
The world is standing on a wooden stick!

My name is William spear I began my work as a butler of the Vanour house at the age of 21. But my master is not just a normal person he is the great plotter and a world dominator. My master is a very quite person but his smile is very demonic. After taking my job as a butler I faced some cruel reality and truth about my master that shocked me up. After learning his all secrets I can’t leave the job and get mixed up in a world where my master is the god. He always tells me that the world is standing on a wooden stick. I never quite get it what he was trying to say but I understood that an apocalypse is coming

Israr_Hossain_Ifty · Hiện thực
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A new nation a new game

Yazid ferociously tries to attack him but lost his hand by his sword. After slashing his hand, he smiles and tells us that he was right. Yazid asks him about what? He replies that about the thing about your species.

Do I really have to say everything, but before he could finish his words my master steps forward and looks into his eyes and it is unclear to me why but as soon as my master looked in his eyes he started to act weird like he was seeing his sins?

In a minute, he collapses in front of us. I checked his breathing to be sure that his alive or not, but it seems like his dead as soon as my master looked at him in his eyes.

We move forward after finishing the devil and entered the room. In there we see the king and Alisha. She drew her sword as soon as she saw us.

She aimed her sword at me, but she didn't know that I have taken lessons of martial arts from the great martial artist Hizuru Onigawara. So, I knocked her out by using my secret technique, Slap killer.

My master saw the whole thing by standing beside me and complimented me. He ordered me to kill the lady, but I ask his permission to keep Alisha for myself.

He looks at me with his cold eyes and asks me why. I replied that "I just want some toys to play". He shows me his demonic smile and gives me the permission and tells me that I have got a nice personality.

After finishing up the only spear of Julies we basically grabbed our victory but still, we have to kill the king, but some royal protectors were still standing beside the king.

So, my master steps forward and closes his eyes and warns them if he sees any of the royal protectors when he opens his eyes, then he is going to slaughter them all.

They started running as soon as my master threatened them. After a minute, there were no royal protectors in the room. There were only us and Julies.

Julies laughed after seeing his soldiers running like that and says to my master that "I always knew that I am going to lose but still, I attacked you and tried to take your position, do you know why?"

My master tells him that he have no interest in hearing his reason. But Julies seemed like he really wanted to say his last words, so he began his talking by saying "don't be so cold to me my former master, I am going to die anyway so what's the harm in listening to my final words".

My master allows him 2 minutes to say his final words. He started his words; he first thanked my master to let him be the last king of the light kingdom and said that he always wanted to do the best things for his kingdom, but it seems like my actions brought the end of the kingdom.

At last, he smiled and thanked god for letting him fight with the demon and told my master to behead him. My master didn't hesitate at all and beheaded him with the light kingdom's king's sword as a tribute to his sacrifice.

After the king's death, my master went to the top of the palace with the head of Julies and declared that the Light kingdom has fallen. The revolutionists started celebrating after hearing the news.

They started drinking beer and shouted slogans. The whole nation started praising my master for beheading the king.

The entire nation was lost in the celebration but due to the absence of an order criminals started their crimes again, they began to kill people and steal money of the citizens.

So, my master arranged a function and declared that an election will take place to select the next leader of the nation.

Many people didn't like the Idea and shouted that "They need the Vanour's now, so his majesty Vintage Vanour should be the next king".

But my master refused their proposal and told them to select their next ruler by giving them their vote.

He also said that I will always look out for my nation, so it doesn't matter who becomes the leader, I will always be at the service of my nation so cheer up and say all hail to the nation of Light.

My master arranged an election after a week of Julies's death. In the election, 3 people stood as candidates for the president position.

Andrew Rise, Karim Harshad and Tripathi Osthir stood in the election. They promoted themselves by going to every city in the country, but they didn't know that Andrew has already been chosen by my master.

Many people give their vote in the election. 97% people gave their vote in the election. At night, my master declared the winner.

My master shouted and said that "Please welcome the new president of Light nation, Andrew rise". The people started asking my master by "How many vote Andrew won".

My master opened champagne and said that Andrew won the election by gaining 75% votes. Everyone started celebrating after knowing his winning percentage and welcomed Andrew as the new president.

But Karim and Osthir refused to accept the result and declared that they want another election.

But they have forgotten that they were standing in my master's property and as a result, the public beaten them in the stage and called them traitor.

They asked my master, "why everyone is listening to you?" after getting beaten up. A woman hit them again after they questioned my master.

She asked them, "How do you dare to ask our savior this ridiculous question".

After asking she pulled out a knife out of her scarf and stabbed Osthir after stabbing Osthir she wanted to stab Karim too but at that time my master personally stopped her.

She looked at my master and dropped her knife and asked, "Why are you being so nice to the traitors?"

He smiled and said, "they are just fools they don't know what is right and what is wrong I will teach them everything, leave the work to me and also added you don't have to dirty your hands by stabbing the imbeciles, you should take care of your hands more cause It hurts me to see the beautiful hands soaked in blood".

The public started to praise my master and called him an Angel of heaven. He accepted the title and thanked them all.

We celebrated Andrew's win with the public. At night, we returned to our mansion. My master already fell asleep in the carriage on his way back.

So, I carried him all the way to his bed and put him in the bed. His face always seems like he is plotting something, but shockingly his face looks like an innocent child when he sleeps.

"If anybody sees him right now, can they tell how he destroyed a Kingdom?" I wondered in my mind.

But suddenly, I remembered how clever my master is, so probably nobody will know how he manipulated a royal family.

In the morning, my master woke up and takes his breakfast. After some time, Yazid comes in the mansion.

So, I informed my master, Yazid sits in the living room for a couple of minutes while my master finishes his breakfast. Yazid and my master shake their hands and started the meeting.

First, my master ordered him to eliminate all the Royal protectors who escaped during the conflict with Julies. Yazid answered, "ok, my lord, I will take care of it in 2 days".

After saying that he asked my master "What to do about the Uzur's?" My master replied that "we will take care of them at once, but for that, we need to be more patient".

Yazid nodded his head and agreed with my master. At 12 pm, my master and Yazid leaved the mansion to give Andrew his position.

At 2 pm in front of the all people of the nation, my master crowned him and declared him as the first president of the Nation of Light.

After getting his crown, Andrew gives his first speech as the president of the nation.

He said in his speech that "This time is most difficult in the history of our beloved nation but don't worry we will overcome the situation in just few years, we have our savior right hear the angel of the heaven Vintage Vanour will help us to restore our glory so say all hail to the Nation of Light"

Andrew Rise started to work as the president from that day, and my master started his new game.

Foremost he let the Uzur's control the nation for some years, but he gained plenty of political powers in that time.When the time came, he asked me to call Yazid.

When I called Yazid he came as soon as I delivered him the message and reported to my master.

My master told him to be prepared cause he is starting his new game with a new nation. (To be continued)

I haven't abandoned the story I will continue it after finishing my current story. If you liked the story make sure to check out my ongoing novel My Dark Isekai Project.

Thanks for reading the chapter. I will come back soon and will continue uploading more chapters.

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