
The Werewolf lover

His hand drove through her legs as she sighs Deeply. This wasn't supposed to happen. A shame to the Alpha, to the pack.

Chioma_Ejike · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

His Arrival


" I really can not wait to see him perform" Melia screamed underneath her breath like a tiny rat

"I know right?" Betty answered 

"Well…. She is almost done with the lecture, I am leaving this class immediately she says the last word" Melia laughed at her own desperation on meeting James

"Calm down Atta girl, what if he doesn't come?" Betty whispered slowly 

"No please, don't say that" 

"Hey, you two over there" Mrs Susan said, she saw them talking for a while and had left them but this time they were causing unnecessary attention to themselves "Get over here and continue teaching from where I stopped", Mrs Susan seemed upset 

Melia came out to where Mrs Susan was standing together with Betty, without saying a word. 

"Since you, both can't let me go before you have all the conversation you want to, both of you would have to teach about the reproductive system that I was talking about before you guys interrupted with your noise" Now teach your colleagues "

Betty took the book, while Melia carried the marker. They were underestimated, they explained it so well, and the students understood it way better than they would have if it were Mrs Susan. 

" So what happens when the chromosomes condense into…? " Mrs Susan wanted to get to them. But the sound of the bell stopped her question. 

"OK, we will continue this class tomorrow. " Mrs Susan warned. Betty and Melia threw a smile they couldn't hide anymore. "And both of you would do the teaching tomorrow" She pointed at both of them. 

"Oh My God" Students outside began to scream as they rushed toward the hall

"He is here" Melia whispered to herself with a smile 

"Let's hurry before that place gets filled" Betty almost screamed at Melia 

              JOE'S POV 

"Hey sweetheart, can you go get me some fruits at the store?" 

"Yes, mum" Joe stood up and walked to the remote to turn off the television "Where's the money?" 

"It's on the table behind you" mum pointed towards the table right before him


"Hurry please" 

"OK mum" Joe carried the money and left for the fruits 

There had been a fight which was still not resolved down the street which made movement impossible. This kept Joe stranded as it was the only way to get the fruits

He stood tirelessly praying for the police to hurry so the case would be resolved and people can move. 

"See oranges here," the man in the line behind him said, offering him a plastic bag of six peeled oranges. He had not noticed him before then 

He shook his head " Thank you". 

"Take one, I noticed that you have been standing here for a long time without eating anything" 

Joe looked at him properly then, for the first time. A nondescript face with a dark complexion unusually smooth for a man. There was something inspirational about his crisp-ironed shirt and blue tie, about the careful way he spoke his English as though he feared he would make a mistake. Perhaps he worked for one of the new generation banks and was making a much better living than he had ever imagined possible. 

"No, thank you," He said. The woman in front turned to glance at him and then went back to talking to some people besides her

"You should eat oh, the man behind him said, although he no longer held out the bag of oranges 

He shook his head again, the hunger was there, the pain of standing. It was as if jumping from the balcony had dislodged some bits and pieces inside his head so that they now clattered painfully. Jumping had not been his only choice, he could have followed another street and asked around. The men had been arguing so loudly that they blocked out reality. 

He couldn't wait anymore, he fought his way out of the crowd, the crowd was so huge, he had already wasted so much time and energy when he had not even gotten the fruit 

He followed another street which he prayed would lead to the store, asking strangers constantly to be sure he is on the right track 

"Finally" He held his chest and sighed deeply. He had just seen the store from afar "Jeez, this route is longer than the one I would have followed" He forgot about the distress of getting to the store and remembered the fight that couldn't let him follow his normal route 

He went in to get the fruits, he just remembered that he did not ask for the fruits mum wanted. He decided to call 

"Mum, which fruits do you want?" he asked over the phone 

"Where have you been Joe?" 

"There was a fight on the normal route I take, I decided to take another which was longer" he couldn't say more than that, the hunger was tearing him up 

" You would explain better when you get home, get me some Apple and pineapple" mum said and ended the call

Joe went straight to the Apple he saw to get it

"It was between the Alpha and his beta," Someone said

Joe minded his business and ignored what they were saying 

"No wonder, I couldn't follow that route, I thought it was a regular fight," Another said

"No, it was between the Alpha and his beta" 

"Wait, what?" Joe asked as it got his attention.