
This Kid Is Tough

The sun had began to set as it left a beautiful streak across the sky. Yuki had been sitting in a meditative pose for hours until finally his body began to stir and he stood up, gaining the attention of everyone. Yuki nodded his head as he stretched, awaiting for the next person to come up.

Yuki watched as a boy he knew of as 'K-Lord' stepped forward. Yuki had read that his opponent was capable of manipulating electrons which made Yuki stand on awareness to prevent body contact with his opponent. The Sensei nodded indicating them that the battle had begun and stepped back along with the others. K immediately dashed forward, enhancing his body in a bit of electricity to increase his speed which Yuki smiled at.

No one seem to realize he was capable of controlling gravity and knew that he had the upper-hand in the spar with the information he know. Yuki although knew that acceleration produced gravitational waves that he could sense, he had a hard time keeping up without revealing his real ability yet. Yuki swiftly jumped as K ran past him but was caught off guard by the bolt of lighting thrown at his back which successfully landed, causing Yuki to fall to the ground in an electrical shocked frenzy.

After the pain subsided, Yuki sighed as the gravitons began to seep into his body and heal the wounds by working with the 3 fundamental forces and increasing the microscopic gravitational field to match the other 3 forces. Yuki slowly stood up as steam left his body and removed his blindfold, revealing the cosmic like eyes to the world.

"let me reintroduce myself. I am Yuki Suku, the first born true gravity manipulator"

Yuki said as he stepped forward and vanished, accelerating his gravitational field greatly. K widened his eyes in surprise as Yuki appeared in front of him with his palm on his stomach. 'Gravity art: Repulsive force' Yuki said within his mind as he used the gravitational waves produced from a nearby object diminishing in mass to reach negative gravitational potential and produce a Repulsion.

His opponent instantly flew back in a blur and slammed into a tree, sliding down groaning in pain. Yuki waited as his opponent stood up and a storm of lightning casted over him and attempted to strike him down. Yuki raised his hand quickly as the lightning struck an invisible dome that rippled like a wave, visible to the naked eye for a few seconds then becoming invisible again. As the attack cleared up, Yuki was revealed to unharmed with his sword pointed at K.

Yuki decided to instead show off his Physical prowess that his clan was known for. Crouching slightly and bending his knees at a perfect degree, Yuki shot forward in a blur that flickered in and out of physical view and stopped right in front of K. Yuki swiftly delivered a diagonal sword sheathed slash to K's shoulder who narrowly stepped back.

K quickly found himself on the defensive as Yuki attacked ferociously with precise & swift sword sheathed swings that K avoided by using his palm to redirect the momentum towards the ground or away from him to which Yuki adapted by using his agility to follow the momentum and deliver even more attacks. Everyone watched in surprise as Yuki continued his onslaught, not giving K enough chance to create a mental slip and control the electrons.

Yuki Feinted a horizontal slash but shifted his flow upwards and delivered a uppercut with the sword sheath to K's chin, slightly lifting him off the ground while also causing the ground to slightly crack. Yuki attempted to continue his onslaught of attacks but was forced to backflip away to gain distance as a lightning tendril dug itself into the area where he previously stood. Yuki lightly cursed in his head as he avoided 3 more lightning tendrils.

Yuki saw that he was in perfect position to use his repulsive force technique but decided against it and instead readied himself and dashed forward in a blur once again. This time Yuki appeared above K and attempted a arch sword slash which K twirled around out of and delivered a kick that landed on the airborn Yuki's stomach, causing him to fly back and tumbled against the ground, sliding to a stop and flipping back onto his feet.

"Your a tough one I'll give you that. You have plenty potential but now its time to end this spar"

K said as his body became electrified and in that moment Yuki saw K vanish but reappear instantly in front of him, digging his fist in his gut or at least attempting to as Yuki displayed flexibility by dropping into a split, using his arms to twist himself while his legs were still open to try and trip K, who easily used his shin to block but felt the strength behind the attack and nearly fell.

Yuki was now upside down in a handstand and flipped himself up right, attempting a tornado kick but it was blocked by K's forearm. Yuki then launched a side kick to the stomach which at the time K counter-attacked, Yuki was already in motion for a diagonal sheathed sword slash win reverse grip. As the Kick landed, the sheathed attack also landed and one stumbled back while the other flew back.

Yuki tumbled on the ground as he flipped and skidded to a stop, using his hands to skid across the ground to use friction to stop himself. Yuki then readied himself once again as this time he locked eyes with K but something was different. Yuki stance shifted and an incredible pressure emitted from Yuki but the timer had went off, indicating the end of the spar.

Yuki sighed tiredly as he fell to the ground, his exhaustion finally catching up to his body as it shut down to heal and adapt. Yuki stared at the sky as he shakily wrapped his blindfold back on. He know revealed his eyes yet none knew what he was truly capable of as he displayed what he wanted to keep a few secrets to himself. Yuki panted as the other kids gathered around him with impressive expressions before helping him up.

Yuki thanked them as he felt his body biologically change via conditioning, becoming stronger than what it was before. Yuki then fell unconscious.