

The TV screen flickered to life, the news reporter's urgent voice breaking through the quiet room.

"In a concerning turn of events, the murder rates in our town have seen a sharp increase," the reporter stated, their tone mirroring the gravity of the situation. " It appears the Lycoraxes are on the rise again, notorious for their unsettling habit of feeding on human flesh."

The room fell into a heavy silence, the weight of the news sinking in. Concern etched on faces as the hospital members exchanged worried glances.

John, sitting on the chair, voiced the shared anxiety. "Lycoraxes again? We thought they were under control."

His girlfriend,  Aurelia, shook her head, her eyes reflecting the unease. "Seems like the battle between humans and Lycoraxes is getting tougher."

The news report continued, showing a grim picture of the town's struggle against a rising tide of violence and supernatural threat.

"What are we going to do about this, John?" Aurelia asked, her concern evident in her voice.

John responded  "We need to stay vigilant, keep our loved ones safe. It's tough times, but we'll get through this together."

10 years ago, she had lost her family to a pack of Lycoraxes, and John was the only thing she had left.

As the news report echoed in the room, they grappled with the unsettling reality unfolding outside their homes.

Aurelia's night shift at the hospital had just ended when she received an urgent call. " A fatal car accident occured right before Bloodstreak Avenue. We need you on board."

" We need to be careful, we all know that Bloodstreak Avenue is one of the most Lycorax infested streets," the head doctor emphasized.

Rushing to the scene, she discovered a mangled car, wreckage scattered across the road. Amongst the twisted metal, A man lay unconscious, the only survivor.

He was covered in blood , all sorts of wounds and broken joints.

As they investigated the other dead bodies,it was evident that it was a lycorax attack. The air was thick with the scent of gasoline and the distant wail of sirens.

Aurelia, a skilled doctor, worked tirelessly to stabilize and help him.

Aurelia stared at the monitor, her mind racing with worry as she observed his unconscious form.

The heart monitor beeped strangely, and his blood seemed oddly vibrant. She hesitated as the other doctors suggested treatments, her instincts telling her to keep quiet.

[His blood isn't normal. The heart monitor, too. I can't let them start treatments without understanding what going on.]

The medical team discussed procedures, but Aurelia's thoughts were focused on the man before her. She discreetly shook her head when the others suggested standard protocols.

[There's something about him, something they won't understand. I need to figure it out before they do something irreversible.]

As the night unfolded, Aurelia worked silently, keeping her suspicions to herself. She noted every irregularity, feeling the weight of an unspoken truth in the man's  mysterious condition.

The hospital room was filled with bustling activity, but Aurelia was determined to unlock the secrets hidden within the peculiarities of his physiology.

Days later , he regained consciousness, their eyes met, a silent understanding passing between them.

As the sun peeked into the hospital room, the man slowly woke up. Opening his eyes, he found Aurelia looking at him, and a sense of relief washed over her face.

[He's awake. That's a miracle.]

Still feeling pain rippling through his body , he wondered how he got there and if she had discovered his secret.

Aurelia noticed his unease and tried to comfort him. "You're awake, We were worried about you."

He was  still a bit shaky, felt a weight on his chest.

[Does she know my secret?]

Aurelia, sensing his worry, asked gently, "What's your name?"

With a weak voice, he replied, "Faelan."

As the days passed in the hospital, they found moments of connection and shared laughter. In that small room, their bond grew stronger. Faelan, who had feared his secret was out, started to feel more at ease realizing she didn't know anything. Aurelia, with her kindness, made each day a little brighter, turning the hospital room into a place of comfort and warmth.

With Faelan discharged from the hospital, a new challenge awaited him , finding a place to go. Aurelia, seeing his predicament, offered a solution.

"You can stay with me until you're fully recovered. I'll take care of you," she suggested, her eyes reflecting genuine concern.

Faelan, grateful for her kindness, accepted the offer. As days turned into weeks, they shared a home and more. Aurelia, caring for Faelan, discovered the layers of his personality, and he, in turn, found comfort in her presence.

Faelan and Aurelia formed a connection that transcended the roles of caregiver and patient.

As time went by, Aurelia spent most of her time with Faelan and not her boyfriend John. Which made him suspicious and angry.

He went to her apartment and decided to confront her , and they had an ugly argument.

" What do you mean I don't care about you anymore?" she questioned him with confusion etched on her face.

" Don't act like you don't know, first you bring him into your house,  god knows if you two aren't even sleeping together..."

" Oh wow ... Wouldn't that be great... John I'm tired of you and your ongoing accusations, maybe it's high time you and I end things."

John looked at her and laughed , " are breaking up with me... Just for some guy you met ?"

" No , even before I met him, you always assumed I was out sleeping around with your friends... I'm tired it's over. "

He grabbed his jacket and headed for the door, as he opened it ,Faelan was standing at the doorstep with a basket of fresh clean laundry.

John purposefully bumped into him , making him spill the clean laundry on the floor.

" Is everything okay?" he questioned as he picked the clothes.

Fighting back the tears in her eyes, Aurelia gave him a fake smile and nodded her head.

As time went by, a deep bond blossomed, and the unspoken feelings between them began to take shape.

They fell in love ,a love that grew from shared moments, laughter, and the kindness that turned a temporary living arrangement into a lifelong connection.

One evening, under a sky painted with hues of sunset, Faelan found the courage to express his feelings.

"Aurelia, these days have been incredible. I feel a connection I've never felt before."

Aurelia smiled at him and replied, "Me too, Faelan. It's like we're meant to be together."

Their laughter echoed through the night as they sealed their love with a kiss.

Separating from the kiss , Faelan decided it was time to reveal his hidden identity.

"Aurelia, there's something I need to tell you..."