
An injured man

Xia Wei moved fast and approached the injured young man and knelt down before him and asked "Are you okay? what happened?", the guy despite being in pain, smirked and said, "girl have you lost your mind cant you see that I'm injured badly yet you ask whether I'm okay or not?"

Xia We I was taken aback by the young man rude remark but she too knew that it was a very stupid question.

Xia Wei apologized and said "I'm sorry that was a stupid question indeed let me help you" saying that she started to take her scarf off.

The young man was surprised that she didn't get angry by his attitude not knowing that even tho Xia Wei is quite stubborn but she is quick to accept her mistake. then he sees her take her scarf off even more surprised he asks "what are you doing?"

Xia Wei looks up at him and replies"I'm trying to help you let me see your shoulder I tie it up to stop the bleeding first" saying that she moves forward to tie his wound.

The young man slaps her hand away and said "I don't need your help girl", He was rather surprised that a girl would take her scarf off as it was considered bad for a man and woman to be close to each other unless they were close kin.

Xia Wei was shocked that he slapped her hand away and got annoyed raising her voice she says "you big idiot stop acting like a big bad male and stop letting that stupid male pride of yours talk and let me help or you can go ahead and die for all I care!", forgetting the fact that she was in another world her mind was focused more on helping the idiot male who was talking from his pride.

The young man was shocked that he was scolded and was called an idiot by a girl he blinked dumbfounded, not knowing how much Xi Wei hated when boys acted all arrogant like they ruled the world if she could Xia Wei would destroy the whole so-called male-dominated society.

The young man tries to say something but she shouts again and says "shut up! and stop moving"

having got scold twice the men was dump stack and stopped moving. Seeing that the men stopped moving Xia Wei moved fast and tied his wound up fast and shift having watched lots of youtube survival videos she knew how to tie heavy wounds to stop the blood from flowing and having stopped the bleeding she sighed in relief.

The man who was watching the whole thing come to his senses the moment she touched him and turned to stone as it was the first time a girl touched him without his permission but before he could say that Xia Wei was finished wrapping his wound and sit back down in front of him, seeing her sigh in relief that his blood stopped flowing he was left without words and stared at her.

Xia Wei feeling his gaze on her looked at him and for the first time noticed his emerald eyes with a hint of golden which left her shocked completely she subconscious say "what beautiful eyes...."

The young man having his eyes praised all of sudden with shocked written all over the girl's face didn't know what to say but his ears turned red.

Xia Wei noticed that she said it without knowing was surprised as well but she wasn't embarrassed at all and said with confidence "What? I meant your eyes are really beautiful its the first time that I saw such beautiful emerald eyes with a hint of gold".

Hearing that the young man was lost of words and his whole ear turned red, seeing that Xia Wei burst out laughing and said "look at u blushing like that over a small compliment" she laughed so much that her stomach hurts and thought 'darn that's so cute'

The young man feeling embarrassed moves all of a sudden and say's "yo-" but before he could complete his sentence he grunts in pain, seeing that Xia Wei stops laughing and asked immediately "are you okay?"

The young man replies "it's your fault that my wound hurts again". Seeing that Xia Wei felt bad and apologized "I' sorry I shouldn't have laughed like that" she said with her head bowed a little.

Seeing that the young man accepts her apology and says while sighing "it's fine", hearing that Xia we felt okay again and grinned. Absolutely forgetting the fact she was being friendly with an unknown man.

Making the poor guy surprised again. then, Xia, Wei said, "we need to get you to a place where we can treat your wound". the young man gave Xia Wei a look over and said "like a little girl like you can help me and plus you look very suspicious what's up with your getup? what if your my enemy pretending to be a nice person so that you can kill me"

Xia Wei hearing that gives him a look that says 'are you that much of an idiot?', then she says "Your an idiot if i wanted to kill you I would have by now. you are weak, has lost a lot of blood and I bet you are feeling dizzy".

Seeing that look which says he was a huge idiot and hearing what the girl said left the young man speechless.

Xia Wei continued" hence if I wanted to kill you I would have by now and it won't be any problem as you won't be able to defend your self at all and Mr Idiot from which angle do I look like a killer to you? I don't even have a knife on me and this bag on my back only has book and pens if you don't, believe me, I can show you" saying that she took the bag off her shoulder and showed the men the stuff inside.

Speechless but he still bends down to see the content in her bag and Having seen that she was indeed not his enemy the young man relaxed and realized how stupid he behaved and questioned her embarrassed a little he apologized.

Xia Wei hearing his apology, forgave him and said: "it's fine we need to take you someplace that you can rest and have your wound treated as I don't have any medical knowledge" saying that she looked around but all she could see was trees she decided to move forward and check the area.

The young man saw her get up to leave and said: "where do you think you are going in that suspicious outfit?"

Annoyed she reply's " to look for a place where you can rest and I can find help and you won't die like an idiot"

The young man also got annoyed and said "you're the idiot, you an idiot in that outfit rather than helping you, people will be wary of you"

Realizing her mistake Xia Wei quite down feeling very frustrated of her situation all of a sudden.

The young man sighs and raised his hand saying something in a language that Xia Wei couldn't make the head or tails of and all of a sudden a wild surrounded her and she gasps thinking he was going to kill her she tightly shut her eyes.

Then the winds disappear like it was never there. Having finished his spell and feeling the wind disappear the young man says " what have you closed your eyes for? open them."

Xia Wei opened her eyes and feeling very angry was about to shout rather heavily at the young man which scared the crap out of her, somehow knowing that he was about to be scolded very heavily he points at her.

Xia Wei despite very angry looks at her self confused and gasps in surprised her dress have been changed into a traditional Chinese dress which was coloured Light blue with a tingle of purple. Surprised all her anger left her and she looked at the young man.

The young man smirked and said "now you can go and look for help" somehow not knowing why he started trusting the girl a strange urge telling him that he could trust that girl for she won't leave him to die.

Xia Wei shocked and confused at the same time slowly nods and starts moving forward but remembering something she returns.

Seeing the girl return the young man was about to open his mouth to say something before he could Xia Wei said: "I forgot to ask what is your name?"

The young man dumbfounded thought 'you ask that now?' sighing he answers " my name is Lu Zhan, what is your name, little girl?"

Not like being called a little girl she answers with a bit irk "My name is Xia Wei mister who called a friend a killer" not forgetting to add "and next time you do something like that warn me at least!"

The poor young man were left speechless.

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