
The Gospel of Tundras Part 7

Though he did not send her to the dream, but rather continued his assault. The water came with potency, but froze over right before reaching her, causing great ice blocks to slam against her.

Falling over, feeling the pain start to increase she gets shoot into the air, by a geyser the enemy created. In the air, she is meet with Limbo who reformed himself through the steam. Coming down on her, through the water that hurt her from below, he slams her against the ground.

Both of his legs, pressing her face against the floor. The left side of her face, which had the scars, was now even more damaged. Her left eye in particular, ruptured plenty of veins, almost crushed completely, if not for the water that struck her back during the fall.

— So, tell me, if you really are my ally…

Defeated, Brenda’s consciousness dives into clouded and vague thoughts.

— How were you born?

The mind and body, she was born with, incapable of keeping up with her enemy.

“How was I born?”