

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs

The Fortress Destruction

Chapter 33 The Fortress Destruction

"Cast Great Magic Spell to kill him! Quick!"

Amdarais' yelled at me as Gremenor came closer.

I know Fire Magic is the reasonable one for facing Gremenor's Ice Dust.

But something's bothering me.

The Fire Pillar spell is undoubtedly greater in terms of magical damage than the Brandish Soul spell.

However, the casting time for the Fire Pillar spell is longer than Brandish Soul.

The Fire Pillar spell also has more effect than the Brandish Soul spell, which could backfire because I'm still holding Fenris.

This train of thought led me to choose Brandish Soul spell with a particular area of effect.

For reassuring the damage dealt, I spent almost all my remaining Diamonds for increasing my Intelligence to 50+10.

The Soul's Spirit answers my request as I sulk into deep concentration.

The Magical Blue Formation formed widely, covering the area where Gremenor's located and some part of the cracked Fortress wall.

The second magical blue formation formed above the Fortress, gleaming its Blue Light because of my Soul's Spirit reinforcement.

The breezing cold wind that started hitting me was a sign that the crawling Gremenor was coming near.

But I won't give him another chance for that.

Not after I'm casting the Brandish Soul Spell.

The Soul's Spirit inside me emerges its blue aura, preparing for casting the Great Magic Spell.

I hold Fenris tighter since this is a risky casting I had to do while protecting her.

"There's no light nor the Dark in your path

Reaching for the mysterious beyond

Facing the endless cursed fate

Strive, Brandish Soul!"

Seconds after the recitation finished, an enormous Soul's Spear massively rained from the second magical blue formation.

Those giant Soul's Spear pierced Gremeneor's body, feet, and head simultaneously, making him feel like he was nailed brutally for wholly stopped.

At the same time, another Soul's Spear that falls and pierces the cracked Fortress wall makes it fissured until it creates the Fortress wall to collapse entirely.

The only Fortress part that remained good was the Fortress gate, where Fenris and I were located near it.

When the breezing cold wind is diminished, and the groaning voices of Gremenor are gone, I know it's indicated the Gremenor's Ice Dust is done.

Gremenor is proven dead, along with the Ice Queen's force control spell.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa… Is Daredevil also destroying the Fortress wall? That's clearly surprising!"

Amdarais sound satisfied.

He immediately flew to Gremenor to collect the remaining Diamonds.

"Thanks to your high rate of Intelligence, now the Brandish Soul magic damage had double magic formation. So its magic power grows enough to eliminate the damn Dark Elves and this stupid wall."

Amdarais added while draining the Gremenor's Diamond.

I kneeled and took a breath since casting the Great Magic Spell indeed spent a lot of energy.

Luckily for me, Fenris still did not wake up.

As my breath had become stable, I slowly placed Fenris in front of the Fortress gate, then cast a magical barrier covering her entirely for protection.

From far away, I can hear The Knight Invader and Knight Healer on the way saving all Knight Tankers in this dungeon.

It would take time for them to reach this Fortress gate, but I'm sure they focus on bringing and recovering the Knight Tanker.

Their Raid is already finished because Gremenor, the Dungeon Boss, is defeated.

But for me, the Raid just started.

I took a breath to prepare myself, then walked to the crumbled Fortress wall that had been opened my way for sneaking inside.

It was just a few steps to the inside of the Fortress, but the Halflings had already prepared.

They pointed their magical rod toward me while hiding behind the Fortress wall ruins.

Utilizing the Soul's Spirit, I sense there are about seventy Halflings, thirty-five in the east and other thirty-five in the west.

The remaining Dark Elves total around fifty.

Thirty of them are positioning themselves behind the Halflings, preparing to support the magic casting to strengthen their Ice Magic Spell.

Twenty of the Dark Elves spread in the Dragons.

Each of them is divided into seven red Dragon to ensure the Dragon's fire breath properly aims at the special 'guest' that had just destroyed the Fortress's wall.

"That bastard Amdarais still alive…?!"

"What happened with the Commander?!"

"Cast every magic! Throw all of Dragon's fire breath! Kill the Tyrant Wizard for the sake of Ice Queen!"

The Halflings babbling and the Dark Elves raging feels like a 'reasonable' welcome for me to this accursed Fortress.

Surely, I had strengthened the magic barrier with the Anti-Magic ring's reinforcement before getting 'welcomed' like this.

The Blue Aura that emerged from my Soul's Spirit got thick and firm, and I could feel its strong defense.


Seven red dragons fly to the sky, preparing their fire breath to burn me alive.

At the same time, the Halflings, along with the Dark Elves, cast the Ice Magic Spell together.

Hundreds of sharp ice cubes formed and flew to pierce me from every side.

I quickly cast the Fire Wall circling around me, which successfully evaporates some of the ice cubes into splashes of unharmful water.

Some of the remaining Sharp Ice Cubes strike my magical barrier continuously.

However, my magical barrier is too formidable to get penetrated by that half-assed Ice Magic spell.


The seven dragons fly closer to me in the middle of the Sharp Ice Cube barrage.

The Dragon's fire breath gushed to my body like a force of fire wave.

My magical barrier gradually cracked because of the burnt of the Dragon's fire breath.

The Anti-Magic ring can't hold too much massive ice magic and fire magic attack like this.

"Your intelligence rate had opened a new magic skill. That skill has fast casting time than Great Magic Spell. The magic damage is also proper for defeating many enemies at once."

Amdarais recommend me with a reassuring smile.

As I feel the Soul's Spirit resonate in my heart, I agree with his suggestion.

I clench my right fist and place it in my chest.

All my mind is sulking into the new magic spell casting.

Slowly, the Blue Aura on my right hand becomes brighter.

It formed the magical blue sphere that contains the Soul's Spirit power.

"Diving the unlimited sky

Reaching the unachievable heaven

Grasping the untouchable stars

Strive, Soul's Comet!"

I'm pointing high to the sky as the magical blue sphere flies quickly into the atmosphere.

The magical blue sphere gleamed its blue aura that shone brightly, making the daylight sky become twilight because of it.

It only took a second for the magical blue sphere to diminish, creating a rain of thousand Soul's Strike.

Once again, the Fortress shook greatly and was destroyed because it getting obliterated by the rain of thousand Souls' Strike.

All Halflings and The Dark Elves hiding in the Fortress went speechless when they looked at the twilight sky.

It became a dreadful tragedy for them after the Soul's comet slammed every part of their body endlessly until their body shattered in pieces.

The seven Dragon that initially screamed its rage toward me changed drastically into an anguished scream.

Those Dragons fall from the twilight sky with their body getting demolished since thousand of Soul's Comets strike them crushingly.

A few minutes passed, the Soul's Comet stopped the rain, and the twilight sky disappeared as the magical blue sphere diminished.

Looking around, the area inside the Fortress becomes a land with the hollow ground.

I can't even see the corpses of the Dark Elves and the Halflings properly since the Soul's Comet crushing them excessively.

The remaining I can see its corpses is the seven dragons with their hollowed body, just like this Fortress condition.

As Amdarais said, the Soul's Comet effectively creates an area of effect magic damage with a short casting time.

The Fortress gate is the only remaining thing that remains intact compared with the Fortress wall and the area inside the Fortress itself.

Thankfully that Fortress Gate is not destroyed because I know Fenris's still in there, I mumbled.

"Hahahahahaha! So this is the Fortress Dungeon who wants to kill us?! The Dragon…! The Dark Elves…! The Halflings…! They're all insane buffoons! Nobody can't defeat us! Nobody can't cast out our rebellion!"

Amdarais laugh like a maniac while draining the Monster's Diamond from the corpses in the Fortress.

I can feel the increasing amount of Diamonds from my Soul's Spirit.

Still, that large amount is not enough to raise my stats this time.

It means I need more Diamonds from stronger Monsters to level up.

"So, are you prepared to be welcomed by the Ice Queen?"

Amdarais embraced my right shoulder with a grinning smile.

I'm exhaling for a while because Amdarais' enthusiasm always makes me wonder about the next threat another Monster would bring us.

Well, whatever that is, the road is already paved.

It's time to roll the road just as I envisioned when coming here.

I stopped for a while and then looked at the Fortress Gate.

It's my worries toward Fenris that make me stop like this.

But as I heard The Knights step closer to the Fortress Gate, I felt relieved.

I hurriedly run into the Ice Palace before they realize my presence.

"Let's go before The Knight sees us."

I said it while running through the inside of Fortress.

"Ready on your back, Daredevil…!"

Amdarais flies behind me with silly whistling.