
The sunfish trying to get by

When a time of peace came and the world was finally settled down from all the war and all problem had been dealt with Monster started appearing one day and destroying humanity but after a whole month of being millions are kill and city dedtory the last 100 million people all awaken and were able to fight back against the monster here a boy Zhen comes of age and awaken and start his train but he is very unlucky so he must use his intelligence to hopful get by not to uninjured. Author note I will probably publish a chapter at least every once and a while since I have very little free time same goes to my other story

Tigerhiddeningrass · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

What skill shall I get

As Zhen walks back to the orphanage and enter he is the only one there all the others shall not be back intill later tonight.

Mother say in happy voice "hello dear why are you all alone where is Rai, Wu, Fennu".

Zhen in sad voice replies "I fail the normal admission test and now to get in I have to take a special course to get in now".

Mother in disbelief question what he need to do "like what do you have to do".

Zhen replies "I have to go this island for a whole year after I get to go in the academy".

Mother shocked by this ask if this is really true "for a whole year why do you have to stay for a whole year".

Zhen replies "I don't know but if help me get to into Larcan academy".

Mother with a endearing voice say "Well I hope you pass dear".

As Zhen in his room he get so bored waiting for the other he decided to grab the skill orbs and start absorb the as the 2 he had got from the random skill orb and obtained mana control and he decided to open the other 2 random skill orbs.

Zhen in a hopful voice say "Come on give me something good".

After waiting for a while then absorbing the other one and obtained a close combat skill tai chi and lasty obtained the way of the turtle.

Zhen "what is the way of the turtle I should search it up online".

As Zhen search it up he find out it is a passive skill and allow one to patent and focus and have the ability to with last a life end stirke.

Zhen "that nice alright now let open up this rare skill orb".

Zhen absorbs the orb he feel the power surge into him and feel all this thought and idea into to his mind.

Zhen "so spirit fusion huh seem interesting I should probably look this one up to".

As Zhen search it up he doesn't find much it just say it allows the user and tamed beast to fuse and fight for a little while but he still ecstatic for it and open up the last one heal