
The Villainess is the Female lead

While reading her favorite novel on her phone in the train station, someone pushed her off in the train track, the next thing she knew were she was reincarnated inside the novel she was reading, but she was reincarnated as the most hated character in novel.

Yurishima18809 · Kỳ huyễn
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The novel of past life

Achlys had a nightmare that night, she dreamt about her past life.

She dreamt about her, she was wearing her uniform, walking at the same street she walk for a million times. She remembers, it's been so long, she almost forgot about her life, her eyes wonders to the busy streets, she stop a certain place she always go after school, it was the library. She remembers, she doesn't have friends, she only let herself eaten by her book addiction, she would rather be alone than meeting new people. But when the internet introduce to her, she would browse novels in her phone, sharing her thoughts about it and made a internet friends, but in real life she was a loner.

The novel that peak at her interest is "Reincarnated as a Villainess" it was a story of a ordinary girl that died and posses the body of the villainess she's been reading. The novel named as "Heir's game" it was a novel about a main character is the crown prince (The male lead) name Delroy Heinrich, he was cursed at the young age of 6, he was forced to kill his own mother at the age of 8 and his cursed that he will have a cold heart that will freeze him to death at the age 21. The female lead named Achlys Anatollius melt his heart, the saint of the god of life, she save the kingdom and lift the curse of the prince. The villainess named Audrey Anatollius, she was adopted daughter of the late Duke, she was daughter of the Duke's young brother that died in the war, her mother was a commoner who died in a incurable disease, she was a villainess who hates the female lead so much, due to her hatred, she tried to kill Achlys, she was also the fiancé of the crown prince, but the crown prince fell in love with Achlys, she thinks that Achlys takes everything away from her, she made a contract with a devil. The main villain in the story was the Second prince, the empress's only son named Abaddon Heinrich, he was supposed to be next at the throne if Delroy died, but he didn't, he was the cruel, spoil and a tyrant, he was also known as a Prince of Chaos.

The novel of "Reincarnated as a Villainess", the female lead is now is the villainess, Audrey. She posses her body because her soul were taken away by the devil who she contracted with due to her failure killing the crown prince, so the devil summon a new soul and put the world back in time, that new soul is the female lead. But instead of her being the villainess, the original female lead (Achlys) became the villainess and also a trashy character, she was two faced, she manipulates the crown prince and tried to poison Audrey. But the ending was satisfying, Audrey and the crown prince defeated the devil, Achlys was beheaded and the Abaddon, due to his immediate resurrection and healing, he cannot be killed, he was sealed inside the box of imprisonment that located in the Gold rose palace of Kingdom of Leverette.

Everyone in the internet, everyone who reads the novel was overjoyed to her death, to the ending of the novel.


Achyls suddenly opened her teary eyes, she immediately sit up in bed, wiping her teary eyes, she looked around, it was an unfamiliar place to her, she remembers all happens, everything in her past life, she tries to stand up but she fall off the bed because the bed is to high for her. She barefoot walk towards a large mirror, looking at herself, so this is she now, but why she still remember her past life?