

Meanwhile,at Terra's home.As Terra got home ,she saw her dad and her mom discussing some issues in the living room.

"Mom,dad I'm home.",Terra announced changing out of her shoes into slippers.She notices another pair of shoes in the rack.

As she walked up to her parents she asked,"Is Dayson home?"

A man with a pair of glasses looked up and responded,"yeah,he has asked after you ,oh how about your new principal."

Terra mood suddenly dulled as she heard about the principal,"He is okay,just a little strict.",she said.

"How about Monesia,no problem?",Terra dad asked

"I'm still keeping an eye on her,she doesn't seem to be getting her power any time soon.",Terra assured her dad.

"Okay ,but if you see any sign report to me,ok?",Terra dad ordered.

"Dad,where's my dosage.",Terra asked while searching for some thing in the refrigerator."

"Your brother took everything upstairs,go collect some.",Terra mom finally spoke.

"Okay,I'm going up then.",with that, Terra walked up the stairs.Shw walked towards a door that gave off a dark feeling.

She knocked before asking ,"Bro,may I come in."

"You can.",A voice sounded from inside.

Terra entered through the door and closed the door.Tge voice belonged to a guy about twenty years old.She walked up to him and sat on his bed."Bro,I heard you came back.How's Gometh.",Terra asked her brother.

"It was fine,it's stable I think for now under king Uraz reign.",Dayson replied Terra.

"Oh,so how about Monesia.She is fine,right?I really missed her cute looks."Dayson asked Terra.

"She's fine,why did you ask.",Terra questioned her brother.

"Nothing,I bought her a gift and I know she'd love it."

"What's the gift."

Suddenly there was movement in a box,when a cat head suddenly popped up.

"A cat?"

"Not just any type of cat,a Persian cat."

I hope you guys love my novel I will try best to update more ,tell me your thoughts in the comment section.Thanks,love you guys .