
The Teenager's Life

Skii_senpai1 · Hiện thực
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29 Chs

Chapter 28

Well, it's up to you to decide whether do you want to tell them or not, says Ikai. Ikai-san do you believe in god? asks Yuiichi. What are talking about? replies Ikai. Of course I don't believe in god, Ikai added. Why you don't? asks Yuiichi. The three reasons I don't believe in god are

1. You can't feel or see God.

2. I don't believe in ghost. If I don't believe in ghost, there is no way I will believe there's a god.

3. The last one it's pretty weird but When something good happenes in my life, I will always say it's my hardwork but when I am in trouble, I will always blame god for that.

Sorry but I didn't understand the last one, says Yuiichi. Okay here's an example. Yuiichi let's say, I am giving a college entrance. If I came number one in exam, I will never say that it's because of god. I will be like I worked hard more than anyone. I got number one on my own. On the other hand if I failed the exam, the first person I will blame to is god. Like why did you do that? Don't you think I deserve better, Ikai added.

There are many countries like India where God is everything for them. People of India or many asian countries might kill you if you dare to say that God is not real. On the other hand North or South American people might believe that god is not real. It's according to their cultures. But... as he could say anything, Yuiichi, Yuiichi let's go to school, says Saru. Is everyone ready? asks Yuiichi. Everyone is waiting for you, says Saru. Saru, why are you holding his hand, says Tenji. He grabs Yuiichi's hand. Lucy directly gets on Yuiichi's back. Guys what are you doing? Okay I will give Ice cream to two people who behave nicely, Yuiichi added. Yuiichi you always say that but you always gave ice creme to everyone. So we are not falling for that trick, says Lucy. You guys are getting smarter and smarter, aren't you, says Yuiichi. Johan, Kay, don't run, Yuiichi screams. They love him, don't they, says Asuna and gives Ikai coffee. Well, I think Yuiichi know more than anyone what's it like not to have someone with you, replies Ikai. He must know value of a person, Ikai added. Ikai-san how did you meet Yuiichi? asks Asuna. King must have told you, how did they meet, didn't he, says Ikai.

How did you know that? asks Asuna. I know that kid from middle school, I know what he is thinking, replies Ikai. 2 years ago, he came and asked me to train him, Ikai added. How did he knew you are strong? asks Asuna. Well you know after King got beaten by Yuiichi, I trained King. Of course he wasn't able to beat him, even challenging him for three times but he improved drastically. Maybe that's why he wanted me to teach him, replies Ikai. Ikai, if you are that strong why don't you work with police? asks Asuna. Ohh actually I worked as a police officer for 2 years, replies Ikai. Then why did you... leave the job? asks Ikai. I always thought I will become a police officer everyone will love. I wanted to help people, says Ikai. But after working for 2 years I realise, the police only works for the rich people. I couldn't hold that anymore so I gave my resignation but I wasn't smart at school so I didn't know what to do so... you know Jin-san? asked Ikai? I haven't seen him, but my friends told me about him, replies Asuna. He was the one who gave me an idea about helping the poor by robbing rich people, says Ikai.

It's been a quite time since Yuiichi left, isn't he coming home? asks Asuna. Well I don't think he will come home this early, replies Ikai. What do you mean? asks Asuna. Yotaro and Max joins them. Well I already told you, didn't I? He knows how to care for people more than anyone, replies Ikai. He must be at someone's house, eating something, Ikai added. You guys, please be his friends for life, he is a good guy, says Ikai. Mimosa-san also said the same yesterday, replies Asuna. Ikai-san, you remind me of my older brother, says Asuna. Ohh where is he know? asks Ikai. He was killed last year, says Asuna. Ohh I am sorry for that says Ikai. Did police catch the person who killed your brother? asks Ikai. No the police couldn't find the killer, says Asuna.

My dad who is a CEO of a company said he tried to pressure police as much as he can but they couldn't find the killer, Asuna added. Do police even have any clue about the killer? asks Ikai. No they don't. The only clue they know is that he was wearing a green hoodie which had a skull face on the back, Asuna replied. Ikai was shocked. He exactly knew who was behind all of that but he didn't say anything. Ikai, I need your help, screams Mimosa. Coming, Ikai replied. Okay guys, I will go now, enjoy yourself, says Ikai and he left. After 2 hours Yuiichi came back. I am back, says Yuiichi. Ohh took you long enough, says Asuna. Hmm I had some work, replies Yuiichi. Yuiichi Ikai was waiting for you in storage. He said sent me there as soon as possible, he want to discuss something with you, Mimosa added. Okay I will go, replies Yuiichi.

Ikai-san Mimosa-san said you wanted to talk about something? asks Yuiichi. Yuiichi, you know Asuna told me something, says Ikai. Yuiichi was a bit confuse. What do you mean by that? asks Yuiichi. Yuiichi you know last year in February Asuna's brother was killed, replies Ikai. What? I don't know anything about that? says Yuiichi. Not only that but you know the killer was wearing a green hoodie with having skull behind his back, Ikai replied. Yuiichi was surprised. He understands that the killer is related to the spearhead organization. Yuiichi I think it's better if you tells them about your past, says Ikai. I think the same, Yuiichi replied.

In the next chapter, we will learn about Yuiichi's past and why is he going against an organisation. If you liked the novel, please share it with your friends. Please review the book and if you have any questions, you can ask me in the comments or on my Instagram I'd which is Skiisenpai. Thank you for reading the book. ☺️☺️