

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs

The Ice Queen's Menace

Chapter 39 The Ice Queen's Menace

"Soliana, stop! There's no need for fighting anymore!"

Amdarais shouted in an attempt to intervene because he knew the dangerous spell that Soliana had not yet cast on me.

I understand Amdarais want to face the Ice Queen as 'peaceful' as it be, but these Ice Dust frostbites are deadly to my body.

I was forced to cast the Fire Wall to cover me from those deadly frostbites.

"Please! Reconsider our intention with a clear mind! We are not trying to interfere with your problem! We only want to learn the Ice Magic Spell like a true Magician!"

Amdarais keep repeating the same statement.

Regardless, the cold stare at Soliana is like an indirect answer of 'no' to Amdarais' demand.

I can feel Soliana's raging soul inside those blue eyes because she wants to prove her last statement to me.

"Not bad for a human who just became a Magician… Now I understand why Amdarais keeping his hope highly to you…."

Soliana said it with a threatening voice while her left hand shone a blue light aura brightly.

Even from far, my Soul's Spirit sense's that Soliana is preparing another Ice Magic Spell.

"The death of Mother Dragon is benefitting you, correct?! What's next?! Killing me for having the Ice Magic Spell?! I can see your hideous evil plan, Amdarais!"

Soliana yells almost hysterically.

I know from her cold stare she looks deeply at my Red Dragon's eye.

"Conquer all blazing grudges

Incarcerate every malice

For the everlasting Peace

Scatter, Ice Dust!"

Soliana recites the Great Ice Magic Spell without hesitation.

Compared with Gremenor, Soliana is capable of doing that without any buff from magical blue gemstones.

It is obvious for her to do that since Soliana is one of the great magicians regarding her ice magic spell.

Despite my Fire Wall getting stronger after I enhanced it with my Soul's Spirit, the wind breezing of Ice Dust impales my magical fire barrier like a piercing typhoon.

I almost stumbled when some of my Fire Wall got perforated, making the Ice Dust bite half of my stomach with its deadly frost.


I gritted my teeth while burning my frozen stomach with a fire magic spell to stop the numbness by force.

It's damn painful.

I felt like my stomach was getting ripped off gruesomely by the sharpness of ice until it finally finished, with the blazing flame scalding my skin slowly.

I kneeled for a while because of the pain, then punched the floor to snap the pain out because the Ice Queen was preparing for her next attack.

All I can do is spend almost half of my Mana Energy strengthening the Fire Wall ultimately before the Ice Dust breaks it again.

Under the breezing wind that penetrates like an ice storm gust, I see the Ice Queen walking slowly toward me with her hand shining with a blue and white aura.

Many magic spell options flew into my mind to counter Ice Queen's next attack.

But I need time for my regeneration magic to recover myself and my Mana Energy.

"How far can you move forward, Rezvan?! Aren't you realize how weak you are in front of the absolute Ice Queen's power?!"

Soliana shouted like a maniac.

She stopped her step for a while, seeming like she was waiting for me to cast the magic spell as a sign of challenging me.

Of course, Soliana is a typical arrogant Dark Elves I had ever fought.

Still, her enormous magic power clearly defines her vanity.

"It's no use, Rezvan! We must escape from here! These bloody Ice Queens become nuts!"

Amdarais hurriedly create a magical gate for me to escape from the Ice Queen.

Of course, it's a rational plan from him, but I choose to force myself into this fight.

I gradually clenched my palm and placed it in my chest while concentrating on the Great Fire Magic Spell, Fire Pillar.

"Rezvan, you dumbass! What the hell are you doing?! Are you want to destroy the Ice Palace?! Don't do that!"

Amdarais yelled at me with anger.

I know the Fire Pillar damage is enormous, and if it is cast inside the palace, some part of the palace will collapse.

But I don't aim for the total destruction of this palace.

I just want to balance the magical pressure from the Ice Queen.

My Fire Pillar could dampen the Ice Dust frost bites into unharmful water splashes.

If my plan succeeded, I could have an equal conversation with the Ice Queen to elevate the negotiation again.

I closed my eyes and ignored Amdarais' constant yelling to increase my concentration.

As far as my Mana Energy is adequate enough for casting the Fire Pillar, I quickly resonate with my Soul's Spirit.

The second I opened my eyes again and aimed at the Ice Queen, who stood in silence.

The magical red formation formed around the Ice Queen, along with the nine red spheres of flame magic in the line of the shape.

With this magic formation, I'm ready to cast the Fire Pillar.

"Nine of us had assembled

Nine of us had ignited

Reach the limitless hea-"

I immediately stopped casting the spell when I saw the Ice Queen's body suddenly crack like a crumbling frozen statue.

As the windy fog comes from the Ice Dust, covering the Ice Queen's body like a mist, I know there's something fishy.

The Ice Queen's body crumbled like a frozen stone that broke into pebbles.

The sound of an emerging blade vaguely comes from above me in the middle of my confusion.

When I looked up, I saw Soliana jump down with her death scythe formed by an ice magic spell.

Soliana landed on me while slashing her ice scythe.

I jumped back intuitively, slamming my own Fire Wall to reach far away from the Ice Scythe attack area.

However, the scythe slashed like thunderstruck which exceeded my expectations.

The horizontal slashes of the Ice Scythe reached some of my faces, making my left eye slashed by it.



I stumbled while holding the flooded blood around my left eyelid.

The storm of ice gusts that initially pressured my body into freeze was immediately gone.

I don't know why the severe injury on my left eye can't make me think straight.

I can hear Amdarais shout at me repeatedly to warn me, but I can't fathom what he implies.

As I slowly stood while holding my bloody face with my left palm, my heart almost stopped when I realized the Ice Queen location was right in front of me.

Soliana grasped my left palm, forcefully making the Ice Dust from her hand frostbite my left palm.


The numbness from the Ice Dust forces me to release my hold.

But that's not the end of my torture.

Soliana now grasps my face with her right palm, then casts the Ice Seal toward my Dragon's Red Eyes.


I scream in agony since the numbness now spreads almost half of my face.

The Dragon's Red Eyes also get sored, making it unable to cast the Fire Magic Spell.

"Do you think your shameful Fire Magic Spell could repel my Great Ice Magic Spell?! How foolish are you for expecting that, human?! Even if you learn the Fire Magic Spell purely like a Magician, your level is not enough to defeat me!"

I can't speak anything more than a continuous scream because of the endless pain and numbness from the icicle grasp of Soliana.

This damn numbness disturbed my concentration on casting a spell and making the mana energy regeneration becoming slow.

"Stop, Soliana! Please! I'm begging you!"

Amdarais begging for mercy constantly.

But Soliana went aggressive and determined to finish me once and for all.


Soliana laughs with passion for freezing me like her family.

I know it only took a few seconds before she completed her Ice Seal on my body.

Intuitively, I spent all my Mana Energy in my hands with my Soul's Spirit.

I'm not enhancing it with Fire Magic Spell because the moment my Red Dragon is blocked by the Ice Queen ice seal, I can't cast it properly.

The seconds my hand filled with a blue light line and its blue aura, I could feel its enormous strength on it.

Even if I can't see properly, I quickly move my hands with feelings and then grasp the Ice Queen's right hand.

I squeeze Soliana's right hand brutally as my last effort to survive, not caring that the laugh of Ice Queen become a loud scream of agony.

The sound of Ice Queen's breaking bone drives me to release all of my magic power to my grasping strength.


A few seconds later, my body bounced away because the Ice Queen threw me before her right hand got crushed.

I stumbled over the door of Ice Queen's room.

Every part of my body feels fragile.

The worst pain is on my face and my left eyelid.

Even the Ice Seal is stopped, I can still feel the numbness grasping half of my face's nerves and muscles.

I kneeled with panting breath and a blurry view.

Waiting for my regeneration magic to recover my body and mind so I can think properly in the middle of this anguish.

Despite being freed from the Ice Queen's icicle's grasp, Soliana stared at me with rage and an annoyed face.

I can feel her hatred toward me since I managed to escape her Ice Seal.

A few seconds passed; I force to stand even though all my body parts felt crippled.

Amdarais on his way to creating the Magical Gate near the door for me to escape.

The only way to survive in this chaotic condition is to escape from this Ice Palace using the Magical Gate.

However, the hope for escape diminished simultaneously with the Ice Queen's attempt for stood and cast the Great Ice Magical Spell on me.

There's no way I can fight it with Fire Magic Spell because it is blocked by the halved Ice Seal on my Red Dragon's eyes.

What I'm supposed to do in this chaotic situation?!