
Chapter 10 Arcadia

Aurore had just finished her first training. She was ecstatic as this session had been a revelation. It was about discovering a new part of herself, and she loved it.

Suddenly, Aurore felt dizzy. She pulled a chair towards her and sat on it.

"It's a weird feeling," remarked Aurore. "I don't feel fatigued physically, yet it's as if I was going to collapse."

"It's completely normal, Mistress," said Polaris" time inside the training space passes more slowly. You don't need to drink or eat or sleep since, for your body, it's just an hour. But it's not the same for your mind. You stayed inside 24 hours, and you showed great concentration. It's no wonder the mental fatigue is piling up.

"I understand," replied Aurore. "I'm just going to take a nap."

"I recommend it," nodded Polaris.

Aurore took off her slippers, lay on the bed, and immediately fell asleep.

Aurore woke up 2 hours later. The fatigue had passed, and she felt good. Looking at the time, it was almost noon. She prepared her meal and ate. After she finished, she took her plate to the sink, where her breakfast plate was already.

Seeing the dishes, Aurore hesitated, she knew it was better to do it now to prevent them from piling up, but she didn't want to.

"Mistress, I advise you not to procrastinate. This will prevent tasks from piling up. Moreover, doing them little by little will save you time."

Aurore behaved childishly, which was a rare sight.

"I never liked cleaning," she replied to "Polaris even in my old life, I often got scolded for not cleaning my room."

"I understand, mistress, but you can't escape it. You will live alone for two months. You will have to do your chores to clean your living environment. If it helps you, I can develop a cleaning program. If it can motivate you, let me add that these chores are light physical exercises that will help you regain strength.

"Ok, ok, I understand," conceded Aurore. She then put on gloves and began to wash the dishes.

Once done, she returned to the table where her computer was placed. She opened it and waited for it to start. It was the third time she had used it, and she was still amazed by the speed of her computer.

"New stuff is the best." Think of Aurore, satisfied

She then opened her internet browser and began her research. Aurore couldn't ask questions about the world she inhabited now. The knowledge Aurore wanted to learn was things she was already supposed to know. So she couldn't ask her sister these questions.

Of course, this information was in the memories of his old identity. But they were blurry. Having never learned these things herself, she had to search for this information inside her head actively. But it was much longer and more tiring, especially since she had access to the Internet.

Aurore found the Kiwipedia site. The young girl typed in the keywords she was interested in and began reading. It seemed like this world's version of Wikipedia.

The world she lived in now was called Arcadia and was made up of 4 continents. It was about three times larger than Earth. The four continents were named from the four cardinal points. So there was the North continent, the East continent, the West continent, and the South continent. Aurore lived on the northern continent. These four continents were separated by massive oceans and were sort of gigantic islands.

The northern continent where she lived was the smallest of the 4. It was about twice the size of North America. Its shape was very particular, all in length. This peculiarity resulted in the presence of many climates on this continent. The southern countries benefited from a tropical environment, the central countries from a temperate climate, and the northern countries from an icy one.

Unlike the other three continents, the Northern Continent nations were united under a single banner, that of the Northern Federation. This federation dated back to the discovery of the continent. At the time, the other three inhabited continents were at constant war over race, religion, and territory issues. This world war lasted several centuries with more or less intensity.

After a while, a young princess from the Dragon Clan (Japan) fell in love with a moon elf. Interracial relationships were then taboo, and the two lovers decided to run away. They left the mainland by boat with people from both clans who wanted to live in peace. Their ship was caught in a storm and drifted for several weeks. This is how they discovered the northern continent.

The couple and the people who had followed them settled on these new virgin lands. They then hatched a plan. They sent their followers in small groups to spread the good news. There was a land of peace where everyone, regardless of race or clan, was welcome. At first, the clan chiefs didn't notice anything, but they eventually understood as part of their population had disappeared. They did not grasp the gravity of the situation until it was too late. A large number amount of their armies and almost all of their scholars disappeared, fatigued by the war.

The clan leaders tried to curb the phenomenon by designating the candidates for departure as traitors and deserters, condemning those arrested to heavy prison terms, or even giving them the death penalty.

This did not stop the phenomenon. Once all those who wanted to leave had fled, the northern continent cut itself off from the world. It reappeared almost a century later, this time for all to see.

A century of cooperation and peace had made the Federation prosperous. Thanks to the collaboration between the races and the pooling of scholars' knowledge, magic and technology have made tremendous progress.

The nations of the other continents, weakened by the war and the flight of talents, had nothing but contempt for what they called the continent of traitors. They reacted in the only way he knew: War. The nations that attempted to invade the continent were crushed. Shocked by the events, most other countries tried to negotiate peace for fear of annihilation for the first time in centuries.

The Jewel country where Aurore lived was located west in the continent's temperate part. It was founded by people from the Druid Clan (Scotland and Ireland), the Forest Elves, and the Gargoyle Clan (France). Of course, because of centuries of mixing with the other countries of the federation, people from many different races and other clans also inhabit the country,

in smaller numbers.

Aurore was fascinated by what she was reading. She felt like she was reading one of her beloved fantasy books. She was very excited to now inhabit this world which was much more exciting than Earth. Although it must be said, she was relieved to have been reincarnated in a prosperous and peaceful country. She was eager to discover this world.

Aurore closed the encyclopedia and began to research music. As she watched a video explaining the different ways to produce a song in the studio, she noticed it was getting dark.

"It's already so late. I didn't see the time pass," thought Aurore.

She bookmarked the pages she wanted to consult later and closed her computer. After dinner, she took a shower and went to bed immediately, exhausted.

Two more days passed like this, between his musical training, his chores, and his research on the Internet.

At the start of the third day after Luna left, Polaris noticed that Aurore had dressed to go out instead of starting her training.

"Are you going out, mistress?" she asked.

"Have you forgotten?" replied Aurore. "Today is my first rehabilitation session. Since I have to sleep after my musical training, I won't have time to do it now. If I'm not too tired, I will do it once I am back."

"Getting out of the house and moving my body will do me good. I'm going to end up going crazy from being locked up," she added.

"I understand," Polaris agreed.

He had a few minutes left before he had to go. To pass the time, Aurore opened her status screen.

Name: Aurore Willow

Age: 18 years old

Height: 1m78

Weight: 48kg

Health: Low (recovering)


Str: 5

Stam: 5 (+1)

dex: 7 (+1)

int: 12

sp: 15

Innate skill(s): Unknown (awaiting awakening)

Natural skills:

Cooking beginner level: level 5 10/500 LVL UP

Beginner Level Programming: Level 5 245/500

System skills:

Main skills:

Music and singing [beginner level LVL 2] LVL UP

Aurore's stats had increased. By dint of playing music, her dexterity had improved. She was not yet a virtuoso, but she was progressing. Her endurance and weight had also increased, thanks to the rich diet advised by Doctor Anne. Another effect of this diet is that Aurore's cooking level has increased by one. But what made Aurore the happiest was her progress in music. Her sub-skills had all leveled up.

Music and singing sub-skills

-Composition level [beginner LVL 2] - XP 155/200 LVL UP

-Singing level [beginner LVL 3] - XP 285/300 LVL UP

-Instrumental music [beginner level LVL 3] - XP 240/300 LVL UP

-Music edition [beginner level LVL 2] - XP 90/200 LVL UP

Aurore couldn't help but have a big smile on her face seeing her progress, even though she knew it wasn't enough.

After a while, her phone alarm rang. She turned it off and stood up.

"Okay, it's time," said Aurore.

Aurore put on her jacket, put on her sneakers, took her keys, and opened the door.

For the first time since she arrived in this world, Aurore left the apartment

A little history lesson in this chapter; I hope it wasn't too much :)

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Please give power stones to this novel if you enjoy it I will come up with milestones when I am deeper into the story

Naotochancreators' thoughts
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