

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs

The Old Town Hall Invasion III (Rezvan POV)

Chapter 78 The Old Town Hall Invasion III (Rezvan POV)


The barrage of explosion coming from the clashing between the Dark Elves' Ice Arrows Spell and my Fire Arrows Spell feels endless.

It almost an hour I cast the Fire Arrows spell relentless while at the same time, the Dark Elves throwing hundreds of Blue Magical Gemstones for helping him cast the Ice Arrow Spells.

Almost halves of my Mana Energy spent because of this bombardment, which made me thought this Dark Elves is planning something.

Does he buy some time for that halfling partner to attack me and Raenisa from behind?

No, it couldn't be since Raenisa already moved for tackling that Halfling after I ask her to do it.

Then why the hell he still insists on throwing that damn blue magical gemstones all the time?

I can't even sense his worries over the limitation of his blue magical gemstones that had been stored on his magical form of inventory.

The constant smirk on the Dark Elves really irks me.

It feels like he and the Halflings took a risk for reaching here with the help of the demon solely for challenging me.

"These crazy elves really carry a mountain of blue magical gemstones, huh…"

Amdarais mumbled near to me.

"Any ideas for countering this shit?!"

I hurriedly shouted at Amdarais because of the loud sound of explosion.

"It's about the speed of casting spell. If you can undergo the new spell for countering these hundreds of Ice Arrow, it might be works."

Amdarais explained the key to finish the battle.

If it's about the speed, then I just need some moment for casting another spell that could change the situation.

In the last shoots dozens of Fire Arrow Spell, I kneeled as I placed my right palm on the ground, so the Fire Wall arise from it then creating a circular line for covering me entirely.

Second after that, I immediately clenched my right palm and placed it in my chest for reinforcing the Soul's Spirit.

The blue aura particles gleaming on my right fist when I concentrated on this new spell.

I stay firm on the concentration, even though the hundreds of Ice Arrows from the Dark Elves come to me like a rain of thorns since my Fire Arrow Spell had stopped.

As I expected, the Fire Wall managed to evaporate all those incoming hundreds of Ice Arrow.

However, the Fire Wall gradually dampen as time goes by, which means it couldn't stay firm for a long time to guard me.

Even a dozen of Ice Arrow succeed penetrates my Fire Wall and then strike some part of my shoulder and stomach, which luckily had been guarded by my Magical Barrier that had reinforced its Ice magic resistance from Raenisa' Blue Crystal pendant and Anti Magic Ring.

At least, it had given me a moment I need for preparing the new spell.

As I ready, I hurriedly stood then pointing my right hand towards the sky.

"Diving the unlimited sky

Reaching the unachievable heaven

Grasping the untouchable stars

Strive, Soul's Comet!"

The gleaming blue particles on my right hand now changed into large blue sphere that flies away to the sky then explode into thousands of shooting stars.

The rain of Shooting Stars had spread, crushing all those stupid Ice Arrows into pieces.

The Dark Elves immediately covering himself with his cloak as thousands of my shooting stars rained him down until he forced to kneeled.


The sounds of fire and ice magic clashes changed entirely into a barrage sounds of magical bullet piercing, shuddering the main road and the cracked building around the Old Town Hall endlessly.

The quake finally stopped as the rain of my Soul's Comet had diminished, leaving the cracked Old Town Hall and the collapsed Dark Elves that still covered by his cloak.

Everything becomes silent in the middle of rubble around me.

My hand still aimed at the Dark Elves, preparing any slight of his movement that could bring his counterattack if I careless for a second.

Few minutes passed; the Dark Elves still stumbled without any movement.

My Soul's Spirit sense his short breath, which means he still alive at some point.

Should I finish him for ensuring my victory?

How stupid of me.

Why I ask that again in the first place?

This battle would not over if someone between us died.


The moment I'm preparing cast my fire spell, sudden quake came along with the thunderous explosion behind me.

I stopped my casting spell progression at a moment and look the explosion come from the Mystical Beast of Bird Flame miles away from the east.

From that explosion, my Soul's Spirit sense two people just get thrown away into the debris around them like a ragged doll.

I immediately leave my intention for finishing the Dark Elves since I realize that one of the thrown people is Raenisa.

Damn, my mind feels diverted since there's lot of people collapsed in this area.

Beside Fenris, I even see Farhan and Nadia around her that went unconsciousness.

Geez, it would disturb my focus to continue this battle if they still stumbled in this dangerous area.

In this occasion, I chose water magic spell for covering that up.

"There's none to seize

On the airless world

The flow is your path

Stream, O Water Realm!"

As I pointing the sky, the stream of water wave emerged from the ground and the evaporated cloud, gathering into one of great wave that circling the area where Fenris, Farhan, Nadia, and Raenisa located.

The great water streaming fast, dampening the surrounding fire that suffocate everyone's breath.

From there, I can sense everyone' regeneration magic spell activated for recovering themselves.

Since Raenisa' existence is confidential, I run toward her for ensuring no Knights record her.

For Fenris, Farhan, and Nadia, I believe their regeneration skill would help them until they finally return conscious.

Few steps remaining until I arrived at Raenisa, my Soul's Spirit sensed something incoming toward Raenisa.

The shattering sound of Black Magical Gemstones that almost deafening made me realize it come from the Dark Elves position.

"Watch out, Rezvan! It's a curse!"

Despite Amdarais' warning, I run to guarding Raenissa while crossing my hand on my chest for reinforcing my Magical Barrier even I'm still can't see properly something incoming to her.

I can't fathom what happened, but the moment I see my Magical Barrier had been stroke by hundreds of black aura fragments made me trembling without any reason.

Those black aura fragments penetrate deeply into my magical barrier easily until it spread on my entire skin like a blood.


I stumbled as the black aura fragments feels like stomping my Soul's Spirit that crushing my magical flow.

I kneeled and panting since the black aura fragments are gripping all my muscles and nerve, resulting on the decrease of my magician status intelligence into 50, vitality into 37, and cleverness into 39.

All my additional buff on those three-status gone.

It became worse when the blue knight magical armour that generated from the Blue Pendant Necklace is diminished along with its ice magic resistance.

This curse spell crushing further into me, make my magician gloves, black magician robe of Venharice and my ring accessory revealed because the secretive ring become weak so it could not make it hideous like before.

At least some of my face still covered by the faint of the mask.

"What the hell is this, Amdarais?!"

I hurriedly asked with irritated tones.

"it's the black curse from Derberos Families and Halflings to tackle the effect of Magician Equipment. You must destroy that black aura fragment in your body."

Amdarais answered with concerning tones.

"How the hell I supposed to do?! That damn Black Aura Fragment is inside my body! It even feels like mixed with my blood!"

"Heheheheh…. What's wrong, Amdarais? Are your prodigy getting panic?"

The sound of the Dark Elves diverts my attention to him.

In the middle of my anxious, I barely realized he's hobbling until he holds the female halflings tightly.

Even the female halfling still unconscious because of the explosion, I can sense the faint of her breath that indicate her survival.

Looking from that, I thrown away my worry over this damned curse, then move forward to grasp Raenisa into safety.

"Ah, your prodigy hold the princess of Yinleth…. No wonder I see lot of my family and the people of halflings getting slaughtered. I see your path to raise the pure magician again since that's your principle."

The Dark Elves chuckled while looking at me.

It seems he's aware of Venharices and Yinleth movement after the destruction of temple Hexta.

"… and what's wrong with that, Usuunar? You and your woman recklessly come to Human World and creating this chaos so you can meet with my prodigy? I wonder who's exactly the one who getting feared since the half of Forbidden Ice Magic Spell gone after the Temple of Hexta collapsed."

Amdarais said with menacing tones.

The Dark Elves stare become full of irk and rage, which means what Amdarais said to him is true.

In the middle of this Old Hall Town' chaos, I know this would be a heavy conversation.