
The World Creator System

The main character died from an accident on earth and has been lucky enough to be born in a cultivation world as the 10th prince of an empire that has been occupying half of the continent’s land. He will have great cultivation talent detected and a hidden rune talent. The main character was an addicted gamer on earth and died of a heart attack due to excessive drinking of energy drinks. He has played all the games the earth can offer. The main character will design worlds based on Earth's game which the system will create. All he needs to do is to pay appropriate energy stones to the system.

TheUnknownVlogger · Kỳ huyễn
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22 Chs

Book 1 - Chapter 7: The First User (2)

It has been 10 days within the 'Monster Island' world since the mortal wave started. As for Eric's status, he has died multiple times due to the unlimited number of mortal monsters attacking the castle and has failed numerous times to defend it. Nevertheless, Eric didn't log out of the world and kept attacking the monsters.

Within 10 days, he has grasp better ways to apply his cultivation techniques as well as the way to use his sword efficiently. Although he kept dying, he learned tons in exchange. Then, the 15th day arrived and Eric still got the same results from his defense. And after the 15th day, he logged out and woke up from his slumber. After checking, Eric confirmed that he only spent 1 hour of real-time for the 15 days within the Monster Island world.

With all the confirmations and experience he had, he quickly formulated a plan. Since the Monster Island world requires 1,000 users max, he needs to install the world to 1,000 bracelets, also, he realized a question, which was, if he can upgrade the max user numbers, which the system answered.





Eric closed the notification as he didn't have the required number of energy stones yet. So, he drafted the plan which resulted to:

· He has to create 1,000 bracelets first.

· Introduce his rune talents to his mother and father, and to avoid suspicion, he has to make a solid story of how he can create runes.

· Introduce his products and have 1,000 people be the beta users of his monster island world.

· Gather more energy stones for his cultivation, world creation, and further upgrades he needed.

With these plans, he decided to go with 1,000 bracelets first.

*** *** *** *** *** *** ***

A few days passed since Eric's first goal started and with his request to his maid and mother, he quickly gathered 1,000 bracelets. His mother was also baffled by her son's request but since there was no harm in providing Eric with what he wanted and its only bracelets, so, she approved and let the maid bring the items into Eric's yard.

As per Eric's instructions, the maid quickly organized the bracelets and have them placed in separate boxes.

When all were organized, he asked the guards and maids to put 100 boxes inside his room. When the night came, he quickly brushed up his hands towards the bunch of boxes placed inside his room, then, the boxes vanished and went inside his space inventory, which was provided by the system.

Another day passed, he made the same instructions to his maid and guards and it went on for a few days until all the boxes were gone.

Both Eric's maid, guards, and mother were surprised and shocked at how Eric did what he did. His mother, being a talent on her own, instantly thought of spatial talent. This shocked her as well when she thought of it, but since no evidence suggested that Eric has a space talent that was not even detected by their elders, she couldn't just report it carelessly, not without, being mocked by her other sisters, the emperor's wives.

So, she just kept quiet and since Eric was quite months away from reaching 6 years old, had a mature mindset, she decided to wait for her son to tell everything.

*** *** *** *** *** *** ***

Months passed and Eric's 6th year of being reborn arrived.

For the past few months after getting all the required bracelets and installing the Monster Island world in them, he kept it all low profile and cultivated under Richard's guidance.

As days passed, Eric already accumulated 9,100 low-grade energy stones and was only a few hundred away from upgrading his monster island world to a maximum of 10,000 users.

With everything prepared, Eric went to his mother's yard and asked for her audience from her maids. His mother asked him to go inside her room. Once inside, he saw his mother's serious expression, but with a smile on her lips. Fiona gestured for the young Eric to sit, so, he sat facing his mother where only a small table separates them.

And then, his mother asked softly, "What is it, my son?"

Eric breathes in and out while he closed his eyes and opened them again, with all its attention made towards his mother's eyes.

Fiona was surprised a bit by how determined her son's eyes makes, and she thought of how serious Eric would be once he spoke words from his mind. As soon as Eric nodded, he said, "Mother, for the past year, I was detected to have a heavenly grade talent, and challenged father for me to cultivate early. I won that and now I am here to tell you something, however, please listen carefully Mother, I'll answer your questions after I fully explained, will that be okay, Mother?"

Fiona's eyebrows curled up, but still had a neutral expression and nodded.

"Okay, here's what happened after when my talent was activated and detected… *blah*blah*blah*" Eric fully explained his rune talents to his mother, where as time goes by, Fiona's eyes went from a simple eye expression to a shocked expression.

She never thought that her son would have a hidden talent, and although not related to combat, it was still a second talent and not a simple one at that, runes! Runes were not simple and many rune masters lived within the empire and enjoyed benefits from the empire as well as its citizens. Rune masters were revered in the empire as they create something no one can create!

After Eric explained his hidden talent, he allowed his mother to ask questions, Fiona asked, "I now understand son, now, I only have one question, how can you explain the boxes that have vanished in your yard and room, without a spatial item?"

Eric was startled by his mother's question as it was not related to what he just explained, but, still, he remained calm and collected his thoughts. A few seconds passed and he opened his mouth and explained his 'third talent'.

Fiona was again shocked by his son's monstrous talent! Three talents! Never has been a person in the history of the empire that has three talents. This was a great blessing for her, the emperor, and the empire! That there and then, she decided to protect her son much better because if her other sisters learned of Eric's multiple talents, they would surely plot something to kill or kidnap her son!

With all the information Eric said, Fiona said, "My son! Thank you for telling me all these and know that no one will know about it until you are strong enough to protect yourself." Eric smiled at his mother and nodded. "You can now go back to your yard and cultivate properly!" Fiona said.

However, Eric shook his head and he made a wave with his hand and a bracelet appeared. Fiona was shocked by what she saw! Spatial Talent! But, what was with the bracelet? She went curious about it.

And then, Eric explained what the bracelet was all about.

As words came out of Eric's mouth, Fiona went from serious to open wide mouth expression, which was shock and quickly snatched the bracelet in Eric's hand.

Eric smiled softly and then explained how to use the bracelet.

As soon as Fiona followed the instruction and activated the bracelet, she heard a voice in her head asking to place two low-grade energy stones above the bracelet. She was surprised but didn't comment and followed the voice's instructions.

When she did, all the information about the uses of the bracelet as well as the available world within the bracelet, and the rules of the world inside the bracelet went inside her brain.

[to be continued]

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