
This is Really F***in Another World!


Everything we can see was green scenery, there are only tree at every corner of our eyes can see. the tree isn't idetentical and had rich variation, but we can see same species of tree every some meters. Yeah, this place is what we call forest. the forest is so thick and wide. if you are tried to climb on the top of highest tree and looking at surrounding, you can't see the end of the forest on every side. it's feel like we trapped on heart of amazon.

On the middle of sea-tree we can see a small human laying around there. well, it's not right when we call it 'small human' because it was a child. The child has weird hair color on his head, his hair was straight and black, but you can see some hair has golden colour spourting from his bang to his right side of his face. He has fair white skin, and his skin was so smooth look like newborn baby. And you can see small white teeth inside his mouth that opening a little. The child is male, and you can see he was so cute, and when you imagine it he will be handsome when he grow up. He wear clothes that do not match their age, black shirt with long man leather robe and black jeans with pair of leather shoes. if you see his appearance, he look like a main protagonist of magician in modern science fiction fantasy novel. The child doesn't move an inch, and he just laying there with eyes closed. he is not dead, when we got close and put our ears near him we can heard that he still breathing. His sleeping face look like 'no worry for tomorrow' and, he sleep so soundly.

"mmmmhhhh..... so cold."

the child starting stretching his body, and he open his eyes slowly, then closed it again after he change his sleeping position.

(wait. cold? why my bed is so hard? what is funny feel on my skin? iam lying on the ground?)

he tried to open his heavy eyes once more after feel something wrong with his bedroom.


"where the hell am i?"

"why iam on the middle on forest?"

the child was surprised. he was wakeup on the middle of forest. and he doesn't understand what happened to him.

(something wrong!)

the child starting to look at his body condition. and he feel suprise with his body.

(why the hell everything look so big?)

(my hand feel shorter than before)

(and why the hell my brown skin turned so white like newborn baby?)

the child starting to panic, keep asking that question himself. but because he asking himself then nobody will answering him.

(wait, i need to calm!)

(and i need remember what happened last night!)

after some moment the child finally calming himself and observing arround more calmly. then he tried to remember what he doing last night.





year 23xx, a man keep sighing front of machine that look like coffin with metallic body and transparent glass. the machine has some cable that connect to another machine that look like super computer. Yeah, this machine was called 'Diving Cube'. It's official name was 'D-TEX tech. FDCCM-5000', this was fifth generation of revolutionaire machine called 'FDCCM'. FDCCM is abbreviation of 'Full Dive Consciousness Cube Machine'. This machine was developed by D-TEX tech, a game company that associated with 'TERA', a multi-nation level company that has market on technological development and space exploration. Like it name, this machine has function to make consciousness diving into virtual world.

Ten year ago D-TEX tech isn't big Company, and it name is TEX Gaming and just devolping japanese-rpg game. Lex Gaming was on verge of bankruptcy and has $10Million debt. On the verge of dead, TEX Gaming finishing it very last MMORPG with Full Dive Consciousness System, the game was called "The Last Fantasy". This new gaming sistem was attract attention of TERA, with the help and funding from TERA the gaming machine and The Last Fantasy was release. That time something called 'diving to virtual world' was something that revolutionaire, and change everything about gaming world. Slowly all game that was still using Virtual Reality system starting change to adapting Full Dive Consciousness System. After associating with TERA, TEX Gaming change his name to D-TEX tech.


A sighing man name is 'Dino'. Dino is owner and CEO of TERA. He is 'an young genius' who got Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering when he was 12. He start his company when he was 18, then 10 year later his company became the most influential company in the world, and that was story of twenty year ago about when he was 28. Every genius has their own tendency to do strange thing that related to their obsession. Take Nikola Tesla from example, Nikola Tesla like feeding pigeon in the park. he notice that some pigeon broke their leg and wing, and spent more than $2000 to create divice that support pigeon when they are recovering. Dino is no diferrent, as genius he felt he need discover something new. something that people never discover! but many thing in this world already discovered by another people. inside, he still hoping to discover something. that's why he starting his own company and try something new everyday. hoping someday he will discovering something that never be discovered. but after becoming billionaire, he realize that all of his achievement already discovered by someone else, and they just didn't realized it. so he is not founder like Nikola, Einstein and Stephen Hawkins. He just normal people who can using his brain to get some chance that people not realized it yet. that make Dino turn his obession into fantasy world. he spent his money on game, novel and anime that has genre fantasy.

Ten year ago he saw a TEX Gaming on verge of bankruptcy. TEX Gaming was developer of his favorite fantasy rpg game called 'Shadow of the Titan'. Out of curiousity he came to Japan and met the CEO of TEX Gaming Mr.Takada Tatsuhiko. He heard story about idea of Takada-san to developing new gaming system. But Takada-san Company was on verge of bankruptcy and he has no money to developing it. So Dino take his personal money(pocket money) to funding it. Short story the game and new gaming system became huge success.

After 10 year service, The Last Story finally come to end. Today was the day of closing ceremony. He like this game very much that why Dino keep sighing on front of diving machine.

"Here you are Mr.Dino, President is looking for you."

a beatiful women approaching from behind. she is Nao Ichimichi secretary of Takada.

"Ah Miss Nao, tell Takada-san to wait for me."

out of curiousity she asking question to Dino

"what are you doing here Mr.Dino?"

"I just remembering when first time Takada-san showing me our first diving machine."

with sadness face Dino answering her.

"That time is when Mr.President said 'your are the one who giving me money when iam down, and no one want to support me, so you must be the first one who using this machine!' "

"yeah that was so nostalgic moment. let's head to the party hall"


two was leaving the room and headed to company hall





in a vast hall many people using formal suit and dress gathered. Usually this hall only used for 'game special event' or company birthday. but today was different because the party here was closing ceremony party of 'The Last Fantasy' after the game operate for 10 year.

"Ah! our company hero finally arrived!"

with those word, all eyes was focusing on the hall entrance. The man who said that was D-LEX tech CEO Takada Tatsuhiko, a fourties year japanese guy with a bald hair.

"Please stop calling me with that embarrassing nickname Takada-san"

with awkward face, Dino keep walking to center of hall where Takada was greeting the party guess.

"ha ha ha. but you are the one who saving this company on the verge dead! that's why company hero is right tittle to man who save our company"

""""ha ha ha""""

all guess start laughing and enjoying the party.



after the party ended, 3 people was talking each outher while looking the guess left one by one.

"by the way Na-chan, where you found our company hero?"

out of curiousity Takada asking secretary who was his childhood friend.

"i found him on the last fantasy administrator control-room sighing at front of diving machine. and stop calling me with that nickname Mr.President we are at office now"

ignoring retort of his childhood friend Takada looking at Dino.

"you still liking that game so much huh? why not trying our another game 'Gun World' or 'Galaxy Survival'. That game already used new system of FDC system. you can feel the wind and feel taste of food on that game."

"it's not like i hate any other game Takada-san. but you know, i love fantasy genre very much."

"our newest game called 'World of Warlord' that released month ago has fantasy genre. why you don't try that game? that game has more player in one month if we comparing it with The Last Fantasy 10 year ago."

Takada tried to recomended their game.

"oh that game who had pvp as main focus. five different race that hostile each other, isnt it?"

"yep, people really like competing each other. that why creating five races that battling each other was wonderful idea!"

with bright smile Takada said that word.

Usually Dino was excited about new fantasy game. but today his favorite game was finally closed, so he isn't on mood yet. so he just replying takada with awkward smile.

looking at his saviour sad. Takada feel ache on his heart, then his suggesting tried something.

"sigh. i have an idea! why not let you turn on the system and let you to play it once more time this night!"

"eh? we can do that?"

"yep! we already remove online connection and already plug out the online cable"

"it's alright?"

"we can't Mr.President! tomorrow morning technical department will moving all equipment there!"

before Takada confirming to Dino, he was stopped by Nao word.

"Ah! that was great idea! can you teach me how to turn it on?"

ignoring retort from beautiful secretary Dino eyes was lit up when looking at nod from Takada.

"it's decide! follow me to adminis--"

"Stop you two! Geez, can't you not ignoring me!"

Takada word was stopped by angry female that was ignored from before.

The two was startled, and their eyes was feel so nostalgic because for a long time, they haven't seen Nao angry.

"please let this one Nao-san. this is my last chance playing The Last Fantasy!"

"yeah, he is our company hero! did you want ignore to company hero last wish?"

"Hey! iam not dying!"

"ha ha ha ha ha ha"

looking two comedic duo on front of her, Nao can't help but laughing.

"cough.. cough.. ok, i'll let you playing this last time. but don't forget tomorrow morning at 08:00(am) everything must been shutdown"

after laughing several second, Nao mood soften, cleared her throat and accept their wish.

"Thankyou very much Nao-san, i won't forget favor for you. maybe i'll suggesting you became CEO on General Meeting of Shareholders."

with bright smile Dino said that, then he running into administrator control-room.

"Hey i hear that! Thanks Na-chan, i'll help me set timer for auto shooting down on six morning!"

Takada chasing after Dino whose running into administrator control-room.

"OK, i'll let security to check your condition this morning! don't overworked your body!"

smiling, Nao shouting to two guy who running leaving her.

"sigh.. it doesn't matter genius or billionaire. a man is just big boy with bigger toys."





"did you understand? if the server was disconnect, try to restarting this program and the server will starting checking then it'll reactiving once more."

after activing the system, Takada explaining to Dino how restart the program when something bad happen.

"ok, i undestand how it's worked. then i'll start playing."

hopping on diving cube, Dino lay his body and start to connect in the game. but Takada said something before Dino dive his conscious into the game

"ah before you playing, I change your id from 'player' to 'administrator'. so you can using cheat codes on the game."

"got it."

"iam already set the server will auto shutdown on 04:00(am) and i'll talk to security to check your condition on 02:00(am) and 04:00(am)"

"thank you. i'll got out on 03:00(am), because i have meeting tomorrow on 13:00(1pm)."

"ok, i'll go home. good night."


after seeing Dino logged-in on the game, Takada leave administrator control-room and going home.




«connecting to server»

«server conect» «checking new update»

"log-in id:*******, password:*********"


«detecting new device used» «start scanning face-id»

«scanning complete!» «do you want save your id and password on this device?»



«logged-in complete!» have fun~»

after finishing the log in, Dino begin selecting his character.

(oh my handsome character still there.)

on the last fantasy, you can only had one character on the id, but using cash item you can add 1 more slot of character. Dino already addin extra slot character on his id. but people with normal job in society like him only had time to playing one character.

(this character already max level. i never had time to make new character. ok i decide! i'll make new character!)

and then Dino starting make new character.




(hmm. i must think what he look like.)

wondering, Dino tried all possibility in his brain.

(im using dark-nymph before. so i'll try make human character now)

First step of character making was selecting races. There are many races on the last fantasy, including undead. every races have their own advantage and weakness. like dark-nymph who weak against Holy attribute but immune to debuff, poison, and instant-kill type skill.

(ah, i'll make him look like five year old!)

after selecting race, Dino editing his character figure.

(usually i use red hair, but it'll look like my other character. so i'll use emo black hair! and i'll add golden hair growth down into his right bang down to his right face.)

the hair can be design as you like, but Dino has zero sense of style. so he just choosing default emo type hair from menu.

(the eyes! usually i make it Heterochromic eyes. but i'll use deep purple on both eyes.)

(the face. hmm let's make it look like legendary actor wi** sm**h! i remember his face when young from old movie. but i'll make it has white skin!)

(oh! i don't expect it's look like handsome boy!)

satisfied with the result. Dino processing to next step.

(Let's set the name! all my character in other game has using 'Rush Albion' name. it's name of my favorite side character on shadow of titan, but it already used on other character. what will i use now?)

(come on brain, think!!)

after some minute he still hasn't found suitable name.

(damn it, why choosing name is harder than solving mathematical equations?)

tried to beating his head lightly, after more minutes thinking he finally got the answer

(hmm. his face look like American if i change his skin to black, but now his handsome legendary actor face with white skin make him look like more European. OK decide!)

"command name:Albert Wales"

«'Albert Wales' name has been set» «checking availability...»

«'Albert Wales' was available»"do you want use this name?»


(then let's start!)

«cannot start until you adding character description» «please add anything on character description at least twenty letter»

(ah i forgot. this character description is useless in game. it'll just look like background story of your character.)

(but it's so nostalgic. i remember 'Dark Metatron' making long character description. i thought he write his thesis there)

'Dark Metatron' is nickname of Dino guildmate. he is fantasy-loving mate who like creating character like a myth.


«character description can't be change after completion» «do you want to continue?»



«connecting to character» «connecting to world server»

(i can't believe. i need one and half hour to make character!)

and then Dino view become bright. finally he was entering into game. the virtual wolrd of The Last Fantasy.

«welcome administrator. tutorial mode for administrator can be skipped. do you want to skip tutorial mode? all tutorial reward will be added» «Yes/No»

(Oh! i can skip toturial when iam administrator!)


«Have fun~»





after finishing creating character, Dino checking what the administrator can do. he checking many program and console command list for administrator

(i understand now. this command is making my character gain more exp. but i'll make it only ten times exp. because when it too fast it'll be boring)

Dino add command for changing his character exp gain. he hate this type leveling cheat but he doesn't have much time for playing now, so he has no choice.

(with time i have i can't farm this character to max level. and now, i'll set my character evolution to 'Arc Daeva'. so i don't need to take ascension quest to increase cap level. and i want to tried hand to hand character so i'll change main job to 'Dark Shura' and side job to 'Void Lord')

The Last Fantasy is fantasy game that using two level system. first is racial level, and second is job level that divide in main job and side job.

racial level is level of the race character, some player call it based level. because every level racial levelup the base status of character was increasing. u can't set or choosing growth of the status. because every race status growth has been balanced by the game, but you'll get extra passive skill that was added automatically, every three level. on this game 'human' racial level cap is 40, and you need take ascencion quest to became 'arc human' that has level cap on 80. after that you need to take second ascencion quest to became 'daeva' that has level cap on 120 and 'arc daeva' has level cap on 150.

for job level you'll get skill point on every level. bigger your level are, more skill point you get. and skill of the job will use this skill point. job level was that was divide into main job and side job. main job has full growth so your character will get all characteristic from the job. for example 'Dark Shura' is third evolution of job. first stage beginner job that has level cap 10. and then you can choose many job that you like. but when you want to become dark shura you need to choose 'monk'. monk has level cap on 50, after that you can choose job between 'Holy Champion' or 'Dark Wanderer' that has level cap on 100. Holy champion can became 'Shura' and dark wanderer can became 'Dark Shura' who had level cap 150. for side job it'll only get to 1 stage bellow main job. For example, when you are choosing 'Wizard' as main job. you can choose between 'Elementalist' or 'Void user'. then elementalist can became 'Elemental Lord' and void user can became 'Void Lord'. but if you are choose 'Dark Shura' as main job, your main job only on second stage, and it was between elementalist or void user.

Dino using console command of administrator, so he can change the side job same stage as his main job.

(hehe, time to leveling up!)





after one hour playing, Dino finally reached level 47.

(ho. faster than i expect. if you are playing normally, my level will around level twenty)

he was excited because he was playing this game once more. but he starting feeling lonely.

(sigh.. at times like this, my friend will ask me some question or ask me to fight some boss. but now, no one here. and i don't understand which skill building is better for dark shura.)

when playing online he can access internet and searching on web how to build his character, and what is better equipment for him, but he can't do it right now because 'no internet connection'.

(forget it. i'll just using legendary-class type equip of level 50. and reducing it level requirement by 5 using cash item 'Blue Phantasm')

(hmm. this legendary leather set level 50 was so cool. and it name was 'reverse scale(inner-skin) of padmarav set')

(if my memory not fail me, padmarav is 48-man raid boss level 50. so this armor is made from his inner-skin huh?)

(let's change it's color using cash dyeing item. i'll make it all black!)

finish setting and enhancing his new equipment set. Dino start dyeing it and wore it.

(not bad huh. but this isn't look cool when five year old kid wear it.)

(forget it, next is the skill)

with little disappointed, he start to look at skill window

(ok iam confuse. i'll open all dark shura and void lord skill using command.)

(which command to add all skil?)

confusing about his own skill, he starting use cheat code and look at console command list window

(found it)

"adm command!: PSB"

«7983651 skill has been added»



(what's wrong?)

he was confuse when his eyes turned into dark when he finished activing console command. but he understood after looking at word that appear.

«connection to server has been lost»

(disconnect huh?)

(why the server was disconnect?)

«failed to connect to server» «trying attemp to connect to server»

«failed to connect to server» «do you wanna tried again?» «Yes/No»


Dino opening the lid of diving machine. and walking to server monitor.

"Mr. Dino! did you finished playing the game?"

before he can check what happened to server, dino hear voice someone asking to him

"oh, Phill. this is your shift now? so right now is 2am, isnt it?"

familiar face appeared when Dino looking at the source of voice. that security is Phill, an American guy who has japanese wife. he was security at main office of TERA in USA. by some chance Dino meet him, and appoint him to became security here. so he can reunited with his wife.

"Yes, it's 2am right now. i suggest Mr.Dino to get back home. it'll be bad for your health if you playing too long."

with smile, a friendly security was advising him.

"thank you for your concern Phill. but i'll checkin on something first. and i'll got down on 3am. so just wait me there."

with smile he was refusing Phill advise, then he start to checking the server monitor.

"ok, then i'll resume my job."

a friendly security now he can't stop him for playing, so he leave Dino alone with warm smile

"good work there."

(now, let's check why the server was disconnect.)

checking at the server, Dino was surprised. because log said he adding 7983651 skill into his character. all data loading of skill and notification of skill make the server disconnect.

(seven million skill huh? what the **** is this?)

Dino looking at the skill data.

(oh! it's adding all skill including monster skill and npc skill huh?)

(who the hell make this code?)

with little frustated he looking at what have he done. then he starting to restart function of server like Takada showing him before.

(nice! the server is up! time to logged in.)

when he starting to walking at diving cube, he feel his view was faded, and his eyes feel so heavy.

(my body already tired. sigh, i'll just playing thirty minute more then got home. so i'll came to Phill faster than before. i hope Phill already there to opening front door.)

and then he lying his body into diving cube and playing the game once more.








that was what the last thing he remember last night. he going back to diving cube and start to playing again. after checking his skill, he start to killing some monster. after that he goes to city to looking some summoning boss quest.

(and then, i start to feel so sleepy. i tried to log out, but my eyes already too heavy. but why emergency eject system isn't active? or Phill didn't try to wake me up?)

usually FDC system detecting condition of user everytimes, when it detecting abnormal condition of user, it'll automatically eject the consciousness of user and sending distress signal to TERA town/cities regional office. so when emergency situation was happened TERA will send police and ambulance come to distress signal was sent. but if the user just sleeping FDC system just ejecting user consciousness.

(my UI all gone, even the health bar is gone? is this photoshooting mode?)

"command: UI active!"

Dino tried to using voice command to activing his UI, but it not working. after that he tried any other command even the emergency calling command. but still not working.

(huh? nothing happened?)

(wait! i feel cold before! there isn't any temparture system on the last fantasy!)

he realized that something was wrong with the system. no, but to the world he know. he felt this is not virtual world where he was yesterday. his imagination run wild and he just tried another possibility!

(could it be?)

he pull a grass, then he put on inside his mouth and eat it.

(bweh~ bitter!)

he throwing out the grass from his mouth, but his lit up and he felt so excited!

(there isn't food tasting function on the last fantasy, so this is really.. really..)


he shout it all with full power.




Hi everyone.

Thank you for reading my very first story.

i hope you enjoying it because my grammar is f***in messed up.

when i read my own story i hope i have an editor.

please left criticsm and comment about this story.

and once again. Thank you very much

RageBananacreators' thoughts
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