79 A Familiar Face Shows Up


Aiden and I did not waste any more time and quickly ran our way towards the camp to warn others of the intruders incoming.

As soon as we reached the camp, Aiden started shouting "Intruders incoming!" which made the people here panicked and alert at the same time.

"Tara! Where's Tara?!" Aiden shouted in a panic mode. The girl he called Tara suddenly popped out in front of him and said "Here!" while raising her wand.

"I need you and three others to set up an invisible barrier to conceal our camp from the incoming intruders while me and Lianne here take down these intruders. Alright?" instructed the lad. 

Tara smiled sheepishly to the lad standing in front of him before responding, "Okie!" in a cheerful manner.

She quickly fled from our sight and started gathering men to help her with the barrier that Aiden is asking.

Wait, what did he say earlier? I will help him take down these intruders?!


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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