
Chapter 2 Kidnapped and Awakened

A week later since fight of death

Secretary with black hair

" President our company value is risen again"

Arthur looks to documents

" It seems like that. But there are several problems however I corrected it. You can give it to head of management department."

As he saying he wore his jacket and pick up knight sword near table.

Secretary watches it.

" President are you going home alone again? Shall I call driver? "

Arthur shook his head

" It's okay. I will walk by myself."

Secretary persuaded

" But it's late."

Arthur ignored and goes out.

He was walking leisurely while holding his sword. However don't be fooled by how it is look.

His blue eyes was always scanning around. He was calm and ready. After all he is often assassinated by others. Suddenly he stopped.

" It's too quiet."

Night was heavy. There were no people around.

Arthur unsheathed his sword and says coldly

" Come out."

Several shadows rushed out. They were holding guns. Arthur silently take stance. Assassins shoot him. Arthur zigzagged and dodges bullet.

He takes cover.

" Who sent you?"

But there wasn't any answer. Arthur took breathe rushes out. He cut the bullets with his sword even so he was wounded. It's all minor injury and he didn't look worried. He comes right front of them looking them as a prey.

" Die "

He cuts them one by one. Although they are panicked they still attacked him. Time passes Arthur was panting as a he caught last assassin.

He asked again

" Who sent you? "

Assassin laughed said in Arabic

" 10 rings won"

As he said he fainted

Arthur reacted but it's too late

" Odorless and colorless neurotoxin. Fuck"

as he said he falls down

After he woke up in unfamiliar place. He frowned looked down himself being tied down.

" Bloody hell! How careless am I? "

Arthur cursed himself

Wretched man comes to him

" Mr. Frost it's nice to meet you. I never thought I will be able to see one of the most genius of earth. You don't know how am I flustered right now."

" Haha it's honor to meet fan like you. Could you untie me? "

Man shook his head

" It's impossible but if there are other requests like food or something like that it's possible. After all you are VIP."

Arthur nods calmly

" So where am I? It doesn't seem like UK and What do you want me to do?"

Man laughs

" As expected from Mr. Frost. We are in Afghanistan and I want you to build weapon and technological things."

Arthur looks to him

" Impossible I never build something like that for you."

Man shook his head

" It's pity then you have to endure famine."

Arthur didn't say word. Man looks him and leave to gate

" If you change your please say."

Arthur ignored it. Man left after saying that.

Arthur didn't know how many days after that he almost became bone bag. Everyday he drink water and nothing more. His once muscled body became weak thin after torture but even so he endured it. However today he fainted from pain.

"Wake up boy! Hey! "

Arthur opens his eyes

" Where is this place? "

Man with black hair was looking at him. He smiled said

" Your conciousness. It's your world."

Arthur looks around him

" It must be dream right! It's so unscientific."

Man laughs

" Science isn't all knowing. There are more things that science can't explain."

As he said extended his hand galaxy shines in it

Arthur looks curiously. He gently touched it.

" So what do you want me to do? There is no free lunch in this world."

Man grinned

" Live freely and protect what is dear to you I want you do that."

Arthur's jaws are wide open from unbelief

" What is you saying truth?"

Man looked helplessly at him

" I never lived happily. Fortunately you can and I will give you power that beat all things." As he said he unfolded his arms

" The Dimensions most beautiful existence you will ever see."

There were many images flashing

Man with red eyes and black long hair was spitting fire sea, boy with straw hat was sailing, guy with hedgehog and tail was fighting, man with S symbol on his chest was flying... so on

Arthur looked at that

" Are you giving this all to me? Why? "

Man smiled

" Because from now on all my existence will be with you and I want you to be live free so that I can feel what is freedom."

" Haha then I shall accept this power."

Man looked at him seriously after Arthur said

" But remember I will leave something so that you can use this power."

After he said he turned transparent and fused into his body.

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