
The True Power of A Shadow Monarch: Solo leveling X Multiverse

Have you ever thought wow, jinwoo's power is Op is fck but why don't he used it in its true potential? if yes then this fanfic is for u. This is pretty much a wish fulfillment so Don't expect deep story arcs. What you will get, Top Notch action, show off, Harem, smart mc, not entirely 1D characters, Cool powers, multiverse etc.

ZeroKnowledge · Tranh châm biếm
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Jinwoo's original powers

1) Able to create instance dungeons or parallel dimensions.

2) Precog so fast that attacks 1000Xtimes light speed became as slow as snail.

3)Time stop.

4)Can bend space time fabric, create wormholes,portals and destroy dimensional walls.

5) Has a dimension which represents the concept of death and he is omnipotent inside this dimension, infinite sized.

6) Matter creation.

7) Can summon the power of death from his dimension to create anything he wants which included not limited to are weapons, susano ass giant armors etc.

8) Ruler's authority, ability to command mana, different from telekinesis. 

9)Infinite stamina.

10) Can see things universes away like his vision transcended the concept of distance.

11) Whatever he kills, he can resurrect them as his soldier who are much more powerful then their alive counterpart.

12) Has tens of millions of armies in his shadow.

13) His mind is infinite, transcend time along with his powers.

14) Can erase things from existence and time.

He still has tons of other haxs but i mma stop here and explain it later in the story when needed.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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