
The World Creator System

The main character died from an accident on earth and has been lucky enough to be born in a cultivation world as the 10th prince of an empire that has been occupying half of the continent’s land. He will have great cultivation talent detected and a hidden rune talent. The main character was an addicted gamer on earth and died of a heart attack due to excessive drinking of energy drinks. He has played all the games the earth can offer. The main character will design worlds based on Earth's game which the system will create. All he needs to do is to pay appropriate energy stones to the system.

TheUnknownVlogger · Kỳ huyễn
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22 Chs

Book 1 - Chapter 14: Proposal to the Emperor (4)

Imagine a lion surrounded by hundreds of hyenas, that was what the emperor has been experiencing for the past 10 days. Although he didn't die, his mission has failed. For the first 6 days, he learned how hard it was to fight alone against infinite numbers of low-level creatures and how taxing it was in his body and mind. Although a world cultivator, his energy has its own limits too, so, before ending the 6th day, the monsters passed his detection and continued to attack the castle walls, which they destroyed eventually, thus, resulting in the "Mission Failed" announcement of the system.

This made the emperor irritated as he never thought that mortal realm-level monsters could defeat him, but, rationally thinking, he was destined to fail anyway, as the challenge was for a thousand cultivators and not for one single person. After the 6th day, the emperor tried every possible strategy he could come up with, but, still failed on the 15th day. And even though he could still stay within this world for another 165 days, he was just testing the item his son created so he could judge if it would help his empire or not, or if it could benefit them somehow, and, all of the experiences he had for the past few days in this world has been life-changing for him and has opened a lot of things to consider in regards to his own power, techniques and cultivation level. He even thought that if they would ever encounter such scenarios, would the empire even survive such an attack? The answer was a definite "No". 15 days of the full-on slaughter of infinite monsters, even at the mortal realm level could destroy most of the empire, what more if the attacks were from the soul realm and above? Everyone would've died by then.

And so, the emperor decided to "log out".

Instantly, his mind was transported back to reality.

*** *** *** *** *** *** ***

The emperor opened his eyes and everyone quickly reacted as it has been an hour since the emperor closed his eyes.

The emperor quickly turned his gaze towards Eric, and Eric, also gazed back to his father's, then asked, "How was it, father?"

The emperor nodded and, "It was a great tool. A tool that can strengthen our empire. A tool that can elevate our people! So… this was your creation?"

Eric nodded, not saying anything back to his father. The emperor understood what his son's action meant, it means that he confirmed, but will not admit to it verbally. The emperor smirked at this response as it was quite a cunning way to avoid suspicion and attacks from his siblings and other ministers as well as with the empress and other concubines.

"Good. Now, I need you to my study to discuss things, follow me." The emperor said and stood up walking back to his room.

The ministers were startled by what has transpired in front of their eyes. The emperor didn't even let them question what the bracelet was all about and just continued to go back to this yard.

All of the ministers quickly talked to each other in low voices. All of them were curious of the bracelet and what it entails as the emperor said that it can elevate the empire. All of them sent inquiries and reports to their respective higher-ups.

*** *** *** *** *** *** ***

In the emperor's study room, he and Eric were both seated across from each other and both have serious expressions on their faces. One was mature and the other was cute. Of course, Eric has just reached 6 years old, so, his facial maturity has yet to be seen.

"So, son, what do you want in exchange for this powerful tool? Can you create more? The voices inside this tool said that the maximum number of people that can enter would be 1,000. Can you increase it? " The emperor asked question after question to Eric, to which Eric smiled from the bottom of his heart. This was what he wanted, just like a salesman that introduces new needs of people, he would just create a demand for it.

"Father, I want more energy stones, the more the better. Low-grade and higher are accepted and I can indeed create more, however, I need materials such as the bracelet you hold as well as the energy stones I needed. And yes, again, I can increase the number of people that can enter that "Illusory" world. It was an accident really, I never would've thought that I could have a talent in runes and thus I experimented and the result is in your eyes." Eric answered.

The emperor listed and contemplated, then asked, "Our empire has 3 million soldiers and all of them have good cultivation levels, with your tool, their power could increase exponentially in just a short amount of time. It can even increase the level of our techniques, I could even feel the pure energy coming inside me after getting out of that "Illusory" world you created, does this also happen with other people that come inside that world?"

Eric answered honestly, "Yes, father."

With that simple response, the emperor has completely decided. "Well then, since this is a deal between us, tell me what you need and I'll provide it to you. I need 3 million of this, how long can you do this?"

Eric was shocked when he heard his father's demand. He thought up and asked the system, how long the installation process would be if it amounts to 3,000,000 bracelets.



Eric saw the answer and thought of how many energy stones he would need and decided to go with 10,000 low-grade energy stones for 3,000,000 bracelets and that would be… 30,000,000,000 low-grade energy stones.

"I need 30 billion low-grade energy stones and 3 million bracelets of the same quality as that one you're holding if that's the quantity you need."

The emperor was surprised by the number of low-grade energy stones his son requires but that's doable as he could just use higher-grade energy stones to compensate for some parts of that amount. "For the duration?" He asked.

"3 months, father." Eric flatly answered.

"3-3 months!?" The emperor was shocked! That was 3 million bracelets not 300! How fast! The emperor quickly turned serious when he heard the answer and asked to confirm if his son was serious. The kid was just 6 years old!

"Are you serious and not joking with me?" The emperor asked in a reprimanding tone.

Eric felt doubtfulness of his father towards his answer, so, he made a new dare for him, "Yes, father, and if you don't believe it, once I got the energy stones and bracelets, I'll send you the 1 million bracelets that have that "Illusory" world within in 30 days. If I can't, I'll work as a slave for the empire for the next 100 years!"

The emperor was surprised by Eric's words and just laughed a little, another dare his son made! And if he's not wrong, the last one that he did come true. The emperor sighed and just agreed with everything his son demanded as well as the dare he issued.

*** *** *** *** *** *** ***

After the deal has been made, Eric went back to his courtyard along with his mother and they talked about the deal with the emperor. With full support, Eric's mother asked her people to also mine or get energy stones as she also made a deal with Eric. Although, the deal was 1,000 bracelets for 5,000 low-grade energy stones. She ordered 100,000.

[to be continued]

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