Abilities: Self writing books (1per world)- these are self-regenerating and can be used as armaments depending on the value of knowledge they hold. Specified mind- All knowledge will be held in his books allowing for perfect recollection of any and all detail. His will will be modified to handle and adjust to a dark souls level of torture. Immortality- An average regeneration speed, ageless, will always come back from death (speed of which depends on the death) ————————————————— I started with the abilities as that’s what most people actually care about, after all if he had a ‘mommy milker system’ that would be a drastically different audience. ————————————————— Lance was an outdoors activity instructor from the age of 21 to now at 28, he loved his job as it gave him the freedom to travel the world working on cruises or camps letting him interact with anything he wants. Unfortunately, he lost all of this when the cruise he worked on suffered engine failure in the Atlantic ocean. He tried desperately to cling onto life but people left on the lifeboats too soon to see him. He met Hecate Goddess of magic but in this case, crossroads. She gave him the option to go through the regular process of (surprisingly) the buddhist reincarnation cycle. Or he could document knowledge of any kind across the multiverse. He chose the latter.
—Author here, seems like there was an issue posting ch1, so I made an auxiliary to essentially summarise the 'need to knows' that were in it. Sorry about this, hopefully the rest will make up for it.
"She really wanted me here for the long haul I guess" I said whilst reading the descriptions. I glanced over to the next book inscribing sketches of people the area around him and down to the small insects on the floor. On the matt black cover a red insignia of the darksign of man appears.
"Hello there" A young man around my age approached, dressed in furs and cloth, like everyone else.
"Oh hi, I'm Lance. I seem to be a bit lost, I might have taken a wrong turn a while back" I joked. He seemed to visibly relax, after all, seeing a stranger come out through a seemingly empty corridor would make anyone nerved.
"I have no idea what map you were following to end up here, name's yorv by the way." I noticed the book scribble this information down next to a sketch of him. "Why is that book writing down my name?" He asked.
"Ah sorry for that it's not under my control really, just writes down anyone and anything near enough." I only now realised that having a book that takes any and all information from people can be a bit off putting, a bit slow on my part admittedly. "Do you mind telling me about this place?"
"Um yeah sure, ran out of hides to treat anyway. To start off with, this is Oolacile township home of golden sorceries. Down the path and in the hut is our general merchant, if you want to learn the sorceries we don't mind as long as you ask first" Yorv patiently explained. As he spoke a map appeared in the book outlining buildings and labelling the hut with the merchant. "I do have to hurry off now, I believe the lizard mesh may be ready now. If you have any more questions find Elizabeth, she's just through the arena and a journey forwards". And with that he left.
Looking down at the map that showed a vague direction of Elizabeth now, I mumbled "He was nice and helpful". Before I set off to see Elizabeth I took a walk around the township, letting my book map it all out and create templates for the locals. I spoke to the merchant, he sold the basics: moss balls, short swords and the like. All of which I asked about to record more for my book, but I let him down as I don't have any souls.
I reached the elevator but stopped, after all I know that through here is where the villagers will dig up the body of Manus dooming them all. Now I will actually go to Elizabeth, hopefully gaining some souls along the way.
I left into the forest seeing wood creatures trimming the trees and taking care of the nature. I figured I would take the shortcut through the elevator, but as I approached I accidentally stood on a pristine rose gaining the ire of the nearest caretaker.
He immediately rushed me with his hedge trimmers aiming for the gut, I backed away in a panic. 'Shit it's dark souls I forgot' not noticing the disturbing calmness in emotion I've experienced so far. My books started launching folded projectiles towards the treant gardeners (learnt from the merchant), all aiming for the leaves on the body. It was relentless, I was slowly walking backwards as it tried dodging the oddly tough paper that stripped it to sticks then crippled it by targeting the loose joints.
An climactic fight, especially for an enemy so common. I was heaving for air, my mind slightly rattled but my ability prevailed allowing me to rationalise. I walked to the loose pile of sticks and begun snapping them, not out of anger, but to see the density and rigidity of the main body, not just the joints. And it paid off-
-Treant caretaker-
Maintains wildlife in the royal wood and becomes hostile if this drive is interrupted or prevented. Wields hedge trimmers as a tool and a weapon.
Weak joints held by vines
Structurally, made of Royal Wood trees and leaves. Slightly stronger than oak yet betrayed by it's thin frame.
Drops - 562 souls
blooming purple moss clump—
And that is what I managed to get from defeating just the one, I noticed all of the drops weren't recorded just what I got then. Nevertheless, with this my damage and defence is up along with a much better method at dealing with them. 'Maybe I should get some more souls to buy information or sorceries', I looked around for more caretakers and saw one bent over relocating a herba. Immediately, pager flew out and severed all of the limbs joints letting it fall limply on the floor still alive. I picked up it's trimmers, now known as the 'four pronged plow' and finished it off with it. gaining another few souls and a bloodred moss clump.
I settled for two more before settling on the walk, after all I don't want to fuck with the guardians. I picked up a few plant life to experiment with later, before getting to the final bridge. Crossing over, I looked over at the lethal drop and threw the wooden remains of the treant down it getting a sense of satisfaction when I heard the landing sound. Walking through, I looked to my right and saw a 7ft mushroom that somehow possessed tired eyes.
"Hello, fancy that I didn't see you pass through here earlier. I am Elizabeth of Oolacile, a pleasure to make your acquaintance." The mushroom swayed left to right whilst speaking through it's non-existent mouth.
"Lance, a traveller of sorts. I got a bit lost a while ago and found myself in the township, a man named Yorv said you're the one to go to for questions or sorceries as the merchant said." I introduced myself. 'I only now realised how absolutely flimsy my story is, maybe I should leave it as is adding more would allow more holes'.
"I see, well I sell my wares and spells to anyone willing to learn and willing to pay. But do know, I'm no expert on the craft, that honour goes to Dusk. She's usually here on Thursdays around midday, just for a bit of tea and a chat." She spoke kindly, showing a deep familial relationship.
"That's perfect, though I have no idea what day it is today. Do you have months? I just realised I forgot to ask how time management works in Oolacile, you never know if some ruler decides to create a random month like august."
"Ah yes, it's Tuesday dear. And we have the classic months of the year named after those who were prevalent in the war. Gwinestava, Sethbline, Verastol, Sol, Dolinstood and Quevina. All named after the family of gods or those who fought valiantly. It is the 27th day of the month Sol today, year 132. Anyway love, here are my wares". After the helpful explanation I will definitely forget, I looked through the small selection of elizabeth mushrooms, Oolacile ivory catalyst and other such items.
"Thank you, I'll be back later to purchase a spell." I bought the ivory catalyst, in hope that I wouldn't rely too much on the powers of the book, but I don't actually have any sorceries. So I set off to hunt some treants, really useful to farm, after all for some reason they just respawn at random intervals. Mainly good for their drops though.