

Phillip grudgingly walked to the administrators office. It was one of the larger buildings on campus. It was about 5 and a half stories tall, with it being longer than it was wider, with about 18 windows per floor. As he walked through the doors he got bumped and pushed around by a few people as some of the bigger kids and adults walked their way around the building.

He went up to the receptionist and asked the lady who was working the front counters if she knew where or whom the instructor was from yesterday. He gave her the description of the man as he seemed to be in his early to mid 40s with brown graying curly hair with a build of 6 feet and a bit strong looking for a man around that age. "Oh youre talking about Professor Xavier, hes in c hall. Walk left in that hallway over there and he should be the second door on the right." She gave him the directions as she pointed in the direction that she was talking about.

"Okay thank you." Phillip walked toward the hallway as he was thinking about what elective he should sign up for as he left school early yesterday and he did not pick one like the other students. As he neared the door he heard some clanging noises as if things were falling off a book case and he heard a man shout out "Shit damnit theres to much crap in here." After which he was hesitant to knock on the door as he had pulled his hand halfway into a knocking position but knocked ahead anyway.

"Oh come in" the man replied to the knock. Phillip opened the door and the first thing he did was look around the room. To his suprise there was plenty of books and paper stacked on the floor to about his mid waist but most of it stacked up to about a little bit higher than his ankles. There were bookshelves that encompassed all the walls in the room with some hanging midway off the shelves. There was a desk in the middle back of the room that took most of the available space that was left as it mightve been maybe a 120 square foot room.

The desk was quite clean however as there was nothing but a laptop, a few folders, and a small plant made to give some color to the room. Behind the desk was a window with the blinds opened to give the room more natural lighting. "Yes you wanted to see me Professor?" Phillip asked as the man was still clamorimg with things filled in his hands as he was trying to put them back onto the bookshelf.

"Ah yes, you there, upside down boy, eh what was your name again?" "Phillip" Phillip continued to stare at the weird man. "Yes well im sorry what happened yesterday but in actuality it isnt as bad as you might think." "What do you mean?" Phillip asked as the man was finishing putting the things back on the shelf as he walked towards his desk. There was another chair in front of the desk as if it might be for visitors and Phillip carefully stepped over the piles and made his way over to the chair as both him and the man sat down at around the same time.

"Alright im gonna get straight to the point here look." He pulled out the orb that he had stuffed in his sleeve yesterday. "Yesterday as you were leaving i noticed some strange energy in the orb and before i could tell you youd had already left. For some reason it took a moment for the energy to condense, here look" The man showed the Phillip the orb one more time but brought it up closer to his face. Phillip didnt know what to think at the moment.

"Wait so does that mean..?"

"Yes boy you do have a power!" The man replied as passionately as the expression of the boy in front of him. "FUCK YEA!" Phillip had shouted which suprised the man."What power is it, huh? Huh? Tell me!" Professor Xavier rolled his eyes as he told the boy to settle down. "Calm down, i do not know yet thats part of the reason why i called you to my office today. Im going to conduct another test but this time im going to give you a little bit more energy, but as soon as you start feeling queasy, let me know, thats when you know you have to much or are too full."

The man had a stern look in his eyes. "Okay yea sure!" Phillip could not believe it. First he found out he had an affinity for magic and now he had found out that he actually did have a power! He was absolutely livid at the moment. "Okay like yesterday place your hand on the orb and if you start feeling anything strange knock on the table a couple times to let me know to stop supplying you power"

Phillip nodded as he put his hand on the orb again. Just like yesterday the man also put his hand on a seperate orb that was one again filled with chaotic fire. Phillip breathed in, closed his eyes, and started to picture himself in the environment around him. He felt some bubbly feelings in his stomach in which he let out a burp and giggled a little bit after that. The man was looking at him attentively as if to notice any sudden changes to the boy.

Then all of a sudden Phillip opened his eyes and there was once more a bright blue light in the irises of his eyes except they did not dissipate like the last time. The room around them started to fog up as if there was a mist on a cold morning after it had rained. And two more blue lights popped up in the middle of the mist. The man stopped giving the boy energy and looked at the sphere that had Phillips energy in it.

It was now filled with mist, with the blue light in the middle of it shining more brightly and giving a glow to the mist. In The mist in the orb, he saw what appeared to be an animal formed by the mist running around the mist in the orb, maybe a fox, rabbit perhaps? He looked at Phillip and smiled because the boy had his mouth agape looking at his hands around him. It seemed as if the mist came out from the pores on his body. Most notably the ones on his hands and his back as it seemed the mist came through the openings in his hoody.

He noticed some feeling to. If felt as if his whole body started to react to a weird feeling he was, unfamiliar with. As if someone pressed two fingers together and gently pushed on the skin, and then pulled the fingers apart outwards from each other, but still pressed on the skin, pulling the skin in the process. But he wasnt in pain.

"I feel funny" he said with a pondered expression. The man noticed and asked "How do you feel? In most cases it should mean that your body is reacting to the release of energy from your pores." Phillip turned to the man and said "I dont know its kind of an intangable feeling." "Hmm i see," the man kept looking at Phillip before he suddenly interjected,

"Tell me, what do you think you can do with that power." He decided that he was going to give the boy a full new power exam instead of just giving him an assement. Phillip started to look around the mist silently. He waved his left hand upwards with his back to the door, in a vertical swing in the direction of the book cases. As he did the mist congregated in a line directional to where he lifted his arm. Some pages blew out and the books rumbled. Some of them flew off the bookshelf. Albeit some. Most stayed on the bookshelf parted,

Phillip noticed he made some of the books the man just put back on the shelf fall off so he apologized. "Sorry," he said with a sorrowful expression. He was turning to go pick the books up when the man told him he did not have to. "Don't worry about it, hmm, its not very powerful, nothing but a breeze. Do you feel any stronger? How much can you usually pick up?"

"Mm i think i can pick up 90 pounds." He thought it was an appropriate amount, as he was slightly smaller than average for boys his height, but he had more of a wider chest and broader back. He looked a bit skinny in his midsection, and was 100 pounds. Boys his age that was 120 pounds was able to pick up 120 pounds, their body weight. Bigger boys in their 130s could sometimes pick even more than their body weight! But that is an outlier weight and only a select few can.

The man nodded and turned his swivel chair around into the direction of his right in the corner of the room. There was about 20 bars of varying girth and length with numbers indicating their weight. The man casually picked up a weight that was 120 pounds with one arm, as he handed it to Phillip who had both of his arms stretched forward to recieve the bar. The bar suddenly fell down with his arms.

"Its a little heavy" Phillip said with a huff and a disgruntled expression. The man thought and with an opening of his hand flames arose. The mist danced around the spiking flames. Not absorbing either, weird thought the man. The man then said while stopping the flames "So it isnt strength either. Do this for me... feel the release of the energy in your pores and point that direction of feeling in your hand. Can you move it there?"

Phillip tried as he was told to, he closed his eyes again and imagined the power to flow down through his arms and felt a tingling sensation flow down the same direction he was imagining it to. About half the mist in the room suddenly started to congregate towards the boys hands in a spiraling direction.

"Good good" Professor Xavier continued as he now more of an attentive reaction looking at Phillips hand "Now imagine a picture of a ball, try and form the mist in that image." Again the boy did as he was told as he closed his eyes again and imagined a picture of a ball. The mist suddenly got faster as it made a slight whooshing sound. The ball was formed. But it had ethereal traces of mist flowing directionally opposite from the ball toward Phillip.

At that time the, the clouds parted a bit more as it had been a rather un windy day and stood in place for most of the day. Yet there was still traces of blue in the sky. They were grayish and the wind started to pick up as it was suppose to rain later that night. But it was still midway as it was just after lunch, so it was still quite sunny outside.

The sunset went down at the side of Professor Xaviers window. The direction of the sun light passed through the open blinds and formed rays of light passing through the cracks of the blinds, brightening the room a bit more. The light shown on the orb of mist Phillip had in his hand. It shown through the small flaky pieces of mist particles and as the light rays passed through the flakes, they changed into multi numeral amounts of colors of the rainbow. As if they were a prism rerfracting light. It had a cow pattern with portions ever changing with different colors.

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