

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs

Venharice's Trial (III)

Chapter 51 Venharice's Trial (III)

"Good! I'll do it over and over until you realize your dumbness, just like my son, human!"

Sundamar yelled at me, then dashed, aiming his fist at my stomach and head.

I quickly blocked it with my left hand and right knee, then continued the counter using my right hook.

Sundamar easily steps back to avoid the hook.

But I step forward while throwing another hook repeatedly, even though he insists on stepping back to evade it.

At the last hook, Sundamar evades it by a slight duck, then move forward to slam his right elbow on my chest.

Almost a second late, I hurriedly took two steps back and then crossed my hand simultaneously so Sundamar's elbow was blocked by it.

"Come on, old man! It's that all you got?!"

I shouted with a menacing tone, then moved forward to raise my knee toward Sundamar's head.

Sundamar slightly grinned over my shouting, then quickly blocked my knee with both hands.

As he stepped back to stabilize his position, I was already moving forward to punch his stomach.

When he wants to counter my attack using his kick, the faint sound of footsteps comes nearby.

Even if it's just a second of Sundamar being quiet, I use it for throwing my round kick toward his head.

With all my bluffing and rushed attack, I initially thought Sundamar would put all of his attention toward me, but I was wrong.

Sundamar already knew another person dashed from behind to attack him.

He immediately lifted his left hand to tackle my round kick and simultaneously lowered his right hand to block Vaeral's fast punch.

Vaeral and I made a second attempt at throwing our low-round kick together.

Still, Sundamar jumped high to evade it, then jumped again to keep a distance.

"Are you done with your sleep, son?"

Sundamar's slightly chuckled while staring at Vaeral, who barely activated his Great Water Spell.

It's not new for me because when I see Vaeral stand up and take a far away distance, I know he's casting the Great Water Spell to tackle his father's agile attack.

Vaeral and I understand enough that casting a Soul's Strike does not lead us to win this Trial.

"Damn… he even can see me the moment I run to him…."

Vaeral whispered next to me.

"Your father is a tough one. I never expected to go full 'kung fu' like this for facing him. This Great Water Magic spell is tricky."

I replied with the same whispering.

"It's just a beginning, Rezvan. After that, we can fight him together."

Vaeral getting prepared with his fighting stance.

I don't know if he is used to meleeing fighting like this, but as long as he helps me, I put my faith in him.

"The Trial said as long as any of us could hit his head, stomach, or back, then we won the Trial, right? So then it's alright for rumbling him together, Vaeral."

I clenched my palm, slowly forming my fighting stance.

Vaeral nodded without words because he focused deeply on facing his father.

"Both of you are fully insane in this Trial! What are you?! A melee fighter?! I said cast a spell like a Magician, damn it! Don't embarrass me like this!"

Amdarais was suddenly mad over our attempt to use Great Water Spell to fight Sundamar.

"Shut your mouth, Amdarais!"

Vaeral and I shouted back, getting annoyed over his babble.

Surely enough, I predict there must be a low chance as a Magician for facing his enemy using this kind of spell.

In this damn complicated and rare situation, Vaeral and I are forced to use Great Water Magic Spell and go full brawling on our enemy.

Even though I barely know about martial arts, I somehow learn how to punch, kick, and block properly.

The Soul's Spirit Resonation with the Great Water Magic Spell is useful for this brawling fight.

"That was rough punch and kick, dad. Almost make me passed out."

Vaeral spits his blood because of the injury on his jaw.

"You can choose to voluntarily pass out, son. Are you the one who searching for 'Eternal Peace' with your wife? Such pathetic things that you had done with Venharice's name…."

Sundamar's replied to it with his usual mocking.

"It's my mistake, but I'll come here to fix it, Dad. Not by following the stupid pride of Venharice, but by proving myself I'm better than all of that."

"I see you still forcing yourself."

Sundamar nodded for a moment, then stared at me.

"Just like this human who getting stuck on Magician life! Both of you are really desperate over foolish struggle! I shall teach you that pathetic motivation is weaker than our pride!"

Sundamar prepared his fighting stance.

Both me, Vaeral, and Sundamar took our step forward together, then dashed for barraging our punches and kick.

Vaeral started first by jumping in a while to throw his punches at his father's head.

Even though Vaeral's punches are fast, Sundamar easily tackles them with his right elbow.

At the same time, Vaeral continues his punches; I sneak in from Sundamar's left to strike his head with a kick.

Again, Sundamar managed to block both Vaeral's Punches and my kicks with his hands.

Even without see it all our punches and kicks, Sundamar sense and predict our attack slightly faster than our attempt to land our attack.

However, we thought this old man would never hold his movement stability for a long time, so we fully barraged our punches and kicked to exhaust him somehow.

Hours passed without any space for us to breathe; we were gradually exhausted because we spent our mana energy too much to aggressively barrage Sundamar with our punches and kicks.

Seeing our attack going fruitless for hours is such a riot.

All my massive punches and Vaeral's rapid kick are blocked entirely by Sundamar's.

I can't even fathom how fast Sundamar simultaneously moves his hand and feet to tackle every attack of Vaeral and me.

On the last attack, Vaeral and I jumped to throw a round kick together to strike Sundamar's body and back.

However, Sundamar bowed so low that our round kick couldn't only pass by above him.

Not in a second, Sundamar jumped from his position and then countered us with his double kick that struck our face.



Vaeral and I stumbled so fast over Sundamar's kick that it accurately strike on us.

Even though it was still painful for us, we stood in a dizzy head and stepped back to prepare the Sundamar's next attack.

However, we both took our breath to maintain ourselves first rather than continuing our aggressive punches and kicks.

"Hahahahahah! Why stop, kids? Tired already?"

Sundamar laughed at us while taking a breath slowly.

He might be slightly exhausted, but it's not tiring like us.

If Vaeral and I continue this strategy, we will lose our magic energy first than Sundamar.

"Okay, does that kick awake you all from your dumbness? Or do you need another kick to straighten up your mind? Get your shit together, dumbass! You guys are Magician! So win this fight with Magician way!"

Amdarais yelled at us passionately.

It just hurts me and Vaeral's head to hear his annoying yelling.

Despite Amdarais' blabbering, I somehow acknowledge what he wants to try to convey in this urgent situation.

I look at my Anti-Magic ring, and the new crazy idea emerges abruptly in my mind.

"It's hard to admit, but Amdarais is true about changing our plan, Vaeral."

I whispered at Vaeral next to me.

"Any alternatives for striking my father?"

Vaeral replied, whispering while catching his breath.

I showed him my Anti-Magic ring.

Vaeral looks surprised since he knows it's a great magic tool from the Dorberos family.

Seeing Vaeral's reaction without question reassured me of this ring's capability.

I stood firm and then spent half of my Mana Energy to make my Magical Barrier thicken and enforce it with an Anti-Magic ring.

I use the rest of my Mana Energy to reinforce my Great Water Magic Spell, so my magical agility remains intact and firm.

"I left the striking part on you, okay?"

I asked Vaeral while preparing my fighting stances.

"A-are you sure you want to do this, Rezvan? It's very dangerous!"

Vaeral is questioning my new attack strategy.

"We don't have any choice. It's a once for all tries strategy, after all. If it failed, well, I would get knocked out."

"No… I can't. Rezvan! It's my family problem! I-"

"Knock it off with that 'it's my problem' part, Vaeral. Your wife's damn Ice Seal already blocking my Fire Magic Spell. What else it's not part of my problem now after all that? Do it. Do it without hesitation. Focuses on striking your father and winning this damn Trial, okay?"

Vaeral went speechless for a while when he saw me pointing out my left eye that had patched, then slowly nodded.

There's no longer doubt on his face.

Now our focuses are on Sundamar, who had stabilized his breath, preparing himself for the next round of brawling.

"Ready for the third round, old man?"

I challenged Sundamar once again.