
The Tower of Babilim

Tác giả: TheBluePeanut
Fantasy Romance
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What is The Tower of Babilim

Đọc tiểu thuyết The Tower of Babilim của tác giả TheBluePeanut được xuất bản trên WebNovel.Sheiah is an underpaid receptionist on the ground floor of the Tower of Babilim, home to the countless champions striving to reach the highest floor to gain the power to resurrect their ruined homelan...

Tóm tắt

Sheiah is an underpaid receptionist on the ground floor of the Tower of Babilim, home to the countless champions striving to reach the highest floor to gain the power to resurrect their ruined homelands. But there is a catch: no one can beat the tower. Has been so for thousand of years. But some very persistent champions never know when to give up, adding new thorns in Sheiah’s sides nearly everyday that the Numens make. At least one thing is for sure, Sheiah’s job as a receptionist is definitely not worth her meager salary.

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The Story of the Lunar Guild.

In the enchanting realm of Eldora, where humans wield the extraordinary powers of 15 distinct magical affinities, a fateful decision by a young man named Kaito propels him from a life on the streets to becoming a formidable mage. Join Kaito and his eclectic guild members as they ascend to the pinnacle of this magical world, unravelling the secrets of past legends and confronting formidable adversaries. This is a tale of profound relationships, tragic losses, and relentless struggles as the guild, strives to conquer the challenges that lie ahead. With it twists of fate, the group uncovers the hidden truths of powerful figures from history and engages in epic battles against formidable foes. Witness the singular guild's rise from a no name weak guild to a powerful Guild , driven by the collective strength of its members, with Kaito being its strong pillars . "Okay, quick things about this book: the guild format is heavily based on Fairy Tail; it's not like the guild in isekai, just saying. Also, no harem, no smut, or R-18—whatever you want to call it. And no, I haven't written the story yet. I write this when I want, so don't expect a schedule, because, to be honest, I was writing a book about Pokemon, and I dropped it because I was overwhelmed with school and stuff. So, this story is just for me to have fun, like the Pokemon story was supposed to be. I write when I want and post when I want unless it becomes really popular, which I doubt. So, there might be times when I get bored of the book and stop writing for a week or more, just because. Because if I continually write one thing, I will get bored of it eventually. Right now, I only have about six chapters for this book, but it took me about three weeks because I took my time. So, yeah, don't expect fast posts—sorry. Also, give me suggestions if you all have some, please.

RLOS · Kỳ huyễn
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Saga of Atlantis

"Hah..Hah.." In the midst of what seemed like a battlefield, a young boy with white hair knelt on the ground, struggling to catch shallow breaths. A short sword pierced his heart, his arms and legs were broken, making him unable to stop the crimson blood from coloring the ground. "That's what you get for betrayal," a red-headed teenage boy sneered as he stood before him. "A pathetic person like you could never be my brother," added a purple-haired girl, her voice seething with anger, as she stood alongside the redhead. With great effort, the young boy shifted his gaze forward. He could see many familiar faces in front of him—his so-called family, his so-called friends but his gaze remained fixed on her. "Wh..y, A.nna," he uttered with immense difficulty and sorrow in his voice, his vision blurring as he locked eyes with the blonde-haired girl, who regarded him with emotionless eyes. "I did that so I could save you," he said, his voice gradually growing louder. "I DID THAT SO YOU COULD LIVE!" he shouted, making everyone present flinch in fear. "I never asked you to do this" the blonde-haired girl replied, her words crushing the very soul of the boy. "A...nn.a," the young boy whispered one last time, a small tear slipping down from his eye as he breathed his final breath. ================================ Neil survived eight grueling years in a post-apocalyptic world only to die and be reincarnated in the body of Eden Morton, a character from a game he used to play as a teenager, by an unknown entity for unknown reasons. Eden's life was a pitiable one, plagued by the constant manipulation and betrayal of those around him – whether it was the princess, the famed hero, or even his very own family. Eden died without ever experiencing genuine love. Now, as Neil took over, he was determined to embark on a new journey, seeking the one thing he and Eden never had : a life worth living. ================================ [Discord link :- Invite/5Vgw4JCrBW]

Noob6_writer9 · Kỳ huyễn
194 Chs


Buku berjudul “Gelembung” ini mengisahkan tentang gadis misterius yang hadir di dalam keluarga Pak Bambang. Pak Bambang adalah seorang ayah yang hidup dengan dua anak laki-laki yang berumur 8 tahun dan 5 tahun. Anak pertama Pak Bambang adalah Damar dan anak keduanya adalah Hermawan. Istri Pak Bambang bernama Astri, namun ia telah tiada karena sakit. Istri Pak Bambang adalah adik kesayangan Tante Maria. Tante Maria menikah dengan Paman Doni dan memiliki tiga putra yaitu Bram, Bisma dan Rio. Sebelas bab diceritakan sudut pandang orang ketiga. Kisah ini memiliki alur maju mundur atau twist. Pada bab pertama mengisahkan mengenai pertemuan gadis misterius dengan keluarga Pak Bambang hingga ia diberi nama Mayang Arum Purnomo dan diterima menjadi anggota baru keluarga Bambang Purnomo. Pada bab dua Mayang diperkenalkan dengan keluarga Paman Doni. Mereka mendapat banyak sindiran dari Paman Doni dan hal tidak baik yang dilakukan Rio. Pada bab ketiga Pak Bambang mengadakan pesta kecil untuk menyambut anggota keluarga baru mereka yaitu Mayang. Bisma hadir dalam pesta tanpa diundang. Pada bab keempat Mayang menjadi mainan Bisma, meskipun demikian Mayang tidak takut dan membalas perbuatan Bisma. Bab kelima Mayang mulai bersekolah dan tertarik dengan pelajaran musik terutama pada piano. Bab keenam ada cahaya misterius yang berjanji akan memperlihatkan masalalu dan asal usul Mayang saat umurnya sudah mencapai tujuh belas tahun. Bab ketujuh cahaya misterius muncul saat Mayang usai merayakan pesta ulang tahunnya yang ketujuh belas. Ia mengetahui masalalu, asal usul, kekuatan dan sisa waktu hidupnya. Bab kedelapan menceritakan masalalu istri Pak bambang, dan asal mula perselisihan antara keluarga Pak Bambang dan Paman Doni. Bab kesembilan tentang ambisi Paman Doni untuk merebut seluruh harta dan rumah Pak Bambang. Lanjut di bab sepuluh Kemarahan Paman Doni karena penolakan Pak Bambang membuatnya tega melakukan hal buruk yaitu mencelakai Pak Bambang dan menyantet Hermawan, keponakannya sendiri. Bab terakhir yaitu bab sebelas Mayang merelakan kehidupannya demi menolong Hermawan. Keunikan cerita ini berpusat pada tokoh karakter utama yaitu Mayang namun yang menjadi konflik utama adalah perselisihan keluarga Pak Bambang dan keluarga Paman Doni. Konflik pendukung lainnya seperti pada bab satu di tengah jalan saat terjadi hujan badai ada seorang gadis kecil tanpa identitas menatap dengan tatapan kosong. Lalu keluarga Pak Bambang hadir memberikan kehangatan, identitas dan kasih sayang. Perjalanan Mayang tidak mudah pada bab dua dia harus menahan diri terhadap ucapan Paman Doni yang menyakitkan. Ia bertengkar dengan Rio karena tidak tahan melihat Damar diperlakukan dengan buruk. Paman Doni dan Tante Maria membela anaknya dan memarahi Mayang dan Damar. Pertengkarannya dengan Rio membuat Bisma penasaran dan datang menemui Mayang di rumah Pak Bambang. Konflik selanjutnya pun terjadi, Bisma mengancam Mayang dan ingin menjadikan Mayang sebagai mainannya.

Chocho_Yucho · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

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