3 Chapter 3

"You want me to sit with you?" I ask, looking down at my lunchbox and remembering what's inside.

William then answers, "Of course! Why wouldn't I?"

I grab William's hand and drag him into a dark hallway. "You have to promise not to tell anyone, because what I'm going to tell you is a secret." I say, letting go of his hand.

William nods, "I promise not to tell anyone but what is this about?" he asks, tilting his head. I open my lunchbox and pull out one of the blood-filled bottles and uncork it.

"Smell this and tell me what you think it is based on it's smell." I say, trying to ignore my urge to just drink the blood.

William sniffs it before answering, "It smells like blood. So you ARE a-"

"Shhhh! I'm the last one alive in my family. My dad is human and my mother is dead... she was a vamp like me." I whisper, interrupting him. I then drink the blood in order to satisfy my thirst, it doesn't last very long.

"I'm sorry for your loss." William says, sounding completely sincere.

I smile and say, "It's fine. Besides, I know who killed her and why, but unfortunately the police wouldn't believe a word I said even if I told them what really happened. We should get back to the cafeteria if we don't want anyone getting suspicious." I close my lunchbox after putting the empty bottle away. Taking William's hand, I dragged him back into the cafeteria. Before we reach the cafeteria, I let go of William's hand and we walk over to his table.

William smiles and says, "These are my friends." He points to the girl with black hair and grey eyes, "That's Yami Yoshudera. She's a goth and likes all things vampires." Yami waves. William points to the boy with brown hair and green eyes, "This is Shizen Yamada. He loves nature." Shizen smiles and waves. William points to a person with long brown hair and blue eyes, "And over there is Karera Teyahurana. They identify as gender neutral and they love all things supernatural." Karera waves, eyeing my lunchbox.

"What's in the lunchbox? Oooo I hope it's blood!" Karera says excitedly. William and I look at each other.

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