
The Teenager's Life

Skii_senpai1 · Hiện thực
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29 Chs

Rumours and Fights.

It's been three days since the incident happen. Everyone from school knew something bad happened between Yuiichi and Yotaro's gang. They were never seen to talk with each other. Students of 1-D knew they don't want to lose any of those two, so they tried to neglect the tension.

Yuiichi are you okay? asks Izumi. Izumi, Mitobe yeah I am good, don't worry says Yuiichi. Sorry I need to go grab some food says Yuiichi and he left. Ohh isn't that alone screams Atsushi. I don't understand how can you do that to a girl, he added. It was clear that someone spread the whole news about what happened that day.

Yuiichi just glared at him. Atsushi pissed his pants. You are lucky today, I am in good mood or I could have beat the sh*t out of you, Atsushi added. They left. Yuiichi was seating alone while eating the sandwich Ohh Yuiichi where are you dogs? asks Hayato and he sat on the opposite chair. Yuiichi ignores him. Come on don't ignore your senpai, says Hayato.

Hayato, make sure to keep your dogs in control, says Yuiichi. The third year who were there gets very angry on him. Yuiichi aren't you overestimating yourself? asks Hayato. There are more than 70 third year students are here in cafeteria and you are alone. You think you can beat us? asks Koji. I think you got all wrong Koji, replies Yuiichi. It's not about how many I can beat, it's about how many students I can send to the hospital, says Yuiichi.

Imagine the news while fighting one first year student sends more than 40 third year students to hospital. I think newspapers will interview me as well, Yuiichi added. Hahaha you are really funny Yuiichi. Do you know why you can't defeat me? says Hayato. Because you are a goody boy. You know you will run away when you will fight me, Hayato added.

Hayato-san let me tell you, why you can't beat me, says Yuiichi sarcastically. It's because you are underestimating me, Yuiichi added. Underestimating? of course not. I have never underestimated any of my opponent, replies Hayato. It's just that I know how much time I need to destroy the opponents, Hayato added. I will get going now, I have some work to do. He gets up. He started walking Ohh and one more thing I heard about what happened with you during class trip. Yuiichi you can't behave like that. How can you do that to a girl? He asked sarcastically. He walked away.

Yotaro what should we do? asks Max. What do mean? Max, replies Kei. If course we are supporting Asuna. No matter what you think, it's his fault, Kei added. Kei calm down, says Yotaro. Max why do you think Yuiichi did that? asks Yotaro. Did something unusual happened? Yotaro added. I have no idea but I think I saw a bike that time, says Max. What do you mean by that? asks Yotaro. I think Yuiichi saw that bike and his facial expressions changes, replies Max. Don't be stupid guys, says Kei. We are just trying to find a reason but that was his true colours, Kei added. Well for now let's not come to a conclusion, says Max.

(The next day) I heard he even hit her, says one of the student. Right, I heard it to. I am glad I didn't express my feelings to him, she added. But how can he do that to Asuna? Students were gossiping. As soon as Yuiichi came to cafeteria, everyone stopped talking. Hey first years? What happened? Why did you stopped talking? says Renzo. Hahaha Yuiichi, how are you feeling? How does it feel to be alone, Renzo added. Yuiichi gets up and hits on his face. He started bleeding from the nose. Yuiichi come on, you can't do that, says Akashi.

Yuiichi glared at him. Why are you always glaring at others? You should be more careful and he tries to kick him but Yuiichi blocked his kick. Ohh you are really good, says Akashi. Yuiichi why don't we fight now? asks Akashi. I will beat the sh*t out of you and the whole school will know how weak you are, Akashi added. Yuiichi didn't respond.

If you are not going to attack, I will, says Akashi and he ran towards Yuiichi. He tried to punch Yuiichi but Yuiichi dodge the punch and hits Akashi on the stomach. Akashi gets back to 2-3 steps. Ahh, it hurts, says Akashi. He again comes running towards him and tried to kick Yuiichi, but Yuiichi grabs his leg and made him fall on the ground. He wanted to take that opportunity but Akashi gets up quickly.

I know how you fight, says Akashi. You tries to make them lose their balance and after that you continuously attacks until they become unconscious, Akashi added. I just have to make sure, I don't let you do that. Yuiichi I might be not good in studies but when it comes to fighting, it feels like my whole brain started to work, says Akashi. Ohh you talk to much, replies Yuiichi.

Akashi let me tell you something the next attack will be the last attack you will be able to do, so make sure you atleast hits me. You haven't made to move back from this place, says Yuiichi. Ohh he is right. Wow does that mean he I'd stronger than Akashi, student around them started gossiping. What? this will be my last chance to attack? says Akashi. Don't you dare to mock me and started running towards him.

He stopped running. Just kidding. You think I will fall for such stupid tricks says Akashi. Yuiichi to beat you, the opponents only need to make one thing sure not to use the leg, Akashi added. Ohh he is right, if he can't make you to lose your balance, you can win against him. Students were making a noise. Here I come and he started punching but Yuiichi was blocking each of them.

What happened? Why are you only protecting yourself? You can't do anything can you? says Akashi. Yuiichi grabs on of his hand. Akashi let me tell you something, says Yuiichi. I don't win because of your stupid reason, I win because I am strong and he brakes his right hand. Akashi started screaming. He falls down. Ohh? what happened? didn't you say you wouldn't fall down and Yuiichi started hitting on his face. Students were just watching and this time it was second year student's who were watching how strong Yuiichi is. The vice principal and other teachers interfere and make Yuiichi to stop the fight.