
The Undead Society

Renee Johnson is a young, blonde, and beautiful girl who has her whole life in front of her. But after a gruesome accident, that life is suddenly thrown into disarray. She begins to experience strange and frightening occurrences anytime she's alone, and she couldn't take it anymore. Making the mistake of trying to confront this new fear, Renee comes in contact with the being that has been haunting her every waking moment, and the mere sight of it could make a girl go mad with fear. Join Renee as she enters a terrifying new reality, one where people are haunted by the instruments of their own deaths, and must find a way to overcome them, otherwise they will all die.

Victory_Stone_2529 · Thành thị
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10 Chs

The Compound Vs A Reckoning

It's the dead of night, and two teenagers are sleeping underneath a bridge. The night air is cold, so the two huddled together to keep warm, using rags as their blanket.

The sound of footsteps wakes one of the teenagers, and the young man pulls out a gun, quickly aiming it at the approaching stranger.

"Hold it right right there! One wrong move and I swear I will blow your brains out!" (The young man threatened)

The stranger pulls out a gun from his overcoat, pointing it straight at the young man.

"Drop the gun, kid! Don't make me shoot you!" (The man warned)

The other teenager is woken up by the commotion, and once she sees what is going on, she quickly pulls out a knife, ready to use it to defend herself.

"Hey! Both of you drop your weapons! I won't ask again! (The man tells them)

"Your gun will not work on us, but mine will work on you! So you better leave now, or this will get ugly! (The young man said boldly)

Tensions were now very high, but before things could escalate any further, someone spoke up.

"Officer Dean please put down the gun, it's completely unnecessary" (A well dressed stranger said as he steps out of the shadows)

"I can't do that, don't forget that these two are wanted for murder". (Officer Dean reminds his companion)

"We only killed him because he killed us first! You can't blame us for that! (The young woman yelled)

"He killed you first, did he? Well that means you two really are just like me." (The well dressed stranger said as he calmly approaches the two teenagers, unafraid of their weapons)

"I warned you!" (The boy yelled before firing a shot at the man's leg, dropping him instantly)

Officer Dean then fired his own gun, hitting the young man in the shoulder, dropping him to the ground.

"Mark!" (The girl yells as she rushes to check up on the boy)

"I'm fine, Eva. Bullets can't hurt me remember? (The boy said before he got up from the ground)

After standing up from the ground, Mark sees that the man he shot was already back on his feet, and he doesn't even seem to be hurt at all.

"What a coincidence, bullets don't work on me either." (The strange man said with a smirk)

"What are you?" (Eva asks him)

"I am called, Mr Smith. And I am an Undead, just like the two of you." (Mr Smith tells them)


Eva Ross is now an adult woman, and thinking back on these events brought a smile to her face. But she still had a job to do, and she was determined to do it well.

Eva Ross: Hurry up you two, we're losing daylight! (Eva told Renee and Jeffrey, who were slowly following behind her)

Jeffrey Long: Did she really shoot you in the head? (Jeffrey asks fearfully)

Renee Johnson: Don't let her pretty eyes fool you. That bitch is a cold blooded killer! (Renee warns in anger)

Mark Ross: I heard that. (Mark said as he stood behind Renee and Jeffrey, shocking them half to death with his sudden appearance)

Renee Johnson: You're bad news too! (Renee yells before she rushes forward, quickly followed by a scared Jeffrey)

Mark Ross: (Sighs) She didn't mean it, Mark. She's just scared... Of us. (Mark sadly said before following Renee and Jeffrey, although this time keeping his distance)

The twins were told to accompany Jeffrey to the Training Room, a place where they could safely execute his dangerous Reckoning. Renee was allowed to follow so that she could see for herself how secure and safe the Compound could be for her, and what better way to prove it than to take care of a deadly Reckoning with ease, which is what she was promised.

But Renee was still a bit sacred of the twins, and having Eva lead the way, while Mark follows behind them, puts Renee and Jeffrey in a very difficult situation.

Jeffrey Long: Please, can you please tell me about your Reckoning. Maybe then I won't be so scared to face mine. (Jeffrey nervously asks)

Renee Johnson: Well I don't really know much about it, other than it is a bus that can transform into a giant robot! (Renee tells him)

Jeffrey Long: Woah, really?! (Jeffrey asks in surprise)

Renee Johnson: I know it's pretty crazy, but I guess that's what my life is now. I'm just a normal girl, who occasionally has to worry about a giant death robot. Hurray for me! (Renee said sarcastically, but she actually hated her life right now)

Jeffrey Long: And I thought mine was scary, but yours sounds terrifying.

Renee Johnson: It's not a competition, but if my Reckoning isn't the scariest one here, then I'm out of this freaking place. (Renee tells him)

Eva Ross: Quit your yapping you two! We're here. (Eva said as she stood in front of a large metal door)

The door had a keypad at it's side, and after typing in a code, the metal door slides open for Eva.

Eva Ross: Ladies first. (Eva said as she stepped out of the way, motioning for Renee to go inside)

Renee is very hesitant to do anything this crazy girl says, but then Mark appears behind her, speaking with his gentle voice.

Mark Ross: Nothing will happen to you... I promise. (Mark tells her)

Renee Johnson: Stay away from me. (Renee said before she walks away, heading for the open door)... You stay away from me too. (Renee warns Eva, before going through the open door)

Jeffrey Long: Excuse me. (Jeffrey politely says to Eva, before stepping through the door as well)

Eva Ross: I bet you fifty bucks that this will totally freak her out. (Eva tells her brother with a smile)

Mark Ross: She is much stronger than you think. (Mark said before he steps through the door)

Eva Ross: So are we betting or not?! (Eva asks as she follows her twin brother, and the metal door closes behind her)

The four enter a white room, which was very large and completely empty. Eva skips further into the room with a smile on her face, and then stretches out her hands.

Eva Ross: Welcome to the Training Room, my most favorite spot in the entire Compound! (Eva announces)

"Okay let's hurry this up! I've got a hot date to get to, and I do not want to be late! (A voice speaks through the unseen speakers in the room)

Eva Ross: Don't kid yourself, Dustin! We all know that you're going to die alone! (Eva tells the voice, which apparently belongs to a man named Dustin)

"Why do you always have to hate on me, Eva?! It's not my fault that I'm not attracted to you! (Dustin tells her from a secret room, where he is watching all of them with multiple monitors)

Eva Ross: Everyone, that is the voice of our computer wizard and head virgin, Dustin Cook! Please show him some love, because we all know he's not getting any. (Eva taunts him)

"I really hate you right now, Eva. No wait a minute, I've always hated you! So why don't you guys quit wasting my time, and let's do this!... The blackout will be in thirty seconds, so get ready. (Dustin tells them before resting on his chair to wait out the time)

Jeffrey Long: Blackout? What is the blackout? (Jeffrey asks)

Renee Johnson: Yeah I'd also like to know. (Renee adds)

Eva Ross: Well, newbies. Living with a Reckoning comes with it's own set of challenges. Like how you can never be alone. Can't let it kill you because then you would stay dead. You can't be too afraid of it, otherwise you would only make it stronger. And you can never stay in the dark, because in the darkness you are truly alone, and when you're truly alone you're afraid, and when you're afraid it will come for you... And you will never see it coming! (Eva said before the room went pitch black, shocking Jeffrey and Renee)

Jeffery Long: Aaaaargh! (Jeffery screams in panic)

Renee Johnson: Okay this isn't funny! Turn the lights back on right now! (Renee yells)

A mighty roar then cried out in the darkness, commanding silence from all in the room.

Renee Johnson: What was that? (Renee asks fearfully)

Jeffrey Long: It's here. (Jeffery replied in dread)

The lights suddenly turn back on, revealing a giant figure which towered over them all. This was the Reckoning of Jeffrey Long, and it was truly a terrifying sight to behold.

Next: Crab Reckoning.