
The powerless in a magic world

Caspian was just like every little boy who dreamed of becoming an adventurer. He would travel the land, make many friends, and slay dangerous beasts. That was of course until he had his specialty appraised.

See, every person in this world had special abilities that would decide what they would one day become. There were the warriors who had increased strength and could perform physical boost magic; the Magi who had best intelligence stats and could perform all kinds of offensive magic like fireballs or magic vines; there were also non combative specialties like healers and enchanters who were covetted by most adventuring parties for their usefulness in both battle and general living. Often called the most superior specialties however are those among the Hero archetype; paladins, bishops, conquerers, diplomats, and others. These so called Hero specialties have well rounded and high stats that gauge all across the board from power that could match a warrior and magic that could go head to head with even the strongest magi. Truly this was a world governed by the luck of one's birth, those with the stronger specialties rule over the ones that don't. But there are also specialties that have since become obsolete, lost in time through natural selection; only to come once every thousand person; the so called "Erased" specialties. Specialties that have become redundant to this world of magic.

Caspian happened to have one of these unnecessary specialties for his was "Farmer". With magic crops that could grow without supervision and the many creatures who are far more in harmony with nature, Humans have lost the need for farmers and thus they have eventually become erased from existence. But every now and then a hidden recessive trait would awaken and once again a farmer would be born.

Those unlucky enough to have an "erased" specialty were ostracized by everyone for they lacked the abilities that came naturally to everyone else. They did not have strength, or strong magic, they did have anything that could help them compete in this world. That is the biggest reason why these specialties were erased, for they were disposed of quickly and those who wield them were not deemed worthy to be called human.

And so Caspian lived outside of his village, unable to perform even the most basic of work, he had to fend for himself after his father passed away. Occassionally a villager would visit or share some food but human charity soon runs dry when it is offered to those deemed as less than human.

Caspian was alone, weak, and at the mercy of luck. At any point if a monster invaded their village he knew that he had no way to defend himself, no one to defend, and he also knew that his tiny hut would be the one attacked first.

And then that day came.