
The Unseen.

What happens when the girl in the crowd is the one? He knew it when he first saw her singing along to him in a world that is not for her. What lurks in the corner is a shadow of who he is going to become. To protect his world was his destiny but he never thought he was capable of protecting her. Hidden in eyes are secrets that nobody is aware of. What happens when powers collide and darkness finds home in the land of hearts that only want love? Will they survive each other or stand on the edge of their world that are centuries apart and say goodbye .

mirrorworld12 · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

A home in wild

Why are we again going on that side of the kingdom king? Jeremy gritted his teeth as he remember what happened the last time they visited. A group of hunters followed them around without knowing that these woods are their homes for centuries. Still, his king should be safe at all costs. His voice met the deafening silence as usual. The place is not far away from their home but they leave it out due to how notorious rogues roam here. Rogues the name itself leaves a salty taste on his tongue. He followed his king behind who was walking way fast than usual. Silently he followed him. The night was as same as it is always in the woods. To an outsider the weird noises, the shadows of trees and occasional voices from the wild will be scary. But to them it is normal. He looked ahead towards the man who leads the way. He always has been like this. Responsible for all the happening in the wild. His soul belongs to this wildness they live in. The people who live here serve him and in return, he protects them like his family is doing for centuries. They were the chosen ones. Son of the moon as their world refers to him. He truly was. At night he comes alive. The enormous power he radiates whenever the moon is out is proof of how his king was different from all of their beings. His chain of thoughts was broken by when he saw the man in front of him comes to halt. The air around them suddenly became tense. He could feel his king getting tense with each passing second. The stiffness made his shoulder stand up. He could feel angry breaths that fell from his mouth. His shoulder stiffened as he hear a scream from far away. Rogues he heard an angry snarl. Before he could ask anything else the king was running with the wind. Without any second thought, he followed him. That is what he was born for "to protect the protector " as his father quoted on the

day his childhood friend was crowned as the" king of werewolves.".


The rotten smell of bastards hit his nostrils as he runs. Why they are in his territory again. The faster he runs the more intense the smell gets. They were near to his home than he thought. Maybe that's why he was irked from the evening. He does not like this place. It connects his territory to the human world. The only way rogues can enter. He looked behind Jeremy to signal him to stop. Their steps become more cautious as they heard someone choking and coughing badly. If it was not for their powerful hearing they would have missed it. As he walked down the little lane again the came across the little ruined building that hunters made. Now it has become stay out of rogues. Their slow steps were halted with a painful shriek of a man. It was different. The scream belonged to a man. He was quick to break the entrance and pull doors on his way. A black shadow loomed at the end of the corridor- shaw No.

This can't be happening. With a few quick steps he enters inside and the scene in front of him did not shock him. What scared him was her stillness. The whole room was filled with blood spots all around her. He could see the ripped arms of the culprit away from his body. But he was still breathing. Rage filled his body as he saw how shaw's darkness try to cover her. How can she be here? in his world again With one quick stride, he reached the rogue and snapped his neck without giving a second thought. If only he could kill him again. Jeremy moved slowly towards the lying figure of the girl but before he could sense she was breathing the angry snarl from the king stopped him. Don't the command was clear. It was not from the adhay. The King has spoken.

Jeremy watched his king as his backbone started protruding. If he was standing in front of him he would have seen his blue eyes. Another command made him weak on his knees. Shaw comes back right now. I need you. The word was a command for the king's shadow. But the king's command holds power to every being who is tied to him in power, in blood and the soul. Like him and all his people. In his hurry, he had not noticed the dark figure with red eyes flying back and forth between the girl and the corner where the king stood. His shadow has killed the rogue who was trying to harm the girl. The question filled his mind but he knew better than to speak up.

(Shaw )

He saw the king turn around and stared directly at the dark figure in the corner and slowly the figure gave up and merged itself with him. King's eyes changed to pitch dark after years. After so many years he looked whole. Shaw is as important a part of King as his wolf. But shaw has always been different. Thoughtless and free. He left years ago and no matter what they did he would not come back. He was there at the crowning ceremony but after that nobody knows and dared to ask the king about him. Being a part of king shaw was also a protector. He has been with him since his birth.

King slowly bent down to pick up the lifeless girl. A whiff of her rusty scent coming from her told Jeremy that she doesn't belong to their world. What shaw was doing with her? One more angry breath from King who has become stiffer than before was enough to snap Jeremy out of the puzzle he was lost in.

"There are more rogues around. Get them and meet me." With one last order, he was running out of the building. The dark black shadow that was visible in moonlight shined more. Moon's shadow as they call him. With one last glance at their fading figure, Jeremy ran away to follow the orders.

Being home is powerful always.

Those who live here know the kind of power this wild holds.