
Chapter 9

6 years after

Many things happened in the six years that passed. Kai, Angela, and Nathan improved so much and was now known in the city as genius healers.

Kai and Angela both reached Iron rank and is just a step away from reaching Bronze rank. Nathan on the other hand reached Bronze rank, 3 months ago. Their levels could have been higher, but they focused more on building their foundation for their future. Their magic power amount could be said to be thrice more than others of the same rank.

Magic power is an energy used by every beast and beast tamers in the world of Komu. Although beast tamers cannot use their magic power themselves, their familiars can channel it so they can use

One of the things the three learned is that beast tamers is ranked based on their levels. The ranks are:

Unranked 1-9

Iron 10-19

Bronze 20-29

Elite 30-39

Kai improved, learned and matured a lot in the past 6 years. To be a good doctor, he read all the books about herbs, poison and healing techniques in the school library. When he finished all the books in the library, he used half of his savings to buy the books he needed, and with Nathan's help, it became easier to find said books. He is like a living herb encyclopedia at this point.

His appearance could be said to be just above average, with his green eyes and black hair, however, he has a very fit body. He actually received many confessions, but because he never found a need to have a relationship, he turned down all of them, except for one. He and Angela had a relationship when they turned fifteen, but they broke up after a month because it just didn't work out. Good news is that they didn't lose their friendship after they broke up.

With the help of Nathan, Kai bought a Floating Pot so he can take Fleur out from time to time. A Floating Pot is an invention made by a collaboration of many beast tamers with plant affinity 100 years ago, because they want to make plant type beasts as relevant as other beasts.

100 years ago, plant type beasts is seen as a very impractical beast to contract with, because except for a few exceptions, almost all plant type beasts are immobile and rooted to the dirt that they are planted on. Beast tamers with plant affinity felt indignant, so they collaborated with each other to research how they can change that. Fortunately for them, they succeeded and the Floating Pot was made. 100 years later, the Floating Pot is now known all throughout the world, although it is still expensive and a bit hard to find.

(Author's Note: I just don't know where to put this little detail lol, so just let me post it here. To move the Floating Pot the user have to use a joystick remote control)

Kai bought the Floating Pot for Fleur not because he wants to take Fleur to walks, but because of the skill she acquired when she reached Iron rank, which is Life Water Manipulation. Before Fleur acquired the skill, Kai actually planned to contract a new familiar that can heal at the spot, just like a normal healing familiar.

Even though every beast tamer can contract 1 familiar for each rank breakthrough, Kai is the type of person that unless he needs a certain type of familiar or he chanced upon a very talented familiar, he wouldn't contract a new familiar at all. So when Fleur acquired the Life Water Manipulation skill, he didn't find the need for a new familiar anymore.

Fleur's Life Water Manipulation skill can do a lot of things. Fleur can control any Life Water near her and splash it at her target to heal them. With Kai's guidance, Fleur even learned to make figures out of water and make them move. The most unexpected part is that a year after Fleur learned how to make water figures, Fleur used it to communicate with people through gestures, though she prefers to use girl figures when she communicates to them, Kai just attributed it to Fleur picking her gender. One thing she enjoyed doing is playing with Kurena and taking care of her from time to time.

Kai's and Fleur's current status screens:


Name: Keisler Keros

Age: 16

Level: 19 [Iron]

Max Level: 50

Affinity: Healing | Plants

Talent: Sanctuary [Legendary]

Familiar/s: Life Blessing Lotus


Name: Fleur ♀

Species: Life Blessing Lotus

Contractor: Keisler Keros

Attribute/s: Water | Life

Type: Healing | Production

Grade: Pseudo Legendary

Level: 18 [Iron]


1. Life Water Transformation

2. Life Water Manipulation - The user will have the ability to control and manipulate Life Water in their vicinity.


Angela on the other hand could be said to have the most drastic change out of the three friends. She was the tallest out of the three and even though she is beautiful with her blue eyes and blonde hair, she is also very intimidating and fierce.

She and her familiar developed a love for battle, because of the first time the three watched a one on one match on the arena in the city center. A month after that she had her breakthrough to Iron rank, and because of her strong desire to battle Skye developed an attack skill and became Healing | Attack type. This just proves once again that, familiars develop according to the desire of it's beast tamer.

Since that time, Angela became more headstrong. The good thing is that she didn't neglect her healing prowess, but improved it alongside her offensive prowess. She even joined in fights in the arena three years ago and was given her alias by her fans, the Undying Phoenix. Unless you could heavily injure Skye in one attack, you wouldn't have a chance to win against her.

Because of Skye's Sound attribute, she can heal maintain her healing for a long time, and with her new attack skill - Light Missile, which enables her to make hundreds of very fast missiles made of light, it is a torture to fight her in a battle.

Angela's and Skye's status screens:


Name: Angela Minaro

Age: 16

Level: 19 [Iron]

Max Level: 46

Affinity: Light | Healing | Birds

Talent: Ray of Light [Epic]

Familiar/s: White Songstress Magpie


Name: Skye ♀

Species: White Songstress Magpie

Contractor: Angela Minaro

Attribute/s: Sound | Light

Type: Healing | Attack

Grade: Epic

Level: 19 [Iron]


1. Light Speed Sound Healing Wave

2. Light Missile - The user can make Light attributed missiles, that can be controlled at will.


Many things also happened to Nathan in the past 6 years. Out of the three friends, he has the most access to resources so it is only natural that he reached Bronze rank before the other two. He grew up to be a very beautiful slender man with black eyes and blue hair, his arrogant demeanor never changed and because of it, it is hard for him to make friends. Everyone except for Angela and Kai sees him as a very aloof and arrogant guy. However, the truth is whenever the trio of friends hangout he is the most active one and is the one dragging the two all over the place.

One more thing he found out is that he's gay, he like men. In the world of Komu as long as you're strong no one will everyone will accept you. Nathan realized that he's gay when a very muscular P.E. teacher became a guess teacher in the Sanar Healer School for a month. He had a crush on him and because he was a very confident person, he confessed to him, unfortunately for Nathan the teacher was happily married and had kids already.

Because of this, he was heartbroken and doesn't wanna go out of his room at all, Kai and Angela visited him almost every other day and helped him move on, and after a month they succeeded to take him out of his room to hangout together.

His familiar - Onyx on the other hand also improved so much. It acquired two new skills that is very suitable for it's fighting style, which is spitting poison at enemies and spitting healing fluid at allies with the help of her water attribute.

The skill she acquired when she breakthrough Iron - Poison/Water Mist, lets her spew either a very deadly mist made of all kinds of poison, or if she feels merciful she can also make a harmless mist made of water to disorient anyone. On the other hand, the skill she got in her breakthrough to Bronze - Poison Storage is very practical. One of the biggest problems Onyx had is that, using different kinds of poison during battle is too time consuming and impractical. With the Poison Storage skill that particular problem is solved.

Nathan's and Onyx's current status screens:


Name: Nathan Heron

Age: 16

Level: 23 [Bronze]

Max Level: 52

Affinity: Water | Healing | Snakes

Talent: Healing Fountain [Epic]

Familiar/s: Cottonmouth Variant King


Name: Onyx ♀

Species: Cottonmouth Variant King

Contractor: Nathan Heron

Attribute/s: Water | Poison

Type: Healing

Grade: Pseudo Legendary

Level: 21 [Bronze]


1. Poison Absorption

2. Poison/Water Mist - The user will have the ability to make a mist made up of either poison or water.

3. Poison Storage - The user can store any poison they made and excrete it whenever they want.


The trio of friends were currently in the train station saying goodbye to their families. 3 months ago they graduated from Sanar Healer School and today they are finally travelling through train together to study in their dream academy, one of the three Greatest Academies in the world, Diamond Academy for Beast Tamers, but really it's the nearest to their hometown so they just picked it out of the three Greatest Schools.

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