16 ep15: gourmet restaurant

in front of the Gourmet restaurant...

Liz: (mind voice)...eh, he apologized first! that's unexpected....may be he isn't that bad after all....

Han: you were reading my personal information out loud and called me a creepy guy ....that's why I yelled at you....but I didn't really mean to...I am sincerely sorry....

Liz:I am sorry too....I didn't mean to yell at you.

Han: that's it? why did you call me creepy guy?

Liz: that's because you are creepy

Han: and in what way?

Liz: you wear big spectacles, have dog like hair, have a terrible dressing sense, look down when you talk instead of facing the person and looking into their eyes.....of course you are creepy...

Han: hahahaha, I thought you were different...but you are just the same...

Liz: what do you mean?

Han: basically you judge me based on how I look or what I wear! you don't even know me but my looks made quite a impact on you, didn't it?...so judgemental...just like the other girls I met...( mind voice: I need to keep this conversation on. for once, we have been talking for over 5 mins)

Liz: of course, doesn't appearance matter a lot.. ? ( I can't believe guys like him exist. he is so like me ....when I was young but after I learnt art and basic fashion ...i changed completely....)

Han: no ...it does not....if you have someone who judges you based on your looks....then it means you never mattered to them...only your looks did...

Liz: he really is....just like me( in a soft voice)

Han: what...? did you say something?

Liz: oh nothing....I am sorry....I will treat you something from here( points to the Gourmet restaurant)

Han: ( chuckles) have you been here before?

Liz: yah yah...several times...( mind voice: of course not....but why not try some new food)

Han: ok...let's go in..

Han and Liz sat at the corner table....

Liz: can I have the à la carte menu?

waiter: yes miss

Han: are you sure you have enough cash?

Liz: of course , I earn about 80k a month....and this just nothi n gg...( shit! I blabbered nonsense. I forgot that I am still in middle school)

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