
The day of halloween

It was the day of Halloween, but two vehicles were moving through the interstate highway 65 without any stop. The vehicle in the front was an Audi a6 and the one following it was a chevrolet malibu. The chevrolet had always kept a certain distance from the Audi as if not to alert the passengers of the Audi.

Socrates took another gulp from his hip flask bottle while driving, the taste of the whisky and a certain emotion was all that was keeping him determined to chase the Audi to the world's end, if he had to.

Socrates the name of one of the greatest philosophers, The priest in the orphanage that he grew up was a big admirer of the great philosopher and our Mc ended up being named Socrates due to the priests admiration.

Even though Socrates didn't become a seeker of truth as in a Philosopher, he did end up close, a seeker of truth as in a police detective . He has been working for the Birmingham police department for years.

But if someone looked at Socrates now they would not find any resemblance to a detective. There were dark circles around his eyes from continuous drinking and sleeplessness, his clothes were dirty and disordered. There was nothing to say about his unkempt brow hair, but his black eyes still showed some vigor, as if there was still a little fight left in them.

he has been following this Audi all the way from Birmingham to the Mammoth Cave National park. Usually a journey which took around 5 hours had taken more than 18 hours. Since the detective was alone and had to keep a close watch on the suspects, he didn't get any sleep yesterday and the continuous driving was also taking a toll on him.

The funny thing was, he didn't find even a single clue or evidence up till now, this was also the reason he was all alone and even his partner has abandoned him pointing out the fact that this was only his hunch.

Today was a day of celebration, instead of enjoying the Halloween Socrates was asking his partner to keep watch over certain people, day and night on the basis of a hunch.

The only thing that made him pursue these people on a hunch was, that the small girl that went missing had some similarity to his own daughter, whose custody he was going to lose completely.

Socrates had a happy family, a loving wife and a sweet child, everything was perfect until he found a secret about a certain big shot and it was also interlinked with certain officers of the department.

He didn't know who to turn to as he didn't know who to trust, he also figured out the fact that the other side was also keeping a close watch on him. Without anyone to confide to, he turned to drinking. Which slowly started breaking the family, then divorce and now even the partial custody of the child was in peril.

In a way he had deliberately made his life turn like this to protect his family.

Usually he would be celebrating Halloween with his child Anee at this time, but today he was following some suspects on a hunch.

But Socrates didn't have to wait much as the Audi came to stop somewhere inside the Mammoth Cave National Park, He saw a black tall and lanky man stepping out of the Audi followed by two of his underlings.

This guys name was joshua he owned a club in Birmingham, he had certain connection with the drug mafia but there was no evidence so the police had not taken any action against this guy.

Socrates was in despair when Joshua came out of the car wearing a black hooded costume and a staff, like that of a magician or hermit. Socrates had heard of secret costumed parties conducted by the wealthy, as a Halloween celebration in some remote locations. These parties were mainly meant to satisfy their certain fetishes .

Socrates had lost all interest by now, he didn't pursue these people all the way here to see some rich people having some weird costumed party.

Socrates was reluctant to live just like that, when the picture of the missing girl came to his mind, he thought he would look around if there was even a 0.01 % chance that this party had something to do with the missing child.


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