
Edward Williams (1)

Lightning flashed and thunder roared amidst the skies as the spatial gate brightened then faded.

The gate's glow faded like a candle's last breath while roaring dark clouds swirled.

Everdawn was in an uproar. Such an occurrence has never happened before. There has been plenty of natural phenomena around the gate ever since the spatial storms hit but never has such a phenomenon happened.

As the last of the gate's light went out, a beam of white energy lanced out from the eye of the vortex straight onto the transit grounds in front of the spatial gate. Many wildlife in the gate's vicinity scurried to and fro.

Aureus was in his study with Tarin and Johan when the light lanced out.

"Let us check out the state of the gate. It would be troublesome if the gate on our side was damaged." Aureus ordered as he headed to the stables.

Upon arriving at the transit grounds, Aureus's Aether Core pulsed strongly.

Aureus's expression underwent a drastic change for a moment before it was schooled back to normal.

A dark-haired man in black clothing of unknown designs was lying in the middle of a crater.

"Highness, please keep your distance. This person of unknown origin is suspicious. He may be an assassin sent at the last minute by the other superpowers!" Pictor said with a worried look as they neared the crater.

"If they were sending an assassin after me, after entering in such a grand manner I doubt he is going to succeed. Governor, please quell your emotions." Aureus replied as he took in the scene in its entirety.

Pictor looked unconvinced and signalled to the guardsman trailing behind to apprehend the stranger.

Tarin frowned when he saw this and reprimanded Pictor in a stern tone. Appearing to pick up on some nuance, Pictor bowed and scraped then waved his arms as if fending off a person at the guards.

Johan rode up to Aureus and conversed in a strident tone. A faint light pulsed at Johan's dominant hand.

Various calls of caution sounded out from amongst Aureus's retinue. Aureus pondered while looking at the figure on the ground then he held up his hand.

"I heard the calls for caution, for now take the man in. House him in the healing lodge until he returns to consciousness. Have two of my elite troops stand guard outside the lodge. No one except the hospice staff is to enter without my express permission."

Aureus turned to Tarin as they returned to the castle's study. He nodded once.

Tarin looked over the garb, gloves, dagger and L shaped artifact. He did so for several moments before venturing "While the likelihood he is an assassin is not zero, I've seldom seen an assassin who would display his potential allegiances by wearing an insignia on his garb."

"By entering via such a manner, if his purpose was of a stealth nature, he must either be a bumbling idiot or a genius beyond my understanding. Therefore, I doubt that he is an assassin but rather a stealth fighter affiliated with a military or martial order."

Aureus concurred with Tarin except the part on his choice of entry. Reasoning that no established assassin would choose a method of entry that leaves one unconscious.

Aureus looked towards Johan.

Johan's expression gave nothing away, his posture ramrod straight, he requested to be present should the stranger be granted an interview but kept his peace otherwise.

Aureus's lips curled into a half smile and did not even blink before he granted Johan's request.

"Highness, what if he is sent from the core or inner realms after you? If so, his presence here will not be benign in nature." Tarin queried.

"While his purposes cannot be ascertained as yet, if he demonstrates himself to be a danger to the realm or its subjects, I will be the first to cut him down myself. However, innocent until proven. Should he be harmed before anything can be ascertained, I will crack down on the perpetrators myself." Aureus replied with his eyes gleaming.

"Understood. I will ensure that the grapevine be suitably active." Tarin bowed and moved out of the study.

(Where am I???) Edward thought as he regained consciousness.

"He is awake , he is awake! Inform his highness!" A sweet voice tittered.

(Highness? What highness? Do we still have royalty?)

Edward opened his eyes and looked over his surroundings. His surroundings was clean, but they seemed to be after a medieval fashion.

Edward took a few deep breaths as he assessed,

(Wow, what is up with these clothes? Which century are those clothes from? Why are those skirts sweeping the floors? Is this supposed to be a hospital? A novelty setting hospital? Somewhere the ultra rich has customized to look like from ancient times and I happened to be sent here?)

(Wait , why am I thinking like this? It is like I was sent back to my teenage years. Why… do I feel younger too? My old injuries and aches are not flaring up at all. I feel like I am in a new body. This can't be right, can it?)

"Are you alright? You've been unconscious for a day and a night already. Are you feeling hungry?" The lady who spoke asked Edward.


"Wait a moment, I will fetch you some broth."

"Thank you. May I know how to address you?"

"I am Annie."

After a while, the homely-looking nurse came back with a bowl of hot broth. It even has slices of what appeared to be chicken. Edward looked at the bowl for a moment before deciding not to care.

(If the heavens wanted me dead they would not deem it fit to feed me with a bowl of chicken broth now, would they?) Edward thought as he ate.

"Where is this place?" Edward asked between mouthfuls.

"Everdawn city. Governor… no , I mean, Prince Aureus's castle".

Edward choked in between bites as he heard he was in someone's castle. "Castle? Am I not in a hospital?"

"What is a hospital?" Annie looked confused as she looked at Edward.

Edward choked further on his food and thumped his chest to get the food unclogged.

"A place where people go for healing..." Edward replied while wheezing.

"This is such a place. This is a branch of the healing lodge. Master Malcolm and us have been looking after you since you were unconscious. Master Malcolm even muttered it was weird you were unconscious while still harboring a strong life force when casting rejuvenation over you." Annie explained while harboring a befuddled look.

(Casting? Is she talking about magic? That cannot be, right? Where the hell am I?)

Glancing at the look of utter confusion on Edward, Annie changed topics. She enquired if Edward rushed over from the core realm as the gates closed.

(What realm? What gate?) Edward's thoughts were jumbled.

Saving him from his utter confusion, a knock sounded from the door. A martial looking middle-aged man stepped into the room. Edwards senses went into overdrive. He readied his body to explode into combat at any moment.

The middle-aged man nodded his head as he noted Edward's reaction. He introduced himself as Tarin, special adviser to Prince Aureus.

"How may I address you?" he asked.

"Edward Williams."

"Is he fit enough for an audience with the prince?" Tarin turned to Annie.

"Yes milord, it was just an unknown malady that was keeping him unconscious. He is as fit as a horse."

Tarin nodded and turned back towards Edward.

"Williams, my prince wishes to have an audience with you. Is it possible for you to attend?"

Edward knew an order when he heard one. He decided that it was far better to make contact with an authoritative figure than to stumble in the dark further.

Edward agreed.

All the way to the audience chamber, Tarin did not ask him anything and Edward ventured nothing either as he mulled over available information.

(I am most likely no longer on Earth. I may have been transported to a different planet or perhaps even a different dimension. It does not appear all bad though, I seem younger and my body appears whole and rid of injuries. That's a plus at least) Edward thought as he followed Tarin.

(Such considerations aside, this place might be a dangerous place. They have men like Tarin escorting me to an audience chamber. Though I cannot put my finger on it but my instincts are telling me that this man is lethal. As if he can subdue me with no effort even though his back is turned now)

(This is just a man serving royalty in this place and this man appears to serve this prince whole-heartedly. Is he serving due to bloodline or is the man capable?) Edward thought as he decided to increase his vigilance level towards this so-called prince.

Changing the release schedule temporarily.

Daily release Mon-Fri (GMT +8).

Double chapters on Mon and Fri!

Jamison_Ccreators' thoughts
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