done without cheat everyone in class was given a cheats. Whiles all his classmates were given a cheats Alex had nothing which made his classmates look down on him even more. but did he really not have a cheat?? Follow the story as Alex goes down a path that his classmates could not have. A path that even gods would be envious of.

Cold_elf · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 Frown before the smile

Ring Ring Ring


A sleepy voice resounded through a small bedroom. The room was about 10 square meters. There was only a bed and a drawer which took up most of the room.

On the bed a boy who look 16 - 17 just wake up from his sleep. He stretched his arm and stopped the alarm clock from ringing.

This boy name is Alex Robinson.

'damn it why does it have to be Morning already' alex thought as he got up of bed as he got ready for school.

After he took a bath and brush his teeth he put on his uniform and went downstairs for breakfast.

"I hope today is better than yesterday" whispered Alex as he walked into the kitchen where his parents were at.

"Goodmorning mom and dad" Alex said with a smile on his face. in his eyes you can see expectations.

Asoon as a walked in the kitchen he greeted his parents who were currently eating their breakfast with smiled on there faces.

But when they heard their son's voice there smiles disappeared.

They look at their son with distaste expressions

"Goodmorning Alex eat your breakfast and go to class. please try to be less of a disappointment today" Alex father said as he ate his breakfast but the previous smile on his face is currently non existent.

"Ok" Knowing that his parents were more disappointed with him on what happened yesterday said nothing.

Alex went to the fridge and got cereal that was on top of the fridge. after he got a bowel and some milk.

What is suprising is that his parents are eating like kings with egg, bacon's, waffles that Alex's mother made while Alex was eating cereal.

After a awkward breakfast with his parents Alex went to school.


Dover High School

'let's try for today to be normal as possible' Alex Thought as he was walking the halls to his class.

not to long alex arrive to his class door.


Before Alex enter he took a Deep breathe. Not wasting time he opened the door and went in.

What greeted him when he entered was stares and silence.

'yep, today gonna be even worse I feel it. they are all looking at me with that look again'

Alex did say nothing but hang his head down and walking to his desk preparing to sit down.

'Come on almost there all I need to do is sit down and not bother any one'

'Please just leave me alone for once you guys'

Reaching his desk he proceeded to sit on his seat but just as he was about to sit down the chair was pulled away from him causing his butt to hit the floor.


The laughter of his classmates resounded.

'Why again' thought alex as he look in pain at the one who pulled the chair.

He saw a guy with the chair in his had with 2 other guys and a girl standing behind him with smiles on their faces.

"Sorry, Alex I thought you wouldn't mind if borrowed this chair" the guy said with the chair in his hand.

The guy name is christian and he is one of the poeple who bullies Alex the most ever since they were in kindergarten.

'Christian I should of known, why again didn't y'all bully me yesterday' Alex thought as he stood up from the ground but it was not long before he was punched in the stomach by one of the guys next to Christian.

"cough cough" Alex cough in pain

This made alex kneel down holding his stomach in pain.

"ohh Alex you really tanked that one didn't you" zack the one who punched him said with a smile.

"A...again w..why" Alex struggled to say while in pain.

"Because we fucking hate you from the bottom of our core" Jane the girl next to Christian said as she kick Alex in the stomach.

"Argh" Alex mourned in pain

'Please stop'

"good kick Jane" Christian complemented Jane kick whiles he walked to Alex

Seeing Christian coming towards with Alex looked at him with a painful but hateful expression

reaching very close to Alex to the point he was looking down at him.

"Alex do me a favor and look at the classroom" Christian said to Alex in a somewhat serious tone.

Hearing what Christian said Alex turn his gaze towards the classroom only to see condensing gaze looking down at him. Even the other bulled kids were looking down on him.

Non of his classmate Had a worried expression on their face not even pity. Both boys and girls had the same expression of condescendingness on their face.

Even though Alex saw these kind of faces his entire like. does not mean it gets easier everytime.

"No one cares about you, heck I heard your parents don't even care about you"

"Its because you are not meant to be on this earth with us people. Your not meant to have the same treatment as us, your nothing" Christian said as he lift his foot to stump down on Alex

'what kind of reasoning is that, I did nothing to none of you. So why do y'all hate me so much. what did I ever do that was so wrong' Alex thought as a prepared to get stomp by Christian.

But just as the foot was going to hit him it came to a halt as circles of light came from under the floor.

"What is happening"

"what's that light"

The students was bewildered but not for long the noise in the classroom turned to silence as the recently full classroom was now empty.


'Huh what was that' alex thought as the light dissapeared.

He was not the only person who wondered this as his classmates also wondered the same thing.

But they all soon realize they were not in their class room anymore. but a big room with a old man sitting on what lookes like a throne.

A girl can be seen standing by the throne side, also s group of men in silver armor scattered around them.

"Welcome heroes to my kingdom" The old man said suddenly

"HUH" the class was bewildered