
A Simple Exam

[Name: Black Heaven]

[Class: Martial Artist]

[Level: 32]

[Age: 21]

[Address: None]

[Preferred Field Role: Front-line damage dealer/Carry]

[Main Weapon: Sword]

[Aspirations: Explore the world]

Bai Tian filled out everything on the paper the red-headed lady gave him within moments.

When he tried to hand in the paper, the red-headed lady said with an embarrassed look on her face, "I'm sorry… I should've mentioned this earlier, but I forgot. Before receiving your Adventurer's Rank, you will need to go through a practical exam. It's nothing serious and consists of three simple tests that gauge your current capabilities so that we can rank you properly."

"I don't mind, but when will I take this exam?" Bai Tian asked.

"We can do it right now. It won't take long, either."

"Okay." He nodded.

"Thank you!" The red-headed lady then accepted his paper before taking a look at it.

"21 years old… You're a Martial Artist…?" The red-headed lady seemed surprised by his class.

"Are you disappointed?" Bai Tian asked her with a playful smile on his face.

"Eh? Oh, no! I didn't mean to…" Her face turned bright red.

"It's fine."

She continued to read the paper.

"Since you don't have an address, is there a way to contact you if there is ever the need to do so?" She asked.

"Unfortunately, I don't plan on staying in one place for too long."

"I see… That's fine. If we ever want to contact you, we will do it through the Guild."

"Alright, then I will go look for your examiner now. Please give me several minutes. You can wait in the pub area in the meantime. I will come find you when we're ready." She pointed at the tables on the other side of the building, where people could be seen eating and drinking.

Bai Tian nodded and went to look at the available quests instead.

In the meantime, the red-headed lady went to find an examiner for Bai Tian.

However, she quickly realized that all of the examiners were either away or fully booked for the day.

'Oh no… What should I do… I got so excited when I saw him that I keep forgetting the most basic things today! Get it together, Fiora!' She cried inwardly.

The red-headed lady named Fiora returned to the reception desk and scanned the room to see if there was anybody that could help her.

Very quickly, she found somebody, and a relieved smile appeared on her face when she saw this young lady who also happened to have red hair.

A few moments later, Fiora approached this young lady who was sitting at the pub area with several other people.

"Freya, I need to borrow you for a moment," she called out to the young lady, who placed her drink down before turning around.

"What do you want, Lil Sis? Can't you see that I am busy with my friends?"

This young lady named Freya turned out to be Fiora's older sister, who happened to be hanging out at the Guild today.

"Please, this is urgent."

"Haaa…" Freya turned to look at her company and said with an apologetic smile, "Sorry, I will be right back."

Once they were alone, Freya asked, "What is so urgent that you need me? Why couldn't you just find someone who actually works for the Guild?"

"There's this person who just signed up to be an Adventurer, but there are no examiners available right now, so I need you to do it." Fiora explained, which baffled Freya.

"Hah?!" She exclaimed in a shocked manner. "Did you seriously pull me away from my conversation for this?! Why can't this person just wait until there's an examiner available? I know you're dedicated to your job, but you can't be desperate, right?"

"That would normally be the case, but this person is special! He doesn't have an aura!" Fiora said in a hushed voice, almost as if she didn't want others to hear her words.

"What are you talking about?" Freya frowned.

"Have you forgotten about my unique Skill? I can see one's potential through their aura! He is the second person I have met who doesn't have an aura, which means his potential is so deep that even I cannot fathom it! The other person I cannot fathom is the current ranked 1 Adventurer! This means he has the potential to become someone like that!"

"What if the reason you cannot see his aura is because he has no potential? Have you ever thought about that?" Freya sighed.

"That's impossible!" Fiora insisted with a stubborn look on her face.

Freya rubbed her eyes and said, "What's his class? If he's that special, he must have an amazing class, right?"

"Well… He's a Martial Artist…"

"Hahahaha! So this person with a trash class has unfathomable potential, huh?! This is the funniest thing I've heard all week! I should let the others hear it so they can also have a good laugh!" Freya started laughing uncontrollably.

The sentiment of Martial Artists being a trash class wasn't unique to the Players since even the NPCs have this belief.


Fiora's eyes became moist, and it looked like she was on the verge of crying.


Freya stopped laughing in an awkward manner before sighing again.

"Fine, I just need to be his examiner, right? Let's get this over with."

"I knew I could count on you, Sister!" Fiora immediately stopped crying, and she continued, "Go to room 1121, I will be there in a bit."

Freya returned to her friends for a moment to explain the situation before going to room 1121. Since she was a regular at the Guild and also Fiora's sister, nobody there questioned her when she went into an area that only the employees there could access.

"Mister Black Heaven, I have found an examiner for you. Please, follow me." Fiora said to Bai Tian after finding him.

He nodded and silently followed her, unaware of the special treatment he was getting.

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