17 ep16: I know you more than you know

Han: 80k a month....? are you earning? isn't that illegal? aren't you just around 13?


( mind voice- dead... what did I just blabber...? I forgot that I am a student and not a 28 yr old adult)...

I mean...I have been saving since the age of 6 .

Han: still ...isn't that too much? ( mind voice- that doesn't look convincing....for a moment I felt as if ....as if she was like an adult)

Liz: I mean 8k...as in 8000 . I accidentally said 80k....

Han: ah ok...( ....I think.....may be she is also like me...she time travelled to the past ..she is so different from what I remember...she was never so talkative..... no way ....may be I am over thinking it....)

Liz: ( mind voice- damn, I almost blurted it out)


Han: so how's school?

Liz: not bad, well it's hard to believe that we have so much to learn...( mind voice- I forgot what it was to study for tests and exams)

Han: yah that's true. but we have a huge opportunity to learn new things since our school offers a wider range of subjects...

Liz: yah, that's true...by the way where are you from? are you Mauritian or Indian?

Han: well my dad is Indian and my mom is a Mauritian...

Liz: that's nice....love story eh?

Han: yah...somewhat..dad came to Mauritius for a business trip and accidentally missed his flight to Chennai and that's when he met mom, who worked at the airport.

Liz: was it love at first sight...?

Han: hahaha .....what's with this concept of love at first sight??

Liz: it wasn't ?

Han: negative.....dad had a dispute with mom regarding his baggage.... and the worst part was that ...they spoke different languages....

Liz: then....how did you know it was a dispute....

Han : 2 people screaming at the top of their voices...what do you expect....dad is from Chennai...so he spoke hindi and Tamil but understood English and mom spoke English and French ....

Liz: ah that makes sense....

Han: mom hated dad....let's say that he had made the worst first impression ....that feeling was mutual...

Liz: and then....how did they get married?

Han: well.....they met again several times...pure coincidence...even at a wedding of a common friend..

They hated, teased and mocked each other even more. Then, one day, mom's best friend died of cancer and no one came to support her...mom was broken...

at that time, he was there....dad was the only one there....

from then onwards, I guess they realised....the people whom you love are the ones with whom you can share your pain and joy. And that's it...they fell in love ....though it took them 7 years to realise and accept that...and got married....

Liz: that's so .....funny yet quite a sweet story...( almost crying)

Han: sweet? you need to see them now...! they are like Tom and Jerry....they fight but are incomplete without each other....

liz:can I meet them some day?

han: sure, anytime!( blushes)

i guess sometimes, making no sense works better than making sense....

Liz:( teasing): now you are the one who is Not making sense...!

hahaha( Liz laughs)


absolute silence for a while...as they eat...

Han: you were so keen and interested in my parents love story? or just love stories?

Liz: well I like designing comics....so I just needed stories( lies)

( mind voice- actually I am so inexperienced in this romance and was hoping to read and know a few stories to help my knowledge...)

Han: ah, I see...so what about your love story?

Liz: ( almost chokes)...mine? my love story?... I don't have one....

Han: oh really...? that's odd for someone your age...

Liz: huh....what do you mean? then what about you? well forget it!!!

han: I do

Liz; huh what?

Han: I do have someone I am interested in...don't you have one too?

Liz: ( blushes) of course not....

Han: oh Harry hi...how are you?

Liz: what....( frozen)

Han: I knew it ...you like him don't you?

Liz: I don't like him( blushing)

Han: I can see through your lie...I know you better than you know yourself...

Liz: what is that supposed to mean? ....

Han: figure it out ...

any girl who would treat a creep like me and also ask for forgiveness.....must want something from me....obviously it has to be him...I saw you running after seeing me with him today!

liz: ( mind voice- he saw right through my plan...although at first I approached him just to get closer to Harry but after talking to him , I realised that we had a lot in common and that he is fun.....my opinion changed and I even forgot about the purpose of this treat!!!)

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