
The Young Knight: Marqueza

A 16 year old lady come back to their empire after 5 years of living on Earth. She came back to Marquea Empire and wanted to become a squad knight, a knight in training, for a certain reason. She has this special being inside her that causes an outbreak of war. Will she be able to stop the forthcoming war, or will the pressure inside her makes her vulnerable? ... Nashtassia Freya Marqueza, she is the Emperor's youngest child who was hidden inside the palace for the reason that she has a living being that resides within her that might cause a few problems if not kept undercontrol. After hearing that her Aunt and Uncle were going to Earth to live peacefully, she decided to go with them without them knowing. At first, she intended to stay for only a few days, but those few days turned into a few years, almost 5 years to be exact. When she graduated highschool on Earth, she thought it was finally the time to return to her family in Marquea Empire. Before deciding to return to the empire, she made certain that the years she spent on Earth were worthwhile. She had learned swordsmanship from her uncle, unaware that Nash had a reason for doing so. ...

merrilllyynch · Kỳ huyễn
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87 Chs

Chapter 61

"Why are we staring on the ground?" Shiela asked. They are staring at the ground, which has a metal gate-like structure embedded in it.

"Have you seen anything like this?" Nash asked.

"Yes, I saw one on the other alley." Puru said.

"Are you certain?"

"Yes, I always tripped over this one," he pointed at the handle.

"Is that the only one besides this?"

"I'm not sure, sister,"

Nash patted his head. "You did well."

"What is this, sister?" Mackie asked.

"I'm not sure, but I think it's a bunker."

"A bunker? What is that?" Bret asked.

"It's a room located underground."

"Woah! Underground?!" The brats' eyes sparkled.

Nash chuckled, 'How adorable', "Yes, underground. In order for me to assure, we have to open it."


Puru grips the handle as the others form a line behind him, clutching each other's waists. "Pull!"

A few minutes have already passed but it's not opening. 'Is it not a bunker?'

"I don't think it's a punker, sister?" Puru innocently asked.

Nash chuckled, "It's bunker, Puru."

She looked around her and saw no one was there beside them. Nash points a finger in the handle and swipe it up causing a thud sound.

"It opened! Woah! Sister has magic!" Bret exclaimed.

"Shh... this is a secret, okay?"

"Yes, sister!"

Puru and the others opened it. The moment they opened it, they saw an empty ground.

"There is a room inside, Sister," Mackie remarked, peering inside the bunker.

"Stay here and wait for me, it would be dangerous for you to come in. It might collapse."

"ehhh!" they complained.

Nash sighed, "I'll check whether it's sturdy or not. Stay here okay?"

"Yes, sister!"

Nash flies in and goes inside. She didn't have to walk since she used her gravitational power to fly around.

She knocked the ceiling and see that it was sturdy enough. She returned to the entrance, where the brats were, "Come."

The brats used the stairs and went down.

"Close the door."

"S..sister, where are you?" Nash went close to Trixie and held her hand. "Sister?"

"Yes, it's sister. Hold each other's hand so we won't get separated." 'Though it really is just a wide space with no other holes.'

The brats followed Nash around the room, holding each other's hands. It's dark, but Nash can see brilliantly since she has demon eyes.

"How many people do you think can fit in here?" Nash asked.

"It's dark. We can't see anything, sister." Mackie said.

'Ah... right. I should've bought a lamp.'

"Let's go back, we're done here."

Nash opened the door and flew up, the brats followed up. They borrow a lamp from Puru's house and head to where Puru saw another bunker.

They entered the second bunker, which was slightly smaller than the first but built in the same structure. 'Man... Carpenters before did a good job.'

"Sister, which one was bigger?" Shiela asked.

"The other one. It was more spacious than this, but I think this is longer than the previous one." They went out fast and find other bunkers. They tried to find more until the afternoon, but there were no other bunkers in town but those two.

"Mackie! Let's eat!" Pidea, Mackie's mother, yelled.

"Yes, mother!" Mackie looked at Nash. "Sister, join us."

"No! She's eating with us!"


They started to pull Nash's arm on different sides.

"What are you doing?! Your sister is injured!" Alice, Trish's mother, scolded the kids, behind her are other mothers.

"But sister is going to eat with us, right, sister?" Trish pleaded with her eyes.

"Don't worry. We're all eating at Puru's house. Join us, Nash," Mia, Bret's mother, said and patted Trish's head.

Puru's house is spacious enough for everyone. Nash didn't hesitate to eat with them.


"You've been walking around town all morning; what are you looking for?" Puru's mother, Prie, inquired.

'I guess it's fine to ask them,' Nash thought.

"Have you seen metal doors attached to the ground? Like the one near here?" Nash asked.

"Oh? We have one in our home. I'm not sure, but it's made of metal and has a handle. I don't think it's a door since it won't open." Annie said.

"Really? May we see it?" the brats asked before Nash even did.

"Of course. You are welcome to come once you have eaten."

The brats as well as Nash eat faster and bid goodbye the moment they swallow their last bite and drink plenty of water.

"Bye bye!"

"Should Nash be running around?" Pidea asked in concern.

"I know, right?" Annie said.

"They all look adorable," Prie chuckled. "Every time they went on an adventure, my Puru would tell me stories. I'm curious what he'll tell me later."

"Right? Trish is communicating more now, thanks to Nash, and she is able to express her concerns," Alice said, smiling.

"My mischievous son, too, learnt a lot," Mia chuckled.


"We forgot to ask where," Bret whispered.

"Right?" Nash whispered back.

"Why are we whispering?" Mackie comes close to them.

"I don't know," Nash and Bret said in sync.

"Sister!" They went to Shiela after hearing her voice. Shiela and Trish are outside the room, "I think we found it."

When they entered, they noticed the bed in the center. It was clear that it was not supposedly there and had been moved due to scrapes on the floor caused by the bed's foot.

"Here," Trish said, pointing to the spot on the floor where the bed was meant to be. Nash used force to open it and ended up removing the metal.

"Oh... it is not a bunker." They are looking at a flat ground where the metal door was detached.

'This can't be... should I just make one?'

"Bring the metal door."

"Yes, sister!"

The brats insisted on carrying the metal door, and they all went back to the Squad inn.

"Just leave that there" the brats placed it near the door. "You should go now. We'll meet again tomorrow morning to continue our mission"

"But we have a mission to be with you, sister." Shiela said.

"But I'm going to take a bath. Aren't you too?"

"Right... then we'll take a bath with you!" Bret exclaimed. Shiela slapped his arms. "Aww!"

"Are you crazy? You are boys, we are girls. Me and Trish will stay here and you two, come back later!"

"Aww! Fine! Sister, we'll be back!" The three lads say their goodbyes and return home.

"How will you take a bath, sister?" Shiela asked, looking at her bandage.

"I wrapped it in plastic and secured it with elastic bands."

"Ohh..." both girls said.

"Do you even have clothes?" Nash asked.

"Yes! There!" Nash pointed at a pouch bag sitting on the couch.

'When was that there?!'

"Okay, let's go take a bath"

A large wooden tub can be found inside the bathroom. Trish and Shiela assisted Nash in shampooing her hair. 'This feels nice...'

"Sister, is the gray hair your boyfriend?" Shiela asked.


"I think that's his name."

"No. He's not."

"Do you like him?" Shiela asked, grinning.

Nash grinned back, "Yes, I do"

"Haa?!" Both girls looked shocked and squealed after. "Ahhh!"

"But I like the yellow hair more," Trish whispered. Kane?

"How old are you brats again?"

"We're all 8. We have the same birth month and our birthdays are next to each other. Bret's the first, Mackie, Me, Trish and Puru. March 26, 27, 28, 29, 30."

'Next month…'