

Tolani was frightened at the odour of the chemical because it refresh his memory about the beating, then he asked Mr Frank about how he get the chemicals? it's the same as the one in the buggy man's house when I was kidnapped.

Mr Frank now understand better, you mean this can lead us to the buggy man? okay follow me, they both went to the house underground building, as they entered Tolani was amused and surprised later it became fearful for him to move in because he found himself in the mist of many equipment and men working on then, then Mr Frank stopped after some steps ahead when he noticed that Tolani is not following him as before then he smiled and say Tolani welcome to the HUB where we look into problems and find adequate solutions, this unit is under the leadership of Col Muyiwa we are his eye over here.

Meet Major Steve he is the man in charge of all operations and right here is Robert the man in charge of all information, those guys over there they are the powerhouse they are Sergeant Lockwood, Sergeant Mark and Sergeant Bright. there are still more four they are the field officer's you will get to know them better as time goes on.

Guys this sergeant Tolani one of the army officer which serve in Northern borderline, he is now one of us from now on as been instructed by Col, guys get back to work but before we go that chemical the field officer's brought is now a link to the buggy man as been stated by Sagt Tolani, do everything you need to do, to analyze the components and usefulness of the chemicals, check if the soil samples tally with the chemical components, Tolani Move on to inspect the sample it was the same as the one you gave to Mr Adewale.

Back in Brooklake where Muyiwa Based in he was reading a big profile which was been sent from Borderline, he dropped the report with serious eyes Major Frost are you accurate with all this report, then it's time for me to step in, notify Hub 1 and 2 to forward their reports and findings to my desk in three days time, Give this letter to Wolf team, then notify Capt Smith to meet me.

when major Frost left the office Muyiwa stood up from his chair and brought out a very classified document, from his safe then start reading, suddenly he drop the document out of anger and voice out Buggy man never will you bring terror unto any city again, from Downtown to Borderline even to the end of Finwood you cause them all to fear yet no one ever know who you are, then it's time to uncover the wound we started long ago, I know you have links everywhere then am also ready to play your game with you. this now the game of the thinker and the planner.

After the market where will you aim at the buggy man? Muyiwa was deep in thought suddenly he smiled, women dominant the market when men dominant the force no wonder he asked for manpower, when the two is out of the way then the children will be without control. Buggy man you aim at our young ones, then let us move on in the game. with this Muyiwa wrote the word down in his document, Market women, Military Men Force, Then Hopeless Children. Now why the children?

He dropped the document back in his safe and lock the safe with a new code, new code per new day to avoid leaking of information. suddenly he stopped and look towards the door, then tiptoed to the door, open the door with force there he met Major Frost that ought to be at where he sent him standing at the door eavesdropping all his words since. as the door was opened he stumbled back to compose himself but Muyiwa never give him the grace land a kick at his legs, he fall down no matter his experience of war or military he still fall because he never expect that and Muyiwa majored in Taekwondo and karate, as the fall came with great force it alert all other officers, as they came with serious expression on them, muyiwa just ask Major Frost to lead the way to his apartment for him to see, soon all officers on ground understand that, then they all move out to Major Frost apartment.

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