
The Unforgettable Immortal Soul

I'll give a little warning that this is my first time writing a story. But I wanted to write something for fun so I'll be giving it a try. I wanted to make a story where the main character is an average person and needs to train to become strong but a realistic way to grow stronger and not being broken for the sake of plot. Anyways if you like it then tell me to write more and if you don't like it tell me some tips to improve the writing or wording. I'll try to make a new chapter at least once a month mostly because I'm great at procrastinating. For this story our main character's name is Simon who lived in an apartment complex by himself, he had an office job which made life boring and stressful. One of the few things he liked to do was walking. So much so that he didn't even bother to buy a car, because walking is all he needed. It helped clear his mind. Sometimes when Simon had free time he would go out for long walks. Normally nothing would happen, but this time it was different. A group of thugs saw Simon walking, and pursued him. Simon was really scrawny which made them think he would give them money without making any problems. They tried asking him but Simon only had 25 dollars in his wallet and he needed it for food this week because he spends most of his money on books and games. He almost forgot to buy food so instead of giving them his money he tried to run but unfortunately, one of the thugs already grabbed Simon's arm so when Simon tried to bolt out of there. He got pulled back which caused an unfortunate accident when the thug with the knife forgot he had a knife and pulled Simon into the blade. And a knife as such is not a toy. The knife is really sharp, one mistake and it stabbed through Simon's side piercing his lung and heart…

Arxs · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

What just happened to me ahh my head is killing me. I'm trying to think about what happened but it just hurts to think about it. *Hmm* I'm starting to remember some of it.. I was doing.. my normal walking around the city and I decided to change my normal routine and go on a different way this time. It was all good until... oh yeah I got fucking stabbed by some random people trying to take my money. Dammit I can't believe I died just like that but that does not explain why I can't see anything I can't open my eyes I guess that's what being dead is like.

*Bang*... What the hell was that? Why was there a loud ass noise just a second ago ouch someone is squeezing me *ahh* it hurts who the hell is trying to squeeze me to death! I got stabbed with a knife and now someone is trying to crush me to death. Why can't I get a break? Ohh hell what's this I can finally see there's a bright light. I can finally somewhat make out that there's someone who looks like a guy with an older style of clothing and there's another guy and a girl. Wait a minute! Why am I so small? Fuck me I'm a baby! *hmm* I guess it's better than working a shity office job. I get to laz around doing nothing but sleeping, eating and shitting whata time. but I guess I have to look at the positives and can't always think negatively. I wanted to distract myself but it didn't help. In reality I was still scared and I didn't know if this was still Earth or somewhere else. And this new place looks like it lacks technical advancements. Like this can't be a hospital because this room has no electricity for lights or computers and machinery also the guy that is the doctor is not even in a doctor uniform. Unless I'm in some random remote village there's no way I'm in the same world….