

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs

Move Forward

Chapter 66 Move Forward


It was a constant Vaeral's screams of pain.

I heard it continuously since the Demon had gone from this tunnel.

Of course, those screaming feel concerning, but I can't look at it since my body is still regenerating for recovery.

"Vaeral tries to remove the Yinleth's Iron Spear."

Amdarais briefly explained what Vaeral does with that screams of agony.

In that case, I should focus on recovering my body since the frostbite of Ice Seal goes wilder since the eye patch on my left eye is forcefully removed.

I slowly stood and leaned at the cracked wall behind me because the pain in my head felt like it almost cleaved my head into two.

The pain in my head feels severe on the left side.

I breathed and exhaled slowly while concentrating on my mind stronger than before for casting a water magic spell.

"There's none to seize

On the airless world

The flow is your path

Stream, O Water Realm!"

As the Water Magic Spell activated, I softly grasped the left side of my face, gradually dampening the frostbite from the Ice Seal.

When the pain is diminished, I look at Vaeral, who barely removes Yinleth's Iron Spear that initially stabbed his left thigh.

It is undoubtedly painful to see with a lot of blood spilled from there.

Even Vaeral had moved fast to stop the bleeding with his regeneration magic; it is depleting his magic endurance and physique stamina.

I walked slowly through the water's surface with severe pain in half of my head and some parts of my body.

If I step too fast without taking a breath properly, I can feel my body become quickly unstable at some point.

If I'm not walking more cautiously, I can fall easily and get sulked in my sea like an idiot.

In a painfully long and slow step, I reached Vaeral, who kept his breath because the injury on his left thigh was nasty.

A few minutes passed in silence between Vaeral and me because we were busy catching our breath to maintain the regeneration magic stable for recovering our injury.

"This is the worse condition. We should go back."

Amdarais said it in a disappointed tone.

"The hell…? We almost reach Princess Raenisa….! Why the hell must we go back?!"

Vaeral shouts half louder than usual because he still bears the pain in his body.

"Look at you become this fragile, pal. If you force yourself to the temple at the top, the Ice Dust will instantly freeze you to death. Why bother?"

"N-no…! That's not as we planned! We must move forward!"

"Are you deaf? The condition is changed because of that Filthy Demon, Vaeral! You should be grateful you're not getting murdered brutally by that bizarre Demon!"

"Despite its risk…. We should move forward, Amdarais! It only a few steps to save Raenisa!"

"You talk so high like you just getting delusional over it, Vaeral! I see you, and Rezvan is dying in front of me! You guys still survived because there's no disturbance left! What the hell are you guys doing when Dark Elves or Halflings Guardian is left in here! They would kill you easily! Stop talking like a drunk, and let's go home!"

Amdarais yelled as he created the Magical Gate for reaching back home.

He doesn't care, Vaeral shouts at him.

In the middle of their commotion, I sulked into contemplation.

Despite this pain in my body, the words of the Demons still remained intact, making me create another train of thought.

Making things interesting and fun?

By what?

By making me and Vaeral walk like a crippled patients?

The Demon even removed my eye patch as if he already understood the imperfect Ice Seal that had been implanted on my head by the Ice Queen.

What The Demon tries implying with all of this?

As I divert my stare on Yinleth's Iron Spear on Vaeral's hand now, I can sense my Soul's Spirit is vibrating its resonation toward it.

The more I grasp the left side of my head, the more I feel the resonation of that Yinleth's Miracle.

Is that what The Demons want?

No, no, no, not yet.

I can't take all of that to a conclusion before deciding my action.

Only after I look up directly at the temple at the top of the mountain.

"Amdarais, wait."

I suddenly intervene in the middle of Vaeral and Amdarais bickering.

"What is it, Rezvan? You also want to go home?"

Amdarais asked me impatiently.

"No, let me and Vaeral go to the top of this tunnel. We want to see the temple where Raenisa is trapped by the Forbidden Ice Magic Spell."

I answered confidently.

"W-what…? Have you guys become insanely stupid? Look at your condition! You almost fall to pieces! Save your life first! Stop acting like you're the knight with his white horse going to save the day for Soliana's sister! It's shameful and dumb!"

"I know. We'll be careful. I want to confirm something with my own eyes and sense by looking it directly at the temple."

"Rezvan…. This is crazy…. We shouldn't do this…!"

"I just want to confirm something at the temple. If something goes wrong or it is unreachable for us to save Raenisa at the moment, then we will go back home with your help. Okay?"

I can feel Amdarais' disagreement, but at some point, he gives me a chance to look at the temple.

I don't care about his mumbling and annoyed face.

As long as I can ensure my heart and mind regarding the Demon's word, then I'll face it.

"Okay… but let me warn you. The Temple of the Forbidden Ice Magic Spell is covered by deadly Ice Dust. You might be heard that from the Halflings previously. That Ice Dust is so dangerous that even the Dark Elves and Halflings are not wasting their lives guarding the temple."

Amdarais forcing to agree with him.

"Thanks, I'll keep my mind on that."

I answered it calmly while helping Vaeral to stand up by holding his shoulder.

"Oh, Lord… thank you, Rezvan. I know you don't want to throw away our struggle in this mission."

Vaeral whispered, forcing his smile because his body was still in pain.

"Yeah, let's see the temple so we can decide what to do on it."

I replied to it calmly.

I look around at the tunnel to find a way toward the top of it.

Thankfully, Vaeral pointed out the ladder on the east edge of the tunnel that could lead us to the top.

"Can we use Venharice's Miracle once again so we can go up straight with the help of Great Water Magic Spell?"

I asked in the middle on my way towards the ladder along with Vaeral.

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience, Rezvan, but it's still difficult for me to help you reach the Venharice's Miracle because of my severe injury and lack of magic endurance. I need additional time for healing. It also would be not a short time since there's a pause for us to call the Venharice's Miracle again."

Vareal explained it with a low voice because he was still feeling pain.

With that limitation, I understand utilizing Venharice's Miracle for releasing Raenisa would be an out of option if we can't hold ourselves longer at the top of the temple.

Then my gaze diverts once again to the Yinleth's Iron Spear.

"How about the iron spear…?"

I asked it in a serious tone.

Vaeral took a long pause to answer my question as he grasped the Yinleth's Iron Spear more firmly than before.

Both me and Vaeral step up the ladder with a long silence.

"Yinleth's Iron Spear Miracle is different than Honour of Conquest Miracles."

Vaeral answered after a long pause and exhale.

"The Iron Spear's Miracle is focused on the offensive attack, and it could protect itself in case the enemy wants to remove the Miracle of the Iron Spear."

He is adding the explanation briefly.

"So, you previously could reach the Miracle of the Iron Spear?"

I asked curiously.

"Yes. I remember Soliana want me to reach Yinleth's Iron Spear Miracle as a requirement for me to marry her. It was challenging but totally worth all effort."

Vaeral smiled sheepishly.

"Whoa… you reached the Miracle of the Iron Spear alone? How much time do you practice on that?"

"Hmmm…. Maybe two to three years, if I'm not mistaken."

"Oh… that's quite long."

"Someone getting interested in reaching Yinleth's Miracle, eh…?"

Amdarais suddenly intervenes.

I don't understand how he scanned my mind like that.

Regardless of my curiosity, the vibration of the Soul's Spirit around the left side of my head still emerges when my mind focuses on Yinleth's Iron Spear.

It might be a sign that I should utilize it if Vaeral and I couldn't use the Honour of Conquest Necklace for some time.

In the middle of my contemplation, the long stairs Vaeral and I had stepped up had reached their end.

There's a hole toward the outside of the mountain Hexta that we know from the map would lead us to the temple approximately one-mile distance.

As Vaeral and I barely get out of the mountain from the last step of the ladder, the cold wind breeze suddenly without warning.

The frostbite on my head feels spreading wildly, almost making me stumbled.

I quickly grasp Yinleth's Iron Spear to hold myself, so I'm not falling.

The cold wind breeze is like a surprise welcome that Vaeral and I know would be activated as long as a stranger reaches this area of the temple.

I'm not giving up yet on this dreadfully bittering cold!