

My name is Tyler Ramon and I am 19 years old. This is my story of how I was summoned to another world called Arcadia one day out of the blue to become a hero. The world I'm in right now is different from Earth and their ideals and culture are also different from the one I know. How will my journey progress? What kind of enemies will I face? Join my journey to find out more.

Impulsive_Dreamer · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs

Time To Check My Skills

So now I know about titles, variable and invariable stats. There are still many things that I don't know. Especially about my skills and their limitations and about plausibility.

"Sophie tell me about skills"

[There are 4 types of skills they are - Active Skills, Passive Skills, Class Specific Skills, and Specialisation skills. Skills can be unlocked by training, by doing quests, unlocking classes, unlocking specializations, or by using skill books, and they can also be purchased by using plausibility.

Upgrading/evolving skills is possible by increasing proficiency or by using Plausibility, the plausibility cost increases as per the rank of the skill.

The skills are ranked as follows-


Hmm so I can even purchase skills, that option will come in handy in the future to obtain the necessary skills that cannot be obtained by normal means.

I started to read the violet status panel again to learn more about the skills and the methods of obtaining them. I don't want to miss any important details.

" Sophie, show the skills I currently have"


Passive Skills


[Universal Communication (SSS)]:

Option 1: Understand, read, write, and speak every language in the world of Arcadia.

Option 2: Ability to communicate with all native creatures of Arcadia including animals, birds, insects, fishes, etc.

Option 3: Ability to communicate with monsters, demons, and demon beasts.

Option 4: Understand, read, write, and speak the runic language in the world of Arcadia

Option 5: Ability to communicate with higher beings like gods and goddesses.

[Prodigy (SSS)]:

Option 1: Gain the ability of photographic memory

Option 2: It becomes easier to learn new things.

Option 3: Acquire new skills faster.

Option 4: The rate of increase in proficiency of skills and spells is three times the normal speed.

Option 5: Breaking limits gets easier, and faster also the success rate of exceeding limits gets higher.


Active Skills


[Infinite Inventory (SSS)]- Provide infinite storage space, but can only store non-living things. Mental power stat is used to activate this skill.

[Eyes Of Observation (SSS)]- Can see the status windows of others including monsters to see the information and the stats and can do an appraisal on items. Mental power stat is used to activate this skill.


After reading the skills I have the realization dawned on me how broken the three skills are all of the three skills are (SSS) rank which is the highest rank for the skills. I also understood that I must invest some stats points in mental power as it is used to access the skills [Infinite Inventory] and [Eyes Of Observation]

" Now tell me about plausibility "

[Plausibility is the currency that is used to unlock various classes, to purchase and evolve/upgrade skills, the main way to earn plausibility is to kill monsters, to do quests and other methods will be explored in the future. Plausibility exists to maintain balance for one to get stronger he has/she to remove other strong beings.]

My Q&A session with Sophie is about to come to an end. But now I have more questions to ask before I need to digest the information I have right now.

Now I know about stats, skills, titles, and plausibility. Getting information about the time period of the resurrection of the demon lord and the first and second hero was a bonus.

Soon we are entering the plotline. : )

Impulsive_Dreamercreators' thoughts