
Vampires In Stealth Mode


Meanwhile the vampire who volunteered to watch the entrance was getting bored he heard a sound of footsteps coming towards his way he felt quite surprise.

When the vampire heard footsteps at the end of the cave he immediately become alerted and got quite curious.

So he stealthily took a look . When he saw 4 sillethoute he was quite excited but when he saw their appearance he was startled before he rushed back to where Anthony and the others where.

When Winston and Anthony saw the vampire running towards them with great speed they where immediately startled. He also picked the interest of Winston who was trying to lift the saber who was in the ground.

"You're highness I found 4 long eared creatures with weapons going towards our direction." He half keeled like a knight completing his mission.

When Anthony heard it he immediately took a look at Winston, Winston also stared at him. His faced was expressing his curiosity of what the long eared creatures where.

Winston also knew why Anthony was staring at him curiously. He casually and calmly stated. " Oh they where elves."But he was anxious if the elves level is higher than them. So he made a desecive dessision to scout the enemies strengths and weaknesses.

He called out four noble blood vampires to scout the enemies and report when they found out the strength and weaknesses of them. He also said that if.the enemies have lower level they could kill them and drink their blood as a reward.

When the vampires heard his last sentence their spirit immediately got ignited.

Under the envious and jealous gazes of the other vampires the four noble bloods departed to the direction where they would scout the elves.

When the elves where in the spacious hall where the human bones where scene they felt their blood stand still. They imagine what happened in here that could make it look like this.

'What kind of evil creature did this humans encounter. To think that they where all wiped out. This was not the doing of a vampire.'

While they where destructed the 4 noble bloods where watching them from the dark. When they saw that their levels where only level 13, on par with their levels they immediately made an ambush type plan.

They stalked their prey as if they where the predator wanting to make a one hit strike.

The four elves dis not know that it would be the end of them when they found where the lever is. Because they thought that the vampires where still chained they put their guards down.

When the elves saw the lever. they felt joy and greed.

If we were the first one to pilage the treasures first then we will be rich even just a bag of gold or a chest full of gold.

But they did not know that when their thoughts where wandering about golds. 4 silent sillethoute was creeping in their sides. Then it was too late for them to find out that they where already at the brink of death.


Then the vampires squirm out of the darkness launching towards them with their sharp claws and sharp teeth.


Then a painful sound was heard followed by another. Till it stop when the four of them where sucked dry.

The vampires immediately reported back what happened. They also told the other vampires proudly of how they sipped the bloods of the elves and their tatse. Winston still felt quite disgusted.

Anthony and the others felt that their blood was boiling from excitement. While Winston was calculating what to do next because he knew that they where just scouts that was send to their deaths.

He gave the command to the ordinary vampires to be wary of their surroundings while they where pillaging the whole prison.

He also instructed 11 noble bloods to scout the entrance and if they saw any creatures Kill to drink.

He then secretly pass a mission to Anthony using his handsignals to Lich which Lich immediately understand and he passed it to Anthony ,Which he gladly oblide.

He then stared at the black saber which was lying on the ground.' Maybe I have to offer my blood again?' Which was immediately dispelled in his thoughts. ' If I do that again and those red creatures would be ecstatic again.'

Damn how can I wield this shit saber. Curse the maker of this heavy saber.


Lachius on the other hand was bored waiting for the three teams to report so he send another group to the three holes.

Within 20 minutes in the middle hole came out the second and the first scouts who went there.

"Sir we found no entrance. It was dim lit just like a storeroom. But from the smells emitted from them I'm really sure that this was the goblins nest."

When Lachius heard what his subordinate said he was first disappointed before he regained his spirit upon thinking of the last two caves.

One hour have already passed but no signs of the two holes so he made a decision that if they don't come out he would lead the search party to find them.


While he was thingking of them. The third Hole which Winston didn't explore.

You could see 8 silhouette walking back to the entrance. They have already explored February of it which was just basically found loads of bones of big rats and a massive fish. And foul smell.


In the hole which Winston found the prison. A fight was going on between two parties. The first group which was in the disadvantage was the elves 2 of them where heavily injured while the other two was trying to flee as fast as they could. But the vampires would not let them do what they wanted.

So on the vampires side where 9 noble blood vampires who where becoming loyal to Winston. Their attack also become fiercer. Their eyes are bloodshot. They did not notice it but they have already awakened their passive skill.

[Bloodshot] (passive skill) vampires

When a vampire first smells the blood of his prey they would become energetic and their attacks becomes fiercer.

*note never let a vampire have a taste on your blood.*

While the 2 elves carrying their heavily injured kins. The vampires expression where like a predator playing with its pray. When the elves thought that they where safe Anthony showed out of nowhere and cut their throats using the vampire sword which Winston found in the chest where he saw the three aristocrats. Killing them on the spot.

When the vampires saw Anthony personally taking action they felt quite a bit ashamed. So they dare not to look at him.

Anthony glared at them before he scolded them.

"Do not let your guard down and don't play with your enemies. For Draco's sake. Finish it early so that you can taste their blood earlier. "

He then pick up the two heavily injured elves who was stiffed and terrified at the same time. He then glared at the vampire nobles. " I found out the enemy forces. They where weak but they have two level 19 warriors and their leader was a level 20 swordsman. Their whole troupe was at least 23 long eared creatures. Wait for reinforcements and observe them quietly. " He then started walking back.

When the noble bloods saw him out of their sight they immediately sighed in relief. They immediately began drinking blood from the elves. Within 1 minute they have made the corps like a lake that have no water.

When Anthony got back he immediately came to report what the strength of the enemies where.

*Author here: GUYS thank you for your support!

I really want to make long chapters but It was sometimes a hassle for the other chapters so I made a boundary of 1200 words or more but less than 1800 words. I really want to make more chapters but I have to prioritize my exams so When I'm down with it I'll go back to writing.

tomorrow I'll start my reviews. And Wednesday was the start of exams so when I'm done I'll immediately Wright chapter eleven. and on Friday I'll Wright two chapters

Sky_Dragon_Slayercreators' thoughts