

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs

The Old Town Hall Invasion IV

Chapter 79 The Old Town Hall Invasion IV

"Keep breathing, human… aren't you the hero on this world?"

The Dark Elves, which I remember Amdarais mentioned his name is 'Usuuunar', staring at me while chuckled.

The damn curse he just throw at me really force me to kneeled and panting, but it still not enough to make me falter.

I might force myself to stand and counterattack despite the decrease of buff on my Magician stats.

At the same time, Usuunar who hold the female halflings, looking exhausted.

The magical damage from My Soul's Comet seems made him almost crumbled entirely.

I think I must prioritize the cure for this damned curse on my body rather than focusing myself to murder this bastard.

"Heheheh…. No words? The curse really frightens you… This is what you got for not respecting Derboras Families and the Halflings…!"

Usuunar constantly mocking me in the middle of his panting.

It seems there's something he want to convey.

I am forcing myself to stand up then aiming him while preparing my Soul's Spirit to cast the Soul's Strike.

"I can kill you and your partner easily, you know. Is this your objectives? Come here and die meaningless?"

I threat Usuunar with cold tones.

"Ah, the human could speak a Monster language! It makes everything easier! Let see… well, I know you can kill us easily with that. But, I know exactly why you didn't do that In the first place. Just like I said, human. You are still afraid of the curse…"

I cast the Soul's Strike in a blink of eye, let it flies passed really close the face of this damned Dark Elves until it finally hit the debris behind him.

A blood dripping slowly in Usuunar left cheeks second after that, make that cocky face went pale into a panic.

"Cure this damn curse and then you and your partner could back to the Monster World. You know damn well it is your life in my hand now."

I said it firmly.

Despite his trembling body, Usuunar chuckled once again and then laughed.

"The cure of the curse?! Do you think I had the cure for that?! Of course not! That curse is a 'lesson' for you human to learn about the dangerous of pure magician arrogance!"

Usuunar screams almost hysterically.

I can't fathom the 'lesson' part of this since this curse feels like a punishment for me.

Is that the sole reason of the punishment?

For giving me a lesson?

What kind of damn lesson I get for this stupid weakening buff of my Magician stats?

"Do you think Amdarais is a special one for you? Do you think the Self-Righteous Pure Magician is a savior in your world and my world? That's a rubbish!"

Usuunar adding his argument for mocking Amdarais.

"Don't act so high for implanting the curse on my prodigy, buffoon. You underestimate him."

Surprisingly, Amdarais looks calm when replied to it.

Does he already know how to tackle the curse?

"Heheheh… that doesn't mean your prodigy would accept you again after this curse, Amdarais…"

Usuunar looks confident.

I really can't grasp well with everything he said.

Even I kill both of them, it seems the curse would still intact and their death would not solving this damned curse.

I must dig deeper.

"You keep mocking the Pure Magician, aren't you? Are you the one who made the Chaos among Dark Elves nobles by manipulating Krismenar family? Yeah, you can belittle the Pure Magicians as their arrogance, but that does not mean the Derberos and Halflings are the innocent one…"

After hearing the provocation, Usuunar suddenly stare at me intensely.

"The human really know well about commotion among the Dark Elves nobles…. I see…. You are not the ultimate doll of the Amdarais…. "

Usuunar changed his annoying tones into serious one.

"The Magic among the Dark Elves and Halflings surely is a holy instrument for proving our pride. But it's too much 'pride' that made we destroying each other in the sake of 'pride' by Magic. I believe as a human you understand the arrogance of those Pure Magician."

I can't deny it when it comes to the disturbing arrogance and the annoying pride of the Pure Magician, which I see it by myself from Amdarais, Krismenar, Venharice, and Yinleth family.

Usuunar had some points on there.

"…not every Dark Elves and Halflings could have the opportunity in their live for learning Magic well. If they couldn't learn the magic properly, they would have low caste and marginalized among Dark Elves and Halflings. The Derberos along with the Halflings understand this and we revolutionize it into the Magical Gemstones for having wider opportunity."

Usuunar adding his reason.

"…and then you kill all the Pure Magician because of it? Hah. No wonder Derberos and Halflings are bunch of idiots. All of you just jealous because you can't act and learn properly as a Pure Magician who almost spitting blood for years of learning the Magic."

Amdarais replied to it with flat tones.

"See, human? Do you hear those babblings? You must understand that arrogance and cockiness is the source of all evil among the Dark Elves and we see it from the Yinleth and Venharice's family and their liege. Only Krismenar who understand us and we're helping them, not manipulating them."

Usuunar defend himself as he is representing the Derboras family and the halflings view on this dangerous commotion.

"The pride of Pure Magician is come from their achievement for learning the Soul's Spirit, Usuunar. It is not an arrogance toward anyone. It's the Soul's Spirit try to convey among the Pure Magician, which is to be confident in our skill and competence. If you think the Artificial Magic of Gemstones are greater than the wisdom of Soul's Spirit, then you only show your closed mind with stupid conclusion."

Amdarais still stand firm for defending the Pure Magician since he's the Pure Magician.

"The Supreme Magician and its arrogance really disgusting… I could hear all of that only by seeing you, Amdarais. Now as the curse goes to your prodigy, it seems that cockiness started to tremble."

Usuunar coughed for a while because he forcing himself to keep stand even with severe injury on his body.

The moment he panting, I heard someone coming from the fire near the debris.

Looking from his naked upper body and its black aura in his lower body, even his face still looks faint to me, I know well its' the demon.

The demon walks casually closer to Usuunar.

"…congrats, congrats, you had done your intention in this human world. It's time for a break."

The Demons smile widely with his sharp teeth as he create the Magical Dungeon like Amdarais usually do.

My notion about the Demon support so Usuunar and that Halflings could invade the Human World is true.

Usuunar look at the Demon with panting breath.

I know he want to get out from the human world to recover themselves.

If Usuunar and that Halflings solely reason is to casting the curse spell on me, then I understand this is a trial for me, a human who resurrected by the power of Pure Magician.

Whether I'm still consistent with my life as a Magician or not, it is the reason of this trial.

Stupid and unexpected trial from the enemy indeed, but when I see it come from the Demon, I know well what to do after this commotion.

"Ah, the human! What a 'warm' welcome for us to come here right? Look at those burnt building!"

The Demon suddenly smiled grin at me while pointing the burn debris behind him.

Before I went mad on this Demon, I tilt my aim for a second to the Demon's head and then shoot him with my Shooting Stars that successfully penetrate his head.

The Demon fall, that made the Magical Gate gradually diminished.

Usuunar and Amdarais looks surprised when I shoot the demon.

I understand those shooting only make the Demon faint in a few minutes, but at least he would not disturb everyone attention.

I lowered my hand as I remove my aim to Usuunar.

"If you want to challenge me with your curse, then I would prove it that Pure Magician is not wrong, so does your artificial Magic because the magical equipment from Derberos and Halflings are helpful in my journey back then."

I explained my reason.

"The hell are you waiting for, Rezvan? Just kill him already. He's already making this chaos and kill some of human in here. They even almost murder Fenris and Raenisa!"

Amdarais feels agitated when hear me.

I know he's right about this mess.

I have every reason to end their live with this mess.

But then again, it is me who murdered them first in the Dungeon.

It is me who loot their Magician Equipment by force after murdering all of them.

It had a severe consequence when the Demon support them.

It could be an endless killing each other for the sake of power.

Of course I need a power to keep my striving in my second chance of life.

Looking back from the Soul's Spirit and the Dragon of Wisdom in my past, I know my path would be lead to the destruction for all the Dark Elves Nobles.

If that what I should do for achieving the true power of magician I need, then I would do it.

"Go home already, Usuunar! We'll finish this commotion in the Monster World! I will prove to you that I'm strong enough for this damned curse!"

I shouted firmly as Usuunar and Amdarais went speechless.

Few minutes passed, Usuunar stand while holding the female halflings.

He forces himself to hold the Demon so they could move to the Magical Gate so they can get back to the Monster World together.

Before he went through the gate, Usuunar stare at me.

"Human, what's your name?"

Usuunar asked politely.


I answered briefly.

"Rezvan…. It was unexpected from you that you took this as a trial. Despite my hatred toward the Pure Magician, I accept your intention for proving me wrong. Let us meet at the Monster World in the future so we could settle this commotion once for all."

"It sure is. I'm sure the next battle between the Ice Queen would be happened in the future."

"Yes… The Ice Queen had prepared everything for you and Venharice's incoming at the Ice Palace. We'll waiting you there, then. Soon, you will learn that the curse is show you the importance of Artificial Magic."

Few seconds passed between me and Usuunar for staring each other without wourds, until he finally left the Human World through the Magical Gate while holding the female halfling and the Demon.

The Magical Gate diminished entirely as Usuunar went through it.

I immediately hold Raenisa who still went unconscious before the Knights come.

Her mask still covering her face though, but I worried it could be revealed if she stays here.

As I want to move forward, I can feel intense staring behind me.

The stares come from Fenris who barely wake up because of the Regeneration Skill of Knight helped her to get recovered.

Even I know Fenris haven't yet realize my identity because my face is covered by the faint mask, there's something strange on her stare.

It feels like a curious and familiar sense of her when she stare at me without words.

Her mouth opened, but there's no word.

She tries to reach me with her hand even she still lay down on the ground.

I know her regeneration skill would recovering her completely after this and the Knights reinforcement would come to help.

I guarantee her safety since the source of all this had already gone.

After I throw away the urge for reaching her, I cast my water spell and then goes away along with Raenisa by the wave of sea quickly before anyone notice my faint mask.