
The Unstoppable Trio: Book 1

Each of them harbouring their own secrets, triplets, Gagan, Himanshu, and Swara, start playing the all-new full dive VR MMORPG 'Axonian Adventures' Read how they wreak havoc, and create complete chaos, no matter what they do, be it starting a guild, killing a toad or two, or just generally having fun. When problems fall, they can always rely on each other, or maybe not, but peril befalls them when the too charming to resist Swara falls in love herself. Meanwhile, Amne, the AI running the game created by the corporation, Order, gets taken over by an angry God who wants to kill the girl. Why did he do that? What did she do that made a god angry? This is the first book in the 'The Fall Of Axonia' series. 2 Chapters Per Week ____________________________________________ Discord Link for chatting with the author: https://discord.gg/tWkhPDCPcU Have a good read.

Gautam_Goyal_ · Kỳ huyễn
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47 Chs

No Drinking

A few minutes after Rulmo was defeated,

In an unspecified location.

"Hey! look at that, someone defeated a mini-boss on the very first day. I'm gonna tell Aphrodite that there's one who took her name and she's more beautiful. Oh, she'll be pissed off." Dionysus said, looking onto a 3-D screen and watching Rudra, Aphrodite and Shinigami fighting the red wyvern.

He looked like a normal, rich and handsome guy on his way to clubbing with his girlfriend. He was wearing a black denim jacket with a white shirt and light blue jeans. His short blonde curly hair and

"Interesting, but there's nothing interesting about this, one of them kept its attention on itself, while the others killed it, I'd say it's one of the most basic tactics. Though that Giant will be in big trouble if he finds himself alone in a fight now. He still has that Bleeding effect. Also, Dionysus, how many times do I need to tell you, NO DRINKING IN THE OFFICE." Artemis, the head of the Asian branch said.

Dionysus hid the 1963 Chateau Margaux bottle under his table, wondering how she saw it, he could swear he only drank when her eyes weren't on him.

Then she looked at Apollo who was pouting in his white chiton and golden sandals.

"Well, before Mr. Little Brother here starts with his laudatory poems, Dionysus, stop using that phone and bring me the file of these guys. Remember we have to keep a tab on the strong ones. Call me if anything else shows up."

"Hey! I'm the older on..." As she was about to leave, completely ignoring her little brother's incoming retort, Eris entered the huge control room, panting, she asked, "Hey! Has anybody seen Prometheus? I don't know where he went, but he hasn't come back since yesterday." Everyone, who didn't ignore the question, shaked their heads.

Artemis paid it no heed, a missing deity might be a big problem, but one that's always cooking up some kind of mischief, not so much.

At that moment, everyone's phones beeped.

"Son! I just checked and somebody used my sickle, which one of yours was it this time????? Bring them to me." It was Cronos, her grandfather.

Everybody glared at Apollo accusingly. "Hey! It wasn't me this time. I just touched it by mistake last time, how many times do I have to tell you that? I did not slap Ares on purpose. I even made guns for him, he doesn't even use anything else now. Stop looking at me like that."

Seeing how angry Apollo, Artemis understood he wasn't the one at fault, but first Prometheus and now this. But son? So...

Crius came to her and said, "Little one, I think brother Cronos wanted to send this message to only Zeus." showing her the same message she had received.

"Thank you for telling me Captain Obvious." She clapped her hands. "Okay! Everybody! Since it's out, we'll be checked. So standing in a queue, also, no popping out of here, I'll tell dad and grandpa that it was you who used it."

Well, there were only ten people in total in that office. Still, it was an arduous task for Mnemosyne. Cronos would neither carry his favourite weapon along nor check on it more than once in a century. So 1000 years worth of memories to be checked, all the five offices, and who knows what kind of stuff they had done. So she was constantly being asked to keep that stuff to herself.

After everybody was checked, Apollo messaged Athena to ask if she saw Prometheus.

Athena called him a hundred insults, after which she told him it was Prometheus and then Artemis was put to the task of finding him. Since, she was the Goddess of the Hunt and because he was assigned to her office.

I didn't tell anyone that Prometheus was missing because I knew they would just make find him. I'll kill the guy who leaked the news.

"Acchoo..." Apollo sneezed heavily. "I think I've got a cold."


Author's Note: Something's happening.