
A fateful encounter in the forest

Humans and vampires, being who look so similar yet are so different from each other. At a glance, one would not be able to differentiate between a vampire and a human but if you look closely, you might just spot the difference. Pale white skin and a really low body temperature. Fangs underneath the big smile and nails sharp enough to tear through anything are what differentiates the two.

But, the two are not completely different creatures too. Both have emotions, both breath the same air, both almost look the same, both reproduce and both have a hierarchy system. Even after all this, there have been conflicts among the two species for so long. So long that it had been started since the era of gods who didn't like a way one person looked. Or more appropriately liked it a little too much.

The mere thought of the two races living together, sharing the same roof and bed just sounds absurd. Vampires need blood and humans are the ones who have the blood they need. Though animal blood is also an option for a vampire though human blood is ideal.

Due to the fact that they are immortals, there aren't as many vampires as humans but we cannot say that there are fewer vampires either. In fact, by the thought of how long humans have been hunting them, their number is still surprisingly big. They live in their own realm and occasionally come to the human realm to get human blood. People may not believe it but vampires are often misunderstood.

They require blood but they don't need to kill to obtain them. The humans normally attacked for only feeding sake were never once killed. The killing has never been a first option for the vampires but they are still put in the categories of wrongdoers.

Then whose fault is it?

The problem is that there is not a proper answer to this question. Humans would say that they hunt vampires because they "kill" but the reason is just that they don't want to give their blood to someone unknown. The conflict between humans and vampires was never started because of the vampires.

They were just trying to survive.

Like any other being, a hungry stomach and starvation is not the most ideal and nicest way of death. No one would want to die in that way. The mere starvation can make a creature desperate for food to fill its stomach. The vampires are no different. Like humans, they hunt to feed and nothing more.

While humanity has been feeding on different creatures like birds, animals, fishes, and even come down to eating insects, they have been proud of being at the top of the food chain. But when they realize there are not actually at the top, which is when they fight. No one wants to be oppressed or be below someone else except in certain situations, hence the conflict.

So, at the end of the day, it is no one's fault. It is the nature of beings that caused this and it cannot be turned upside down.

The first vampire also called the first primogenitor or the queen of the vampires is a beauty. No, even calling her a beauty would be the biggest understatements of all understatements in the history of understatements. With long snow-white hair and ruby red eyes. Her curvy body added to her long legs and big breast, she was indeed a piece of art made by a goddess herself. With this unparalleled beauty, she had a rather…interesting personality too.

Leaving her castle for a little stroll in the human realm after a few hundred years, she would just wander around the realm. Though seeing them as cattle and fodder due to her pride being at the top of the food chain on this planet, she did find the mortals rather intriguing. Always curious of what has become of humanity after every few hundred years, she never comes back unsatisfied.

She had seen the beginning of humanity with her eyes and would probably see the end of it too.

With a head filled with knowledge about everything, she was also the smartest creature on the planet. To sum it all up, she was a perfect existence with beauty, brain, and even strength which is out of this world. An ideal woman if humans do say so themselves.

Even after living in all these years of living, there was a little issue with her.

She had never once fallen in love with anyone.

Neither human nor vampire. She just found them all the same. They all acted the same, seemed the same, tasted the same, and smelt the same.

What she wanted was something different.

On one of her leisurely strolls in the human realm, the sun was shining intensely and she was out in a forest away from the cities. The lustful gazes of men made her disgusted and they weren't even worthy of being killed by her. To her, they weren't even worthy of being looked at by her so she brought herself out in a forest.

The tranquility of the place was rather pleasing and she liked it. Closing her eyes, she opened her arms wide feeling the cool breeze flowing, brushing against her body along with the warm sun warming her cold skin. The light chirping of birds was adding to the peaceful environment.

She took a deep breath and quickly opened her eyes as she smelled something really sweet and delicious. The small whiff she had gotten was enough to make her heart raise and her bloodlust reached a level she never felt before. She was excited, curious, and even intrigued smelling it.

Turning her beautiful face towards the direction of scent, she found her feet moving on their own. She could not control her body and she didn't know why this was happening. All this year, she has drunk the blood of every kind and eaten even human food of every kind but she never felt this way before about the scent of something so delicious. It was calling her towards it and she let the scent direct her.

As she was walking, her ears perked up by the sound of footsteps. The light footsteps stepping on the dried grass and a beating heart pounding in the chest just made her even more excited.

Her steps stopped as she saw a sole male standing in the middle of the forest. He was looking around and had his hand touch everything that was on his way. By the look of it, one might think that he was looking for something but he was not doing that.

He was not looking because he could not look.

The blind male was moving his head around at the slightest of sounds and looked really helpless.

'How did someone like him end up here?' she wondered and as she went closer to him, his face turned towards her.

"That sound…those are footsteps another person right?" he muttered to himself and looked at the woman. "Um…is someone here? No, actually I know you are here so can you tell me who you are? What are you doing here?"

The vampire queen just stood there staring at his face. She leaned forward dodging his hands which were extended and got a closer look at his face. He had brown hair which was coming out of the hoodie he was wearing which had two cat ears on the side. Though he was twenty-four years old, he had an adorable-looking face, and right now, he looked vulnerable like a little puppy.

"My name is Jessica, Jessica Crossfield," she said gaining the attention of the man. "Who might you be?"

"O-oh, sorry for being r-rude. I am Z-Zeke Foster," the man said nervously. "Um…w-what are you doing in the forest?"

"I could ask the same to you," Jessica asked. A normal man would be completely be bewitched by her voice but Zeke was not. He was not reacting in the way she expected him to be which only piqued her interest further.

"Eh…w-well…I don't really remember but I was here with a group and then w-we were attacked and I fainted after being hit in the head. I-I wake up and here I was, not even knowing where I am. C-can you mind telling me where exactly I am?" he asked nervously.

"We are in the middle of the forest right now but do you know who or what attacked you?" Jessica asked intrigued by the human. For some reason, she wanted to talk more to him.

"I-I don't know. W-we were on our way to the h-house my friend owned in the w-woods. I-I was carrying all the luggage s-so I was a bit behind and I h-heard…I h-heard." Zeke's mouth trembled while speaking and he swallowed a big lump of spit. "T-the sound of cutting of flesh and s-sucking."

Hearing the last sentence, Jessica narrowed her eyes and came to only one conclusion. 'They got attacked by vampires. I see.'

"But why were you carrying all the luggage?" she asked looking at Zeke's structure.

He was not weak looking, to say the least, but he had a skinny frame and in front of Jessica, his strength was not even enough of an ant. Even under the hoodie, he was wearing, Jessica could tell that he had thin, slender arms.

"Oh, the others got so tired that they said they could no longer carry their luggage and I did not have many things to carry except for my backpack so I was carrying everything. I-it may not look but I am not that weak," he said shyly.

Zeke did not know who actually the woman who was talking to him was or what she looked like. He was never really good with other people. He was too shy to even start a conversation but right now he was a bit desperate that he had to be the one talking first.

'They definitely lied to him because he could not see the luggage. How can a person be this gullible?' Jessica thought to herself.

Suddenly, her nose perked up and she smelled an irresistible smell coming from Zeke. Scanning him from up and down, she saw that there was a red trail of fluid falling down his forehead under his hood.

"Oh my, you are bleeding," she said and Zeke touched his forehead.

"I am, I think I have put some bandage in the backpack. Let m-"

"How about you let me help you?" Jessica asked him as her eyes were glowing red not being able to resist the smell of his blood.

"Um…a-are you sure? I mean, I will only be causing you trouble and I don't want to do that. I really appreciate your concern but it is alright," he said quickly at the speed of light putting the rappers at shame.

"Just hold still," she said and Zeke stiffened. Her tone was a little more commanding and scary which made him retract. Seeing him act like this, she frowned. "Oh, I am terribly sorry for being so rude. I didn't mean to scare you."

"N-no, you were only worried about me. I-I am so sorry," he said bowing down at right angle.

Jessica's hand moved on her own and she pats his head gently and she felt his warmth and she did not hate this feeling. It was quite the opposite.

She took off his hood and looked at the wound on his forehead which was due to a hard hit at the place. Her hand came in contact with his warm blood and she had the urge to taste it, even if just a bit. So she looked at her hand covered in Zeke's blood and gently licked it. As soon as his blood came in contact with her tongue, she felt a jolt of current move down her body.

Jessica can tell how a person is from drinking or even tasting their blood and what she felt right now was nothing she felt before. For the first time, she felt, incredibly warm. As if she were being wrapped up by a warm blanket in the middle of a cold night. She felt comfortable and at peace but it also did something else.

Her heart was beating really fast.

She did not know why this was happening. The only time her heart had ever beat so fast was when she was to fight someone strong in her earlier days but this beating heart felt different. She wanted to be closer to Zeke.

Unaware of what it was, she racked her brain for any answer to it and she came to one conclusion.

'It is love, I have fallen in love,' the vampire queen who had never felt affection towards anyone before believed. This recently foreign feeling slowly took over her as she looked at Zeke's face.

"I will be taking you with me, darling~"

The next thing Zeke knew was that he was knocked out and Jessica held his body preventing it from falling down. Her eyes filled with care and affection looked at the face of the human and she felt the warm feeling in her heart. She bent down and licked all the blood off his forehead.

"I finally found my love," she said and created a portal back to the vampire realm.