

"Aren't you going to tell me not to leave, persuade me?" Daryn asked rubbing his mates chin with his finger. She inhaled her body jerking because of her shaky breath. She wiped the new set of tears falling from her eyes and shook her head.

"I will not be the cause of a hindrance in your path Daryn" she turned to the river again. "You are a champion to a deity and also a son. I won't let you hide away in cowardice on my behalf"

Daryn's brows creased. "And if i refuse?"

"I won't let you" her voice hardened with conviction and a trace of warning.

He knew she was right and it made him mad. Here she was making sure he did not avoid his duties and he himself was neglecting her.

Then he could not stay there any longer. He needed to calm himself. Blow off steam.

He needed to run. He kissed her on the head and ran into the jungle and shifting mid way.

Darla's conviction did not waver. She knew it was the right decision and had to accept it.

Her mate will have to do the same.

An hour later, Darla started walking back to the shed. She found Daryn along the way calm and cool headed and they both walked back home together.

When they returned, Eric was not in the shed. Darla hadn't cooked that morning so he had gone into the jungle to look for wild fruits to eat.

Internally grateful for the privacy that was given to them, the pair took advantage of the free time they had.

Daryn stayed with his mate till she fell asleep. She slept peacefully curled into him his head in the crook of her neck.

But Despite the heady scent of her surrounding him he couldn't sleep so he instead stayed still to avoid waking her up.

Moments later he sensed Eric a few meters away from the house. His jolly steps tapped the ground.

Daryn carefully detangled himself from Darla and rushed to the door. He had to stop Eric before he got into the shed and woke his mate from her sleep and maybe take him somewhere else they had to talk about their journeys anyway.


Both men stood under a great tree strategizing on their next movement. The tree giving them shade from the hot noon sun.

"Darn. I was beginning to like this place"

"It's ok Eric. No need to sulk because of me. We both know you didn't fancy the Azra jungles in the first place"

"Now that is bullshit man! You think if i didn't like this place i would have took my time to build myself a house? C'mon"

Daryn said nothing.

"I admit i did not like this place at the beginning but i came to like here. I like the peace".

Daryn snotted.

"I am really sad for you my friend. I know how much you loved this place but don't fret. You will be back...for her. The strength you get from the love of a mate can rival even the gods"

Daryn sighed. "Thank you my friend" he rubbed his palm over his face. "If only she could come" Eric patted his shoulder.

"So what to do now?" Eric asked.

"We go west gathering resources on the way. I doubt Alexis has dominated that part of Azra".

"A good plan my friend. Maybe we will find allies on the way."

"And competition" Daryn added.

Eric looked bewildered "We can't ask for that yet. We are not ready".

Daryn huffed. "Speak for yourself" an grin appearing on his face. "It has been too long i had a good fight"

"Indeed. When do we leave?" Eric asked

"In three days"


While the men strategized, Darla slept. They started making preparations to leave in three days.

Darla had slept the whole day. When she woke up it was already dusk. She found Daryn and Eric discussing in the room but speaking quietly to avoid waking her.

She yawned and stretched her stiff body. "How long was i asleep?"

"A full day" Eric answered.

Darla smiled when she heard him grumbling. Oh she was going to miss this man. She got up from the bed and went straight to the kitchen to make dinner. She knew they were hungry just as she was even if they won't admit it but she had to ask anyways.

"Who is hungry?"

There was no reply but grumpy bellows from the two men. She stifled a laugh.

In minutes she made quick dinner of fried potatoes and tomato sauce and served the men who did not take more than a minute to empty their plates.

"Hmm. I wonder how you both would eat when you start your journey."

"Don't you worry my love. I still know how to cook though not as good as you but It's still good. Eric here is the rusty one"

"Bah..I can buy food from markets so don't worry about me." Eric countered.

"Mhmm..." both Daryn and Darla nodded.

Eric scoffed.

After dinner, Darla curled into Daryn's arms as they sat on the bed resting their backs against the wall. Eric sat on the chair adjacent the bed skimming through a book as they talked further about experiences in their lives.

They had talked for about thirty minutes when Darla started drifting off to sleep in Daryn's arms.

"Already feeling sleepy love?" Daryn asked.

"Yes. I don't know why i feel so weak this evening"

"Nah its fine. I was just going to take my sleeping furs now. I'm also tired." Eric said as he stood from the chair and went to retrieve his sleeping furs from the wardrobe.

Daryn pulled Darla closer to himself and wrapped his arms around her so her head rested on his chest. She mumbled a thank you and succumbed to sleep.

"Is she asleep already?"

"Yeah." Daryn said as he laid a kiss on the top of her head. "Today really stressed her out"

"Hmm. How is she taking it?"

Daryn sighed. "As best as she can"

He stared at his mate and marvelled at the strength and endurance she showed. 'No matter what anyone says; you are still my magnificent mate' he placed another kiss on her head.

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